2. Focus on Strength Training and HIIT

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The type of exercise you do makes a difference, too. Strength training helps your body retain more muscle mass than cardio while you're in a calorie deficit, according to an October study published in Obesity.

How To Prevent Muscle Loss When Dieting (Science Explained)

For the best results, base your workout regimen around strength training and consider including compound movements ones that involve more than one joint like the chest press and deadlifts to target several muscles at once. While a majority of your weekly workouts should take place in the weight room, cardio is still important for your heart health. High-intensity interval training HIIT is great for burning calories quickly and may also help you maintain muscle while you're losing fat, according to a June study published in the Journal of Obesity.

How To Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle (Burn Fat, Not Muscle)

HIIT involves alternating between short intervals of high-intensity work and rest or active recovery, spiking your heart rate and revving your metabolism. Your recovery regimen is just as important as your exercise and diet, especially if you want to keep as much muscle mass as possible. Even one hour lost sleep can cause your body to lose less fat when on a calorie deficit, according to a February study published in Sleep. While you sleep, your body produces human growth hormone, which stimulates muscle growth, according to the National Sleep Foundation. During this time, your body increases blood flow to the muscles, which helps repair damaged tissues post-workout.

How to Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle

Sleep also helps minimize your body's production of cortisol, which is also known as your stress hormone, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Higher levels of cortisol have also been associated with increased fat stores, particularly in the abdominal area, according to the University of New Mexico. Sleep demands vary from person to person, but you should try and get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night on a consistent basis. Nick Tumminello.

Nick Tumminello is the owner of Performance University, which provides practical fitness education for fitness professionals worldwide, and is the author of "Strength Training for Fat Loss. He lives in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. You can lose fat without losing muscle mass. Cut Your Calories Prioritize Quality Sleep. Muscle mass is a major component of your fat-free mass, and it should weigh more than your fat mass.

How To Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle

Furthermore, muscle mass has a huge positive impact on your metabolism or "metabolic rate" which is how many calories your body burns for energy. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn, even when you're not exercising. However, muscle is also the physical engine that powers you through activity, both in the gym and in life. It also helps to support and strengthen your joints, helping to improve balance and reduce the risk of injury. Holding onto it should be a high priority, especially when dieting.

And no, not just for bodybuilders! But let's talk about fat. It gets a bad rap, but your body needs it, too!

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There is an essential amount that each body needs to be healthy. That amount will vary between body type, age, sex, physical activity level, and fitness goal. For the general population, the levels accepted as "healthy" are percent for women and percent for men.