How to choose your cardio workout.

Other forms of plyometrics include exercises like:. If jumping rope sounds like a fun way to incorporate cardio into your routine, check out this 15 minute jump rope and bodyweight workout to try at home or the gym. HIIT is a type of workout where you give maximum effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise followed by short recovery periods.

HIIT workouts train and condition both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. This kind of exercise gets your heart rate up and improves your cardiovascular fitness level while burning more fat and calories in less time. This training can be done with running, swimming, cycling, elliptical machines and even weights.

Train Smart: This Is the Best Cardio for Weight Loss & Fat Loss

Most programs will have you push hard for between seconds, with a short second rest in between. Remember when you were a kid and riding your bike was the best part of the day? Cycling is a low-impact exercise which increases your heart health, strengthens your leg muscles and burns some serious calories.

Outdoor cycling also fills your need for fresh air and vitamin D. But not everyone feels comfortable biking outside or has the financial means to purchase a brand new bike. According to The American Council of Sports Medicine, an average person burns between calories in a minute class. Rowing is a full body exercise that works the biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, glutes, quads, and hamstrings. In addition to all this strength training, keep in mind that the cardio benefits of rowing are intense!

According to Harvard Health Studies , rowing burns between calories in a minute session. Give some of these cardio workouts a try to lose fat, keep your heart healthy, and speed up your weight loss.

Is all cardio the same?

I know about regular exercises, but cardio exercises are something new to me and valuable to practice. Thanks for sharing such thought provoking article. Chukkey on October 12, at PM Reply. Such a Great Content.

But cycle and Running Stairs is best for Weight Loss. Chukkey on July 4, at AM Reply. Awesome Post!! Really we can make wonders with these exercises. These workouts are helpful for weight loss. Love this post. Bubjy on July 2, at AM Reply. So, fuel up first. Try this protein-packed breakfast egg muffins recipe to up the gains.

  1. 10 Best Types of Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss!
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Keen to know how to make every second of your cardio to burn fat count? We called in personal trainer Matt Roberts to share his words of wisdom.

Which Cardio Workouts Are Best for Losing Weight - Aaptiv

Be sure to warm up and cool down for a few minutes every time you work out. Another good fat loss option is to do an exercise such as a kettlebell swing for a set number of repetitions every minute, on the minute EMOM. Start the next set at the top of the following minute and repeat for rounds. This type of training is great for managing stress from everyday life , aiding recovery and improving aerobic fitness which will determine your performance in the other types of sessions described above , all of which play a huge role in managing and reducing body fat. If you're looking for a way to squeeze your workout in at home and you're short on time, this routine will get your familiar with alternating lunges to your donkey kicks in no time.

This workout is suitable for even the most green beginner, will raise your heart rate and have you working hard. Triple-header win, we say. Get around it! In this routine there are bicep curls, dumbbells used for tricep extensions and kettlebell swings. It's advised, if you're a beginner, start with three to four rounds of sprints and eventually work your way up to the full eight.

Type keyword s to search. The aim of this article is to determine the best forms of aerobic exercise for fat burning, while explaining the reasons why these methods are effective. So, aerobic activity done at a moderate intensity percent of Maximal Heart Rate [MHR], or within the mythological fat burning zone appears to burn more actual fat, but does it help with greater fat losses over the longer term? Some researchers suggest not. Max Heart Rate is easily calculated by subtracting your age from As long as the exercise is performed within the aerobic zone using oxygen , and does not become anaerobic in nature instead drawing from carbohydrates for fuel , the higher the intensity the better.

With higher intensity aerobics, the body ultimately burns a smaller percentage of fat calories from a much larger number of total calories, so in the end more fat calories will be used. This is not to say that low-intensity aerobics are worthless. As explained later, they do have their place. However, if one is to burn the largest degree of body fat in the shortest amount of time, higher intensity aerobics seem to be the superior method.

Let us turn now to the benefits of high intensity versus low intensity aerobics. All forms of aerobic training will provide many similar benefits, while high intensity and low intensity methods although both within the so-called fat burning aerobic zone have benefits specific to their respective functions.

10 Extremely Effective Fat-Burning Cardio Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

To determine the exact intensity needed to benefit from a specific aerobic method, first it is important to determine lower and higher end target heart rates THR. Use the calculator above to determine these numbers or just subtract your age from , then multiply the result by. The keys to choosing a good aerobic activity include finding one that is enjoyable and effective to ensure it is used consistently to good effect.

It is thought that the lower the intensity of an activity, the smaller the number of calories burned per unit of time it is also thought that 15 minutes of cycling will burn more calories than a 45 minute walk at moderate pace. The main benefit to running for weight loss purposes is that it is sufficiently high intensity to burn a greater number of calories, while stimulating the metabolic rate for a longer period afterward.

The main benefit to running for weight loss purposes is that it is sufficiently high intensity to burn a greater number of calories. For fat burning purposes, the variation on running that could be considered is jogging, as this method—although higher intensity aerobic—does not cross the anaerobic threshold to burn carbohydrates as a primary fuel source.

1. Running stairs

Running, as does walking, involves all of the lower body, only on a much larger scale. Running also recruits arms, therefore providing an additional calorie burning effect. It can be done on either a stationary bike the preferred option for those wanting to specifically burn body fat, as there might be fewer distractions with this method , or on the road.

Either of these approaches will suit almost anyone regardless of cardiovascular goals as the resistance can be changed to accommodate preferences in intensity level. Cycling is also ideal for HIIT as will be explained later as the resistance can be changed from lower to higher in rapid fashion.

It could be considered the perfect exercise as it works all the main muscles of the body, is of higher intensity than walking and of lower impact than running, and burns more calories per hour than any other commonly used aerobic exercise around per hour.