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I Ate Only Pasta for a Week and I Thrived

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  • Comments Share your thoughts and debate the big issues. Even in Italy, orecchiette will taste different than linguini than will taste different than orzo. There are so many ways to eat pasta, that there are even elevated versions.

    Pasta is a universal lover. My pasta with pesto and parmesan was delicious. I had so much energy.

    Swap Your Noodle

    Except for the one very foolish day where I did yoga immediately after consuming a bowl of tortellini, I was full of energy and I felt more powerful while working out. I was eating high-quality foods and varying my pasta with plenty of fresh vegetables and home-made sauces, so besides the pasta stigma, I was eating really healthy.

    Pasta with olive oil, zucchini, parmesan, and red pepper flakes is a perfect meal two lunches in a row. Lasagna bolognese from Giana NYC was my favorite. I once cried eating lasagna bolognese in Bologna, Italy.

    Do I have to ditch pasta to lose weight?

    My waiter was a ponytailed Italian man with a beautiful accent wearing a cartoon t-shirt who revealed that the second special of the day was much better than the first. Find cooks who love to feed other people, and know that they will try to use better ingredients and their food is genuinely going to taste better.

    Fusili with ricotta, fresh tomatoes, olives and broccoli was refreshing. This exercise was an excuse to reach out to people and eat and chat with them over pasta. My sister just got a new job that we discussed over hearty plates of ragu. Orecchiette with zucchini, parmesan, and red pepper flakes was easy to make and tasty.

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    • I lived the dream and ate only pasta for a week — and I still lost weight.
    • I failed twice. One night, it was decided that my friends and I would go out for burritos, and explaining that I needed to eat pasta did not go over well. I felt great. Because I was hyper-focused on how my body was feeling this week, I learned to know when not just my digestive tract felt good, but my overall emotional health.

      By eating the same food every meal, I never overate.