How to eat to burn fat

Pop some of the blue guys into your next smoothie and boost the fat-burning potential: blueberries are a potent source of resveratrol, an antioxidant which an International Journal of Obesity study showed could convert excess harmful white fat in mice into calorie-burning beige fat, which correlated with a 40 percent decreased risk for obesity.

And when it comes to the sugar content in fruit , berries rank favorably on the list but are still a powerful way to curb cravings for sweets. Sunny side up, scrambled, hard-boiled, or fried—it doesn't matter. A pan, spatula, and carton of eggs are all you need to fry some serious flab. Eggs are one of the best sources of choline, a major fat-burning nutrient that helps turn off the genes responsible for belly-fat storage.

Bonus: eggs are a great source of lean protein, which can set the fat-burning pace for your entire day when eaten for breakfast. In a study of 21 men published in the journal Nutrition Research , half were fed a breakfast of bagels while half ate eggs. The egg group were observed to have a lower response to ghrelin, were less hungry three hours later and consumed fewer calories for the next 24 hours!

The Start of My Journey

Research suggests these magical pulses are one of the closest things we have to a fat-burning pill. For starters, beans are a great source of resistant starch, a type of slow-digesting, insoluble fiber that feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut, triggering the production of the chemical butyrate, which encourages the body to burn fat as fuel and reduces fat-causing inflammation. They're also one of the top sources of soluble fiber. A recent study by Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center researchers found that for every additional 10 grams of soluble fiber eaten per day, a study subject's belly fat was reduced by 3.

Black beans? One cup boasts an impressive 4. You say tomato, I say 9-oxo-ODA. That's the name of a compound found in the brilliant red fruits that Japanese researchers recently discovered can effectively activate your DNA to burn more fat. Tomatoes are also brimming in beta-carotene and lycopene, two potent antioxidants that mop up harmful compounds that promote fat storage.

Turning Your Body Into a Fat-Burning Machine

And at only 5 calories apiece, grab a few sun-dried tomatoes! Cooked tomatoes contain more bioavailable lycopene than raw tomatoes, according to Cornell University researchers. Each slice of grapefruit you add to your salad acts like a match to spark your body's fat-burning ability. A study published in the journal Metabolism found that those who ate grapefruit for six weeks lost a full inch off their waistlines.

What's behind the belt-tightening effect? The fruit is rich in phytochemicals, bioactive compounds that recent research shows stimulate the production of a hormone called adiponectin, which is involved in the breakdown of body fat. Japanese research suggests the smell of the juicy fruit can "turn on" calorie-burning brown fat cells, promoting the breakdown of body fat while reducing appetite.

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This ancient grain will make that flat tire around your waist history! Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning that it contains the complete chain of amino acids that are necessary for muscle building and fat loss. In a study in the Journal of Diabetes Investigation , researchers discovered that patients who ingested higher amounts of vegetable protein were far less susceptible to metabolic syndrome a combination of high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and obesity.

Why is that important? A longtime enemy of doctors and dieters, pork has been coming around as a healthier alternative of late—as long as you choose the right cut. Your best bet is pork tenderloin. A three-ounce serving of pork tenderloin has slightly less fat than a skinless chicken breast; It has 24 grams of protein per serving and 83 milligrams of choline.

44 Ways to Lose Noticeable Inches of Belly Fat

In a study published in the journal Nutrients , scientists asked overweight people to eat a diet rich in fresh lean pork. After three months, the group saw a significant reduction in waist size, BMI and belly fat, with no reduction in muscle mass! They speculate that the amino acid profile of pork protein may contribute to greater fat burning. It's a dietary miracle: A fat that makes you skinny. Dietary supplementation of coconut oil actually reduced abdominal obesity in a study published in the journal Lipids.

Of the participants, half were given two tablespoons of coconut oil daily and the other half were given soybean oil, and although both groups experienced overall weight loss, only the coconut oil group saw smaller waistlines. And other researchers have also pointed to the waist-whittling effects of the tropical oil. In a separate study of 30 men, those who ate 2 tablespoons of coconut oil a day shrank their waists by an average of 1. Thank C. And eating just 1. For added effect, eat almonds before working out: The amino acid L-arginine can help you burn more fat while building muscle.

It literally jumpstarts the process of developing muscle mass—and red meats are one of the best sources around. Go grass-fed to get the added benefits of omega-3s and conjugated linoleic acids—these two fatty acids help to decrease the inflammation in your body that causes fat storage. Apple cider vinegar , in particular, is composed mostly of acetic acid, which has been shown to delay gastric emptying and slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream.

Research published in the journal Bioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry found that a small pool of study participants given ACV over a week period lost more weight, body fat and inches from their middle than participants that were given a placebo.

Cayenne Pepper

How does it work? Besides maintaining stable blood sugar levels, ACV produces proteins inside the body that burn fat. Don't pass up on this cheap trick. That's an essential element of weight and fat loss," she explains. Water is necessary to keep your metabolism functioning optimally.

How to Reset Your Body to Burn Fat

For even more of a kick, add a lemon to your glass. D-limonene, an antioxidant in lemon peel, has been shown to have a therapeutic effect on metabolic disorders in mice with high-fat-diet-induced obesity. Not all white foods are bad for weight-loss. In fact, plain boiled potatoes are the most filling food there is, according to the Satiety Index of Common Foods, an Australian study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. To maximize their flat-belly benefits, throw 'em in the refrigerator and make a potato salad.

The cooling process will crystallize the tubers into resistant starch, which takes longer to break down in your intestine, producing fat-burning butyrate and delaying hunger pangs. Resolve to do more prying. Join millions of mums and take control of your body and life. There is nothing better than a grazing platter at a Christmas party. All that gooey cheese, cured meats, the creamy dips!

That is of… Read more. Healthy Mummy, Amy, has always rewarded herself when she reached each 5 kilos weight loss milestone. When she reached 40 kilos she decided it was… Read more. Previous article. Next article.

Take Part. You might also be interested in See all. Determined to live a healthier life, this mum has overhauled her lifestyle and lost 18 kilos in less than 5 months! If reducing calorie intake makes you feel hungry all the time — increase fiber intake at least 25 grams a day and drink lots of water. Did you know that metabolism slows down when you maintain a calorie deficit for a long period? Refeeding is simply increasing calorie intake for a short duration, preferably days. During the refeed period you should eat maintenance calories and continue to eat healthy foods.

Refeeding has also been proven to reduce water retention. In the Minnesota starvation experiment , researchers found that participants lost weight overnight every time they increased calorie intake. The abrupt weight loss was caused by loss of water weight. Nutrients keep the hormones balanced and boost metabolism. Omega 3s, iron, zinc, nitric oxide, vitamin B12, C, and E, and folate are essential for balanced hormones and fast metabolism.

Eating plant-based foods and supplements will give you all key nutrients. Research shows that capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers, boosts metabolism and suppresses appetite. According to this study , a nutrient called EGCG, which is found in green tea, can increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Another study found that drinking green tea can boost fat burning by up to 17 percent. And most of the fat burning will occur around the abdominal area.

Here are benefits of drinking green tea before bed. Feeling tired all the time, weakness, weight gain, hair loss, and muscle cramps are signs you have hypothyroidism.