Note that this fermentation stage is skipped in many other countries, thereby giving Kenyan coffee a very unique flavor. Roasting My Own Coffee. Stanley scooped up a handful of the best ones for me to roast and bring home. To roast the beans, we had to go to the roasting room next to their office. There were two roasting machines — one small and one industrial-grade.

Since we were only roasting a small amount, we used the smaller one. Before we began, Stanley made me choose between medium roast and dark roast. To make the dark roast, we would have to roast the beans longer and at a higher temperature. He showed me samples of the finished products as below:.

At first, I went for dark roast because it was more aesthetically pleasing and had a much stronger smell. However, Stanley had a different opinion.

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He said that the dark roast was better as whole beans. If we ground it, it was going to lose its scent and flavor much faster. Since I wanted my coffee grinded, it was best that I made a medium roast. While waiting for the roasted coffee beans to cool, we went to the rooftop to have some coffee. There was a long table already laid out with two sets of baked goodies, fruits, and a jug of freshly brewed coffee.

Accompanying our meal was a picturesque view of the coffee farm. It was hard to realize how vast it was until you saw it from a high vantage point. When we were done, we went back down to the roasting room and packed the coffee.

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Stanley helped me call for a boda-boda to take me to the main road, and from there, I continued the rest of the way back to Nairobi on a matatu public bus. Coffee, especially, tends to give me a headache, a gassy stomach, and palpitations. But I would still give it a go every now and then, because who could resist the smell, right?

Besides, I love experiences like this one where you can actively participate, instead of just watching and listening. Make sure you bring your own camera, comfortable walking shoes preferably sport shoes , a hat, and arrange for your own transportation to and from the venue. Have you visited any coffee farm before?

Where did you go? Share your experience in the comment section below. Ya bae, saya memang minat tour yang macam ni. Walaupun saya tak berapa minum kopi, tapi best tengok pemprosesan dia dari awal sampai akhir. Dan kita boleh try bakar kopi tu sendiri untuk bawa balik sebagai cenderamata. Rasa puas hati sebab tu hasil tangan kita sendiri walaupun kita cuma tolong bakar je hehe. Actually masa kat kilang dia tu takde la bau coffee sangat.

Review JUJUR green coffee bean untuk DIET

Masa roasting tu je bau. Tapi best la tour ni. Especially untuk peminat kopi. Saya yang bukan coffee fan ni pun enjoy. Bestnya dapat tengok ladang kopi siap dapat tengok cara buat.. Nampak beza kopi sana.. Like you bercerita, dari pergi, berapa harga, perjalnan.. Oh, beza ya? Saya pun tak tau bezakan sebenarnya. Terima kasih, Nadia. Semoga info2 yang saya share di sini bermanfaat bagi mereka yang ingin pergi ke sana. Wow semua nama unik.

Teringin juga nak sentuh pokok kopi dengan biji yang tak proses lagi. Pernah tengok daun teh dalam proses je. Saya pun sebelum ni tak pernah tau rupa biji kopi sebelum diproses. Selalu tengok yang dah dibakar je. Coffee tour di Mbumi ni sangat complete sebab kita ditunjukkan dari peringkat semaian sampai la jadi serbuk kopi yang sedia untuk diminum. This is interesting and nice activity bah to gain knowledge about coffee..

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I been to the small scale Luwak coffee tour at Bali last time. Can try this also! This one in Kenya was more informative. Bagi saya kopi adalah terapi , tak minum lagipun bau dia dah cukup menyegarkan dan menenangkan hati dan perasaan. Ni kalau kongsi kat group FB Peminat Kopi mesti best. Manalah tahu satu hari nanti bila semua kembali normal bolehlah datang situ melawat ladang kopi dan kilangnya…. Saya minum kopi juga but not a true fan la.

Kenyan Coffee

Cuma saya memang minat tour yg involve food and drinks macam ni. Thanks, Saidila! Bagusnya tour ni sebab kita boleh involve in the process. Tak semua tempat boleh offer pengalaman macam ni sebenarnya. Betul Ana, saya suka tour yang interaktif macam ni, yang mana kita pun boleh involve sekali, bukan setakat tengok dan dengar saja. Glad that you enjoyed reading this, Sienny.

It was an enjoyable and informative tour even for a non-hardcore coffee drinker like me.

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