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Don't drink liquids with meals. You won't be able to drink for 30 minutes before you eat, during your meal, and for 30 minutes after you eat. There won't be room in your stomach for both drinks and solid food. Use alcohol with care.

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Be careful about drinking alcohol. After gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery, you may become intoxicated much more quickly. Alcohol also can cause ulcers in your stomach and intestines. Take vitamins as recommended. You will need to take vitamins and supplements, because you won't get enough nutrition from the small amounts of food you eat. If you have surgical changes to your intestines, your body won't absorb all the nutrition from the food. Avoid fatty, sugary foods.

You may have to avoid foods that contain simple sugars—like candy, juices, ice cream, condiments, and soft drinks. Simple sugars may cause a problem called dumping syndrome. This happens because food moves too quickly through the stomach and intestines. It can cause shaking, sweating, dizziness, rapid heart rate, and often severe diarrhea. It can also cause belly pain, cramping, and nausea. Dumping syndrome may occur after gastric bypass surgery, but is unlikely after gastric band or gastric sleeve surgery. What are the risks of surgery?

Weight Loss: Would You Have This Shocking New Surgery to Lose Just 25 Pounds?

After any weight-loss surgery You could get an infection in the area where cuts were made. A blood clot can form and block blood flow in the lung pulmonary embolism. You may not get enough of certain vitamins and minerals. This can lead to problems such as anemia and osteoporosis. Some people get gallstones.

You may gain the weight back a few years after surgery if you don't follow your eating and lifestyle plan. There is a risk of death. This is a risk of any surgery. Risks of each surgery Each type of surgery also has its own risks. Here are a few examples: Gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgeries can cause a leak from the stomach into the belly area.

The leak can cause an infection called peritonitis. With gastric bypass , the connection between the stomach and the small intestine can get narrow. This can cause nausea and vomiting after eating. After adjustable gastric banding , you are more likely to need another surgery to fix problems than you would after gastric bypass.

  • Does Bariatric Surgery Work for Weight Loss?.
  • Obesity: Should I Have Weight-Loss Surgery?.
  • food that boosts metabolism to burn fat.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Weight Loss Surgery.

For example, some people need a second operation because the band slips or it works its way from the outside of the stomach to the inside. This is called an erosion. Extra skin after weight loss Weight-loss surgery is not cosmetic surgery. Why might your doctor recommend surgery?

Your doctor may recommend weight-loss surgery if: Your BMI is at least 40 or your BMI is at least 35 and you have other health problems related to your weight. You have tried for at least 6 months to lose weight with diet and exercise. You do not abuse alcohol.

Weight-Loss Surgery: Patient Qualifications

You do not have untreated depression or another major mental illness. Weight-loss surgery for teens Most people who have weight-loss surgery are 18 to 65 years old. Compare your options. Compare Option 1 Have weight-loss surgery Don't have surgery. Compare Option 2 Have weight-loss surgery Don't have surgery. Have weight-loss surgery Have weight-loss surgery You are asleep during the operation. You stay in the hospital for 1 or more days.

You return to normal activities within 2 to 5 weeks.

Does Bariatric Surgery Work for Weight Loss? | Health Plus

You need to make lifelong changes in how you eat and drink. Weight-loss surgery helps most people lose a lot of weight. If you lose weight, you're less likely to have related health problems. And if you already have these health problems, some may get better. Examples are: Heart disease. Type 2 diabetes.

Obesity: Should I Have Weight-Loss Surgery?

High blood pressure. High cholesterol and triglycerides. Sleep apnea. It may help you live longer. General problems that can occur after surgery include blood clots in the lung and infection. Many people have nutrition problems because they eat so little. That can lead to anemia or weak bones.

In people who do not follow the changes in eating and lifestyle, weight gain is much more likely. Don't have surgery Don't have surgery You keep trying to lose weight with healthy eating and exercise. You may try prescription drugs to help you lose weight.

NIH Guidelines for Weight Loss Surgery

You avoid having surgery and the risks of surgery. You may be able to lose some weight and improve your health with healthy eating and activity. If you don't lose weight, you are more likely to have related health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Personal stories about having surgery for obesity These stories are based on information gathered from health professionals and consumers.

What matters most to you? Reasons to choose weight-loss surgery Reasons not to choose weight-loss surgery. I'm not worried about paying for this surgery. I don't think I can afford to pay for this surgery. My other important reasons: My other important reasons:. Where are you leaning now? Having surgery NOT having surgery. What else do you need to make your decision?

Check the facts. True Sorry, but that's wrong. Surgery will make your stomach much smaller than normal, so you will need to eat very small amounts of food and pay very close attention to getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals. False Correct.