Moving Image Fund
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Exploring the landscape and stories within the community of Krabi, Thailand, the film captures the town in this specific moment where the pre-historic, the recent past and the contemporary world collide. Learn more about the process from our updated guidelines , details on how to apply , and frequently asked questions.

Weight Control

The FSC-LEF Fellowship, open to Boston-area nonfiction filmmakers who are not currently affiliated with Harvard, aims to foster connections between Harvard filmmakers and those in the surrounding filmmaker community. See the full announcement here.

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Please read our eligibility guidelines here. Learn more on the Core Application website.

Through the LEF Moving Image Fund , the New England office supports the creation of new work by documentary filmmakers living in the region, engaging an open application process. You lose it first in your face and neck, and the last place it comes off is the abdomen and the love handles and the waist You have to persist, knowing that this is the pattern that we lose fat.

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It will go away, just a little bit more slowly. Straight forward-and-back moves like situps and crunches will train the abs and by abs, he means your six-pack muscles, the rectus abdominis. But as Cavaliere points out, working your obliques through rotational exercises will help to create the definition that you're looking for once your body fat starts to go down. Exercises like bicycle crunches and Russian twists might lead you to believe you're training your obliques, but the standard versions of these moves don't actually involve sufficient rotation of the body to activate the obliques.

When performing a bicycle crunch, Cavaliere recommends slowing down and twisting the entire body on each rep so that your elbow reaches the opposite knee, rather than letting the arm do the work.

A Top Trainer Shared 5 Fat-Burning Tips for Losing Your Love Handles

This exercise, performed with a bar, pole or broomstick behind your shoulders, fixes your body in place and forces you to rotate. Every repetition should be focused on quality, not the quantity. United States. Type keyword s to search.

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