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Furthermore, whereas fortification of flours may replace B vitamins, other nutrients lost during processing are not replaced These observations underscore both the importance of the grain source of fiber and the potentially synergistic effect of constituents naturally found in whole grains Added bran, which was inversely related to weight gain in our study, has been purported to improve carbohydrate tolerance through antioxidant mechanisms 43 by reducing serum iron concentrations and increasing magnesium concentrations Although we did not separately examine the sources of bran on weight gain, most of the bran that was consumed in this population was derived from wheat and oats.

Epidemiologic studies have consistently shown a beneficial effect of wheat fiber in reducing the risk of diabetes 33 — 37 , but the findings for wheat bran supplementation on glycemic control have been mixed. In a recent crossover study, wheat bran did not influence glycemic control in diabetics 43 , although, in other feeding studies, wheat bran significantly improved glucose tolerance 45 , Whereas no effects were observed for the intake of supplemental germ, there may have been insufficient variation in intakes to detect any association.

Because many dietary factors may induce metabolic alterations within a relatively short latency period, we assessed changes in whole grains that were concurrent with weight gain This study design may limit the drawing of causal inferences. However, the consistency of our findings with those of prior studies and the likely effects induced by whole grains on weight gain lend credence to important causal relations.

Confounding also poses a challenge in the study of whole grains, as an increased consumption may be a marker for changes in other health behaviors. However, we adjusted the regression models for changes in several other lifestyle and dietary behaviors, including smoking, physical activity, and fat consumption with only a modest attenuation of the relation between whole grains and weight gain.

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Because of measurement errors in assessing changes in diet, the observed associations are underestimations of the true effect estimates. After accounting for these errors, long-term weight gain was reduced by 1. Our findings suggest that the current FDA whole-grain health claim may not adequately capture all of the benefits of reduced body weight associated with whole-grain foods because added bran is excluded from the definition.

Further scientific data are needed to establish optimal whole-grain intakes for various health outcomes. Studies may also examine how particular types of grains and bran fibers may affect body weight regulation among diverse populations. The authors' contributions to this publication are as follows: design of the study, analysis of the data, and writing of the manuscript PK-B, DS, and SL ; database development and writing of the manuscript MF and LS ; writing of the manuscript DJ ; and securing the funding, collection and analysis of the data, design of the study, and writing of the manuscript WW and ER.

None of the authors had any personal or financial conflicts of interest to report.

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