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Other foods that often cause a stink are beans and dried fruits.

6 Things Your Farts Can Tell You About Your Health

Unfortunately, there's no room for debate here: Farting does not burn any measurable calories. This is because calorie burn is caused by muscle activation, and farting happens when muscles in the anus relax, she adds.

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Even when you bear down to push some gas out, no calorie are burned. Another thing to pay attention to: If you feel like you're farting more than usual—or if your farting is accompanied by more frequent bowel movements, unexpected weight loss, or even blood in your stool—you should get that checked out by a doctor right away, since it could signal a bigger problem. By Claire Gillespie November 06, Save Pin FB ellipsis More.

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But as far as farting your way to more burned calories goes, you're out of luck. Close Share options. No prizes for guessing what made me think about it. No problem with that.

Surely that will only be the case if you actually decrease your volume as well when you fart. And do you?

Does Farting Burn Calories? Health Benefits And Risks Of Passing Gas

Does the momentary release in bloating actually change your external volume? Because if you don't decrease your volume when you fart, you will have lost the actual weight of the methane, but you may not have changed your volume, so you will still be displacing the same amount of air. Let's not complicate matters by assuming that, when farting, you don't breathe. Not a bad assumption, really! Great programme, by the way. Best Answer.

Shouldn't the question be 'Do you really gain weight when you fart? There's also the issue of buoyancy to consider, for we generally measure our 'weight' in the Earth's atmosphere, so the reason we might gain weight by farting is because we become less buoyant in air after losing the methane. If we were to measure our weight after farting in a vacuum then we would lose weight because the buoyancy issue doesn't apply. And its claws are as big as cups, and for some reason it's got a tremendous fear of stamps! And Mrs Doyle was telling me it's got magnets on its tail, so if you're made out of metal it can attach itself to you!

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And instead of a mouth it's got four arses! Geezer Naked Science Forum King! Ah - I think I may have misinterpreted what you were getting at. If you take a known 1kg of feathers and a known 1kg of lead then yes, the two will have different weights in STP assuming that you haven't compressed the feathers into the same volume as the lead, of course. I was going on about establishing their masses via weighing, and not assuming that the masses were already known, which is why I then went off about finding their masses via acceleration.

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I did raise the buoyancy issue in my first response though. I suppose the customer is getting a slight advantage though, so we might not want to make a big deal out of it. OK, its a 'toilet' question and I have refrained from poking my nose in for obvious reasons.