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Through nutritional counseling and recommendations for exercise, we can set achievable goals that will help you gradually lose weight in a safe and sustainable way. Our aim is to create new habits that will serve you well for a lifetime. To learn more about our medically supervised weight loss programs and HRT, call us at , or use the online scheduling tool to set up a consultation.

Family planning helps you take control of when you have a baby, so you can build the family of your dreams on your own schedule. Here are 7 common reasons that could explain your difficulty.

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You realize that your extra weight is taking extra years off your life. You want to shed the pounds and reclaim those years. Where do you start? The cavalier attitude you had toward the sun in your youth has left you looking as weathered as a Texan cowboy. Can you just erase your past mistakes?

You wonder if you might be infertile. Then you wonder how that could happen. Is there anything you can do to improve your chances of conception? Now accepting Telehealth appointments. You will need to add oestrogen as either a tablet, gel or patch. You can begin hormone replacement therapy HRT as soon as you start experiencing menopausal symptoms.

There is no way of predicting exactly when the menopause will happen. This is known as the peri-menopause. You should have regular smear tests for cervical cancer.

HRT Reduced Body Fat in Menopausal Women

Both hormones used in hormone replacement therapy HRT , oestrogen and progestogen, have side effects. Many women believe taking HRT will make them put on weight, but there is no evidence to support this claim.

You may gain some weight during the menopause , but this often happens regardless of whether you take HRT or not. Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet should enable you to lose any unwanted weight. When deciding whether to have hormone replacement therapy HRT , it is important to understand the risks and put them into perspective. As a result, many women have been reluctant to use HRT. However, it could be argued that the data within the studies was misleading. It is very important you take progestogen as directed, because only taking oestrogen will significantly increase your risk of developing womb cancer.

If you are unable to or decide not to undertake hormone replacement therapy HRT , alternative approaches and treatments are available that may help control your menopausal symptoms. Making changes to your lifestyle may help ease your menopausal symptoms. For example, you should:. Although antidepressant medications aren't licensed for treating hot flushes, there are several that may be effective, including:. Potential side effects of these antidepressants include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, anxiety and sleeping problems.


Clonidine can cause unpleasant side effects, including dry mouth, drowsiness, depression, constipation and fluid retention. If your symptoms don't improve during this time, or if you experience any side effects, the treatment should be stopped and you should go back to your GP. These products are often marketed as "natural", but this does not necessarily mean they are safe to use. Introduction Hormone replacement therapy HRT is a treatment used to relieve symptoms of the menopause.

Oestrogen Oestrogen helps to release eggs from the ovaries.

  1. lose weight before prom.
  2. Menopause weight gain: why it happens and what you can do about it.
  3. Lose Weight This Year with the Help of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
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How systemic HRT is taken Tablets, patches or implants are only needed if you have menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, and have weighed up the benefits and risks of treatment. Local oestrogens can be in the form of: pessaries placed directly into the vagina a vaginal ring vaginal creams When to stop taking HRT Most women are able to stop taking HRT after their menopausal symptoms finish, which is usually two to five years after they start.

Who can use HRT? Benefits and risks Over the years, many studies examining the benefits and risks of HRT have been carried out.

Menopause weight gain: why it happens

Accessing medicines self-help guide Visit our self-help guide on accessing medicines if you have difficulty getting the medicines you need. Contraception, pregnancy and HRT Oestrogen used in HRT is different from oestrogen used in the contraceptive pill , and is not as powerful. Who can use it You can begin hormone replacement therapy HRT as soon as you start experiencing menopausal symptoms. Side effects Both hormones used in hormone replacement therapy HRT , oestrogen and progestogen, have side effects. Understanding the risks When deciding whether to have hormone replacement therapy HRT , it is important to understand the risks and put them into perspective.

The longer you take HRT, the more your breast cancer risk increases. The longer HRT is taken, the more the risk increases. However: When HRT is stopped, risk returns to normal over the course of a few years. Combined HRT does not increase the risk of womb cancer. Alternatives If you are unable to or decide not to undertake hormone replacement therapy HRT , alternative approaches and treatments are available that may help control your menopausal symptoms. Lifestyle changes Making changes to your lifestyle may help ease your menopausal symptoms.

Stay cool at night — wearing loose clothes and sleeping in a cool, well-ventilated room may help relieve hot flushes and night sweats. Read more about treating sleep problems. Cut down on caffeine, alcohol and spicy food — as they have all been known to trigger hot flushes. Try to reduce your stress levels — to improve mood swings, make sure you get plenty of rest, as well as getting regular exercise. Antidepressants Although antidepressant medications aren't licensed for treating hot flushes, there are several that may be effective, including: venlafaxine hydrochloride citalopram Potential side effects of these antidepressants include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, anxiety and sleeping problems.

Lose Weight This Year with the Help of Hormone Replacement Therapy | BioAge Health

Any side effects will usually improve over time, but you should visit your GP if they don't. Ask your GP or pharmacist for advice if you're thinking about using a complementary therapy. Share Tweet Print. Source: NHS Last updated:.