9. Running (moderate pace)

It's all a cycle.

Best exercises to burn fat: The top 5 for maximum burn

Try it: Here are 4 fat-burning stationary bike workouts that you might like. If you're more of a treadmill person, this minute treadmill interval workout will kick your butt in the best way. And if you want to skip the equipment altogether, this minute lower body bodyweight interval workout is a good place to start. Consider weight training "the mother of all weight-loss techniques, the highest in the workout food chain, the top of the totem pole," says Rilinger. Resistance training, whether it's with your bodyweight alone or with added weights, is an effective method to help build muscle and burn fat.

Lifting weights has been shown to increase your resting metabolic rate, which means your body burns more calories even when you're not working out. The effect isn't enormous , but building muscle means more muscle mass to churn through calories as you go about your day. Plus, more muscle means you can go harder next time, increasing your weight, and getting even more out of each workout. Plus, if you're lifting at a high intensity, you get the added bonus of the " afterburn effect ," which is when you've put down the weights but your body is still using up extra energy. Rilinger suggests adding weight training to your routine at least three times a week.

And since your body adjusts to workouts after being exposed to the same moves at the same intensity, becoming less effective over time, she says to mix it up about every three weeks to keep your body guessing. Try it: First, if you've never done it before, be sure to read these strength training tips for beginners before you get started. And check out this primer on how to choose the right weights for your workout.

Now here's a quick minute total-body dumbbell workout and another minute living room dumbbell workout to get you started. Here's a minute strength workout for when you have a bit more time. Here's some info about how to superset at the gym. And if you're going to use kettlebells and barbells in your strength workout routine, be sure to work with a personal trainer to make sure you're using proper form.

You've got this! For a workout that's going to keep your metabolism elevated, turn to boot camp, as these classes think Barry's Bootcamp combine two of the most effective styles of training: interval and resistance. But if it's your first time going to a boot camp class , speak up. He says a good instructor will help you determine when you need to crank up the weight or intensity tip: if you can cruise through 10 reps without any trouble, it's too easy , keep your form on par, and can always provide a modification for any move that might be too tough or irritates an injury.

If you can't make it to a studio, though, you can virtually sweat it out with Rosante in his minute C9 Challenge , or try this bodyweight-only minute routine. But it also makes you feel freaking badass. Here's the trick to remember: It's a common mistake for beginners to punch using only their arm strength, but the majority of your power is going to come from your core and you'll use muscles that are typically ignored in other workouts hey there, obliques. It's best to log this type of workout in a class, as Rosante says it's crucial for beginners to learn proper form from an instructor who can help keep your intensity level high.

Here are 18 boxing gyms worth visiting.

But if you want to brush up on your skills at home, try this beginner-friendly video from Milan Costich, founder of Prevail boxing gym in Los Angeles. All you need is a pair of sneakers before you head out the door. But if weight loss is the name of your game, the lackadaisical head-out-for-a-light-jog style of running isn't the way to go. Instead, find a hill you can sprint up, or crank the incline on that treadmill. As noted earlier, the more energy you're using, the brighter that calorie-burning fire burns.

But proper form here is key.

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If you're training indoors, here are a few fat-burning treadmill routines to get you started. Try it: You can do these 4 fat-burning workouts on a treadmill. Or you can take them outside if you'd like—for incline work, just fine a good hill. There's a reason CrossFit has become such a booming part of the workout industry—it works, so long as you don't overdo it.

Workouts are varied—you may be doing anything from kettlebell swings to rope climbs and box jumps to front squats—and the routines are designed to be short and intense. Next time around, beat it. Hold the bar with an overhand grip. Retract your shoulder blades to engage the muscles in your upper back. Brace your core and pull up until your chin is over the bar. Lower under control. Jump to the top position, then lower slowly. Lower into a quarter squat, then explode up to jump and land on the box.

10 of the Best Workouts for Weight Loss

Bend your legs to cushion your landing. Stand up, then step back down. Squat down, keeping your chest up, back straight and the weight on your heels. Drive up powerfully and press the weight overhead. Drive your hips forward to start the swing. As you lower, hinge at the hips by pushing your glutes back.

When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, drive your hips forward powerfully. Drop to a crouch. Jump your feet back into a press-up position.

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Jump your feet forwards again, drive up and jump. Pro tip: Breathe in on the way down and out as you jump back up. A kettlebell offers phenomenal fat-burning options that will get your muscles moving the way they were meant to — as one, for real-world functional strength. This circuit will help you move better and look great too. This circuit starts with three multi-joint compound lifts to work your major muscle groups, especially your legs, glutes and core, and get your heart rate sky-high. Then come two unilateral single-arm moves to increase the workload on your shoulders, chest and arms with the aim of building lean muscle mass.

The most fat burning exercises you can do:

The result? A bigger, stronger and leaner you. Do the five moves in order, sticking to the reps detailed. At the end of the circuit rest for 90sec, then repeat for a total of four circuits. For balanced gains, use your left arm to do the unilateral moves in circuits 1 and 3, and your right arm in circuits 2 and 4. Drive your hips forwards to push the kettlebell off your body to start the swing. As you lower the bell, hinge at the hips by pushing your glutes back. When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, drive your hips forward, allowing the kettlebell to rise to head height.

Using both hands, hold the kettlebell by its handle in front of your chest, keeping your elbows tucked in close to your body. Keep your chest up as you lower into a squat, keeping your knees wide. Drive up to stand. Hold the bell by its handle close to your chest and take a big stride forwards into a lunge. Reverse the move to the start. Alternate legs. Now drive up and punch the bell overhead. Complete all the reps with one arm, then swap sides in the next circuit. After the last clean and press, continue into the one-arm swing, driving your hips forwards to generate the momentum to raise the bell to eye level.

Again, do all the reps with one arm then swap sides for the next circuit. Sign up for our daily newsletter Newsletter. Arch your spine up, then bow it down. Keep alternating between the two. How to do the workout Do the six barbell exercises in order, sticking to the reps indicated. See related.

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Read more about: Weight loss. Then, drive your left knee toward your chest and bring it back.

FAT BURNING workouts for beginners: What I did in the GYM to lose 120 pounds NATURALLY

Continue to alternate sides. The Turkish-getup is a year-old total-body exercise that involves using a kettlebell, and it's a favorite of celebrity trainer Ramona Braganza. While it is slightly complicated, she says that the total-body conditioning move is seriously effective for blasting belly fat.