The 17 best health and fitness apps for Apple Watch

However, these effective exercises target multiple abdominal muscles, so you'll strengthen your entire midsection—including your lower abs—with every rep. We've included "mind your muscle" tips with every exercise to help you maximize your results. Or pick a few of your favorite moves and add them into your regular routine. How to do it: Lie faceup with knees and hips bent 90 degrees, feet flexed. Extend arms and press both palms on top of thighs. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, brace abs in tight, pressing lower back against the floor as you push thighs into hands, pushing back against them note: your legs should not move.

Hold for 1 count and then release. Do up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions in a row. Make it harder: As you exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the floor as you press thighs and palms together. Lower upper body back down to the floor as you inhale. This Pilates-inspired move uses the same pressing action as the static press to deepen the engagement of your abdominals. The weight of your extended leg makes it more challenging.

How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

How to do it: Lie on back and bend both knees into your chest, feet flexed. Interlace fingers on top of right thigh and extend left leg out parallel to the floor. Lift head and shoulders off the floor, curling up over the top of ribcage and looking at legs. Switch legs and press palms against the left thigh as right leg extends parallel to the floor. That's 1 rep. Make it harder: Keep both legs straight, pressing against the top of thigh as one leg pulls in, and then perform a scissoring action to switch sides. Mind your muscle tip: As you push against your thigh, imagine you are pulling your leg into your chest with your abs.

Focus on feeling the extra resistance in the abs, not your thighs or hip flexors. How to do it: Sit with knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Lean back to prop upper body up on elbows your back should remain lifted , palms facing down. Brace abs in tight and lift legs into a degree angle knees should be touching , toes pointed. Slowly bring legs over to the left both hips should remain on the ground.

Do 20 reps total, alternating sides each time. Make it harder: The longer the lever, the harder this gets, so if you want more of a challenge, try extending your legs out farther even straightening them completely. Mind your muscle tip: Use your breathing to help deepen the abs work: Inhale as you sweep your legs over to one side and down, and then as you come up to the other side, exhale and visualize your belly button pressing all the way back to your spine.

This is another move that's much harder than it looks. You'll engage your abs and just about every other muscle in your body! Got it? Next, go for the L-sit. The bad news is that belly fat is metabolically active, and excels at pumping out various inflammatory substances that interfere with hormones that control appetite, mood and brain function.

Health and Wellness

It can also impact your cortisol level , potentially sending your stress levels through the roof. The good news is that it's easy to get rid off, providing you know what you are doing. And a lot of it comes down to the type of exercises. However, they probably aren't the exercises you think.

Let's start with the ones you shouldn't do, but everyone does or has done. Abdominal exercises. Simply put, bashing out endless reps of sit-ups won't have any real impact on your belly fat, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning. Of course, these kind of exercises will help strengthen your abdominal muscles , even tone them, but they won't shift the layer of fat above them.

There is a belief, among some, that you are able to target a specific body part for weight loss, a process known as 'spot reduction'. Unfortunately, the majority of studies cast doubt of the validity of this process. So let's make it clear: in order to reduce belly fat you'll have to reduce the body fat percentage of your whole body.

Unfortunately, and we're sorry to be the bearer of bad news, you have no real control over where you'll lose the fat first. But that's not to say that the exercises below — a combination of full-body movements that demand a bucket load of effort — won't almost immediately start to bring your body fat down and, in time, shave flab from around your stomach. What's more, when they do finally make an appearance, they'll look strong and chiselled.

Start with the following 5 fat burning exercises to hammer the dozens of muscles between your shoulders and hips and get better metabolism at the same time. If you want to lose your gut , you need to work as many muscles as possible. The burpee does just that. The explosive exercise — which entails going from a push-up position to a jump and back to a push-up position — hits every muscle from head to toe.

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In fact, a study from the American College of Sports Medicine found that 10 fast-paced reps are just as effective at revving your metabolism as a second all-out sprint, so you can burn your belly fat faster than ever before. That's 1 rep.

Think of the mountain climber as a moving plank. You perform a mini crunch when you explosively draw one knee into your chest. From scrolling through social media to having a late-night coffee, there are plenty of ways we unknowingly keep ourselves awake at night. Aside from feeling tired and groggy the next day, not getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night can affect weight loss, explains Dr Luke.

We all have two hormones that affect our appetite: ghrelin and leptin. Try going to bed a little earlier than usual to avoid this imbalance and remember to remove any distractions that might prevent you from nodding off," he continues. Listene up here. Tru HIIT training high intensity interval training - he says it's "a great way to burn fat and get your heart rate up", with squats, burpees and treadmill sprints all being examples of moves to try.

She also points out that compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, overhead press and pull-ups are all effective at activating and working your core. Her final two cents on it? He also explains that while whole fruits and vegetables are undoubtedly good for you, they can also sometimes cause weight gain if you eat too much, as they have high levels of natural sugars in them. Plus, cutting back on the amount of simple carbohydrates you eat, like pasta and bread, and substituting for healthier alternatives, like courgetti, could help with weight loss. However, Emily has a slightly different take on this one.

If Lower-Belly Fat Is Your Trouble Spot, Then Try This Ab-Focused Workout

She explains that, while Dr Luke isn't wrong in saying that, nutritionally speaking, the above foods aren't as nutritionally-dense, they won't ultimately affect weight loss if you're still maintaining a calorie deficit. Protein is great for fat loss, according to Dr Luke. Remember, though: do opt for the lean sources of protein where possible, as some can be deceptively high in saturated fat, he advises.

Toned \u0026 Slim Thighs in 7 DAYS -10 Min Beginner Leg Workout, No Jump (Eng Sub)

Need some inspiration for low carb, high protein meals? Look no further. Feeling stressed can wreak havoc on your body, according to Dr Luke. When our cortisol levels are high for a long amount of time, it can increase the amount of fat you hold in your belly," explains Dr Luke. So, what does Clarissa think? She agrees, adding that by calming your stress levels , you are much less likely to crave energy dense foods. If your answer is the latter, try a non-food related habit, instead. Why not go for a walk, call a friend or make a cup of tea? Stick with it for at least eight weeks and you should notice a change.

Emily agrees, further emphasising that progress takes time.

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