Spot Reduction

Your best bet is to follow a total-body workout routine that hits all your major muscle groups, combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise. This approach helps speed your metabolism during and following exercise while simultaneously building muscle mass. The one-two punch of fat loss and muscle gain garners the most visible and lasting results. As you lose fat throughout your body, you'll notice changes in the size and shape of your chest.

Remember, consistency is key. Your fat stores didn't grow overnight, so you can't expect fat loss to occur at the drop of a hat. Make a commitment to perform the following workout at least three days a week for two to four months before gauging your initial results. As you develop your workout habit, remember that nutrition is an vital component of fat loss. Focus on eating lots of produce, lean meats, and whole grains while avoiding processed or refined foods.

With consistent work toward an overall healthy lifestyle, you'll see the results you're hoping for. In some instances, gynecomastia is a sign of other conditions. If you're concerned, or if you're experiencing other symptoms like swelling, pain, or nipple discharge, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

6 Exercises to Tone Up Those Man Boobs

Perform this workout as a circuit, completing all eight exercises back-to-back with as little rest as possible between exercises. Rest for two minutes after completing each round. Complete two to four rounds. The total workout should take between 20 to 45 minutes depending on how many rounds you do and how long it takes you to move between exercises. Equipment Required:. Start your routine by performing jumping jacks. This equipment-free move will raise your heart rate and help you warm up for the rest of your workout.

Simply stand with your feet together, hands at your sides. Jump your feet out laterally while simultaneously swinging your arms overhead. Immediately after landing, jump your feet back to center while bringing your arms back to your sides. If excess body weight or injuries prevent you from comfortably performing a traditional jumping jack, modify the exercise by stepping your right foot out to the side as you swing your arms overhead, then step it back to center as you swing your arms back to your sides.

Repeat with the left leg and continue this pattern for 60 seconds. This exercise will target your entire body, with a focus on the large muscle groups of your quads, hamstrings, glutes, chest, shoulders, and core. Stand about an arm's length away from a sturdy wall, holding a medicine ball in both hands, supported at your chest. Press your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your glutes toward the ground. When you've squatted as low as you can, reverse the movement, pressing forcefully through your heels to extend your knees and hips.

As you do so, explosively throw the medicine ball as high as you can against the wall. As the medicine ball comes down, catch it with both hands, secure it back at your chest, and immediately lower yourself into another squat to continue. The renegade row targets the large muscle groups of your back and biceps while also requiring the engagement of the core, quadriceps, shoulders, and triceps. Start in a high plank position with your body forming a straight line from heels to head, and your hands directly under your shoulders.

Grip a dumbbell in each hand. From this position, shift your weight slightly to the right while keeping your torso squared to the ground. Pull the dumbbell in your left hand straight up toward your chest while keeping your arm close to your body—your elbow should point up toward the ceiling. Lower the dumbbell back to the ground in a controlled fashion, then switch sides, this time shifting your weight to the left before pulling the dumbbell in your right hand to your torso.

Continue alternating sides while keeping your hips, shoulders, and torso as steady as possible. If you're having a hard time completing the exercise for a full seconds in the plank position, lower your knees to the ground. The single-arm dumbbell chest press targets your pecs, shoulders, and triceps unilaterally, while also requiring core engagement to prevent your hips or shoulders from twisting during the exercise. Lie on your back on a sturdy bench with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Position a dumbbell in your right hand, your arm extended directly over your chest.

Place your left hand lightly on your left hip as a reminder to keep that hip stable and engaged with the bench. In a controlled fashion, bend your right elbow, lowering the dumbbell toward your chest. When the dumbbell is an inch or two away from your chest, reverse the movement, and engage your pecs and triceps to press the dumbbell straight up, back to the starting position. Continue for 30 seconds before switching sides. Mountain climbers offer another burst of cardio in the middle of your circuit to keep your heart rate high.

Do Push Ups Burn Fat: A Full-Body Exercise That Will Kick Your Weight Loss Game Into Beast Mode

The body position also requires continued engagement of the chest, shoulders, and triceps, which is especially challenging after completing a strength exercise targeting the same muscle groups. Start in a high plank position, your palms under your shoulders, your legs extended, and your core engaged to keep your hips level. If it's too high, you'll risk overextending your back.

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This can be a problem if you've had lower-back pain in the past. If it's your first time doing it, make sure to set up properly and do it slowly. The fact that it's new to you is more than enough stimulus to burn fat. Another characteristic of a good fat-loss exercise is the number of muscles it engages at one time. Increasing the number of muscles activated at one time forces your body to work harder. With just one pull, you actively work most of your back muscles as well as your core and arms. Because of this, it's sometimes called the Deadlift of upper-body exercises. The best part of it is that all you need is a cheap pull-up rig you can buy in most stores.

Heck, you can even"go primal" and do it outside on a tree branch. Wherever you are, you'll get an amazing workout. For maximal results, I suggest you focus on reps. If you increase your rep count gradually, you'll see results. If you improve yourself in this area, your belly fat will melt off, and your back muscles will grow.

There is no exercise I recommend more. The world's most popular exercise is also one of my favorites. The Push-Up has so many variations, requiring zero equipment, that you'll never be bored. When done correctly, Push-Ups work the chest and core simultaneously.

Plank to Push-Up

Essentially, it's a "moving plank" that stimulates the pectorals. Because of that, it's an extremely important exercise for fat loss. Ask a boxer how to burn fat, and he'll tell you to go out for a road run and jump rope. Jumping rope requires coordination. Most people have problems keeping up a regular jump rope tempo for reps. Once you can do straight, it's time to start experimenting. If you focus on become more agile by performing different jumping patterns and combine that with speed and time spent, you'll burn fat fast.

What most people don't realize about the jumping rope is that focusing on speed and number of jumps is not the only way to burn more fat. Because jumping rope is versatile and requires coordination, you can do different types of jumps. Try this: Warm up with 50 regular jumps, then do 25 one legged jumps each side , criss-cross jumps and end it with in-place running jumps. By doing this instead of regular jumps, you'll increase the difficulty of the exercise, which will increase the number of calories and amount of fat you burn. The Burpee is the exercise everyone loves to hate, and for good reasons.

It's extremely grueling, combining what are normally two separate exercises. By switching between a lower- and an upper-body exercise, you work hundreds of muscles in a very short time, including your chest, triceps, core and entire lower-body musculature.

It's not uncommon to feel absolutely horrible when you're done. Most people cheat throughout the movement. By cheating, you increase your risk of injury and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Jump Squats are a staple in fat-burning workouts for a reason—they work!

How to Get Rid of Man Boobs - JUMP ROPE DUDES

You can do them for both power and time. Power exercises stimulate the metabolic system more aggressively, but they do have a higher risk of injury.

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Fortunately, Jump Squats are beginner-friendly.