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Reason behind gaining weight is to eat such type of fast food which have a lot of cholesterol inside.

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If you want to really reduce weight, you will have to avoid such type of fast foods and follow a diet plan to lose weight that have a minimum quantity of cholesterol. How to lose weight fast. Subscribe to get exclusive freebies, learn about sales, and be the first to learn about new content. Losing Weight While Teaching. Labels: diet , exercise , stress management.

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  7. But this was far from the truth. Most people live their lives in a cause and effect scenario. When I was 26, a college teammate and ex-professional football player friend of mine passed away from a sudden massive heart attack. He was 27 years old and looked like Superman from the outside. In the autopsy, it was found that he had high cholesterol that went undetected.

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    This ultimately lead to him dying within hours after a run on a treadmill. This concept shook me. How could someone so fit and athletic pass away from high cholesterol? I immediately changed my habits and took a deeper consider my overall health.

    Juggling Family and Fitness: Live Life on Your Terms

    Yes, we wanted to be able to compete in Crossfit and Olympic weightlfting competitions for fun, but we wanted to make sure our bodies were as clean as possible. We started to pay attention to labels, we dissected a menu when we would go out to eat. We started shopping a farmer's markets and asking better questions of the vendors there. We stayed away from processed foods, gluten, sugar, and anything else we thought would hinder our health.

    What my wife Katie and I do to stay fit may be unorthodox to some, but it has become highly effective for us. We are not your freakish am workout people. We enjoy food just as much as the next person. We are not personal trainers or gym junkies. We are now professionals who have careers outside the scope of fitness. My wife is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and I am a financial consultant and business owner.

    To us, Sunday is not only a day of rest and spirituality, but it is a day of planning. One of the biggest steps we take in controlling our life is controlling our calendar. We plan our week every Sunday—from meals, pickups and drop offs, to workout times, and even a date night every Friday. One of the greatest gifts sports gave us is to create a schedule then stick to it.

    We recently bought a dry erase calendar board and posted it on our refrigerator. What Katie and I know is that we must stick to our calendar to get optimum results. Katie packs in about 60 minutes of a very intense workout.

    Using this discipline can be rigorous. Prior to having our son, we would take our sweet time in the gym and be there for three hours doing whatever. Our intensity wasn't as high, which means we would focus more on building muscle over maintaining health.

    Is Weight Control A Juggling Act? | Doctor Bob Posner

    Now we know we have to get in as much as we can so it has forced us to focus on what is most important—overall health versus aesthetics and performance. Our intensity is higher during our workouts, which adds another element that I'll add to in our next article. Once she is finished, I'll do the same workout from am as she watches our young son. Then, we are off to do our Sunday shopping from at the local farmer's market and Trader Joe's.

    We eat all organic, non-GMO vegetables and fruit. We also get our grass-fed meat, eggs, and poultry from the farmer's market, as well. Trader Joe's gets us the other essentials we can't find at the market, things such as gluten free breads, almond milk, sparkling water, etc.

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    By organizing beforehand, we are fully in control of our week. As opposed to being reactive to what happens to us, we are active. This is a huge deal for most people because they get caught up in their busy lives and forget about themselves. We have been there.