
Without a gallbladder, your liver makes bile and it releases before your food gets to the intestines. Without the right amount of bile at the right time, dietary fat molecules are too large to fully break down. If this is the case, take an ox bile supplement before meals, along with a digestive enzyme containing lipase. This is hugely important, and most doctors fail to tell people this after they take out a gallbladder. One of my closest friends, Michelle, had this procedure performed almost twenty years ago.

Key Points

She predictably got dry skin, dry eyes, and brittle hair. When she added ox bile to her regimen and ate the right fats, everything returned to normal. When you eat, especially when you eat bitter foods like dark greens, herbs, and spices, your liver gets the signal to make bile, which gets sent to the gallbladder until you need it. When your bile is too thick, your gallbladder contracts and contracts, but nothing comes out.

  • Mechanisms of Chemical Digestion.
  • How to Digest Fats Better, With and Without a Gallbladder.
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High-quality bile is fluid and will squeeze out of the gallbladder easily. How did your bile get that way? It sat too long, most likely because you were on a low-fat diet for a while. You went through a cycle of eating, which signals to your liver to make bile. When bile stagnates, it thickens, sometimes to the point that it hardens into gallstones. The best things to do are eat plenty of high-quality fats like butter, avocado and salmon.

Fresh bile will dilute and draw out old sticky bile. Without enzymes, the fats you just ate travel down the digestive tract largely unchanged. You can use a betaine HCl supplement before meals and see if it helps.

How the gallbladder works

You can use this article to figure out how much to take. Bile only breaks up large fat globules into smaller fat droplets. Lipolytic fat busting enzymes break down fats into components your body can use for energy, to hydrate skin, to help you make hormones, and more. These are usually combined with other enzymes and sometimes HCl, so check the label to find one that has what you need.

Eating more fats will stimulate your liver to produce more bile, which will mix with stagnant bile and thin it out. Eating high quality fats like avocados, salmon and coconut oil to get things flowing. Bitter leafy greens simulate your liver to produce bile, which helps thin sticky bile and get things moving. Before heavy meals, you can take herbal digestive bitters.

Make sure you taste the bitters because the first line of signaling for bile comes from the tongue. HCl, whether produced naturally by your stomach or taken as a supplement, tells your pancreas that food is coming, and that it needs to release enzymes. Digestive enzymes usually come in combo capsules. It can be helpful to use lipase. If you have a gallbladder, use ox bile for weeks to help draw out sludgy bile.

Bile: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Then, use lipase and other enzymes for a month or two to stimulate your pancreas to release its own. Avoid inhalation. If eye contact occurs, flush with copious amounts of water. Prolonged contact with its dust may cause respiratory irritation, allergic or asthmatic reaction. Harmful if swallowed. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep the bottle closed when not in use. Lipase may cause eye and skin irritation in some individuals.

It is moisture sensitive keep the bottle closed when not in use. The toxicological properties of lipase have not been fully investigated. Always wash hands with soap and water immediately after completing the project. The supervising adult should discuss the warnings and safety information with the child or children before commencing the activity. Three plastic jars or bags will be filled with cooking oil and water. Bile salt and lipase will then be added.

The first jar will be a control, bile will be added to the 2nd jar and bile and lipase will be added the 3 rd jar. The contents will be thoroughly mixed and allowed to sit for a pre-set time. The oils will then be examined to determine if emulsification and digestion lipid breakup took place and under which circumstances. From the results of the tests a data table will be produced.

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  • Working with the pancreas.
  • Bile - Wikipedia;
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  • Chemical Digestion.

With the exception of the bile salt and the powdered lipase all of the other materials are available from a major retail Wal-Mart, Target, Dollar General, etc discount department store. Bile salt and powdered lipase maybe purchased from the local pharmacy or online from Nasco Science www. Go to the Internet download and print an image similar to the one shown or use this image. Using colored pencils trace the journey of bile from the gall bladder along with lipase from the pancreas to where they combine to break-down lipids for absorption into the body.

Disclaimer and Safety Precautions Education. In addition, your access to Education. Warning is hereby given that not all Project Ideas are appropriate for all individuals or in all circumstances. Implementation of any Science Project Idea should be undertaken only in appropriate settings and with appropriate parental or other supervision. Reading and following the safety precautions of all materials used in a project is the sole responsibility of each individual.

For further information, consult your state's handbook of Science Safety. Related learning resources.

The Basics

Digestive Enzymatic Activity and Lipid Digestion. Learn about emulsification and bile's roles in digestion, and investigate how the digestive enzyme lipase breaks down lipids. Good and Bad Lipids. This science fair project idea focuses on saturated and unsaturated lipids fats and oils.

Human Digestion. Budding biologists can learn all about human digestion with this information page, complete with a diagram of the digestive system. In this science fair project on the relationship between distance and time, kids explore the behavior of gravitational acceleration through direct observation.

34.3B: Digestion and Absorption

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