Try curbing carbs instead of fats.

University of Missouri researchers compared the benefits of consuming a normal-protein breakfast to a high-protein breakfast and found the high-protein breakfast, which contained 35 grams of protein, prevented weight gain, reduced daily food intake and feelings of hunger and stabilised glucose levels among overweight teens who would normally skip breakfast. You need our ultimate guide to tracking your macros. Snack on portion-controlled fruit, seeds and nuts. One study found that snacking on 42g of almonds per day instead of munching on something high-carb with equal calories helped to reduce belly fat and improved cholesterol levels.

A review of evidence on the Mediterranean diet concluded that it "is associated with numerous health benefits and has been demonstrated to exert a preventive effect towards numerous pathologies, including obesity". Better yet, the diet boosts the number of healthy bacteria in your gut — a study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition saw levels rise by up to seven per cent, compared with a western diet. Focus on increasing physical activity and building muscle to burn belly fat, recommends Reddy.

Researchers at Harvard University followed more than 10, men over a 12 year period, and found that those who added 20 minutes of weight training to their regular cardio workout gained less age-related belly fat than those who pounded the treadmill. Focus on compound moves like deadlifts , squats, kettlebell swings , lunges, chest presses , shoulder presses — exercises that work your entire body rather than isolating muscles.

Simply put, you cannot 'spot-reduce' fat, meaning that endless crunches will do little for getting rid of your belly. For best results split your sessions over different days. Not sure where to start? Exercise boosts your circulation, transporting cortisol to your kidneys, which flush it out. Eating slowly will also help cinch your waist, too. Multiple studies have shown an association between short sleep and weight gain. Inadequate sleep also wreaks havoc on your metabolism. The combination of untameable cravings, little willpower, and inefficient processing is an open invitation for fat storage.

Follow our advice to improve your sleep tonight. This doesn't mean you need to eat the entirety of the fruit and veg aisle, but instead to eat foods that are higher in fibre. Think fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains — these can reduce your risk of inflammation and offset future metabolic issues. In a study published in Obesity , a 10g increase in fibre intake was linked to a 3. Can't stop snacking? It's these habits that could be leading you to gain weight without you knowing it.

A high-protein diet, for example, can help nix these hunger pangs — as the macronutrient decreases activity in the area of the brain that's responsible for cravings. Sign up to the Men's Health newsletter and kickstart your home body plan. Make positive steps to become healthier and mentally strong with all the best fitness, muscle-building and nutrition advice delivered to your inbox. For effective home workouts, uplifting stories, easy recipes and advice you can trust, subscribe to Men's Health UK.

Then, the weight loss will follow.

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But what to do if you're exercising regularly and maintaining a balanced diet, but still failing to get rid of any lower stomach fat? We got some pointers from Dr James and Clarissa, and Emily. They've got some interesting professional opinions about how to reduce your lower stomach fat, plus some explanations as to where you might be going wrong. From scrolling through social media to having a late-night coffee, there are plenty of ways we unknowingly keep ourselves awake at night.

Aside from feeling tired and groggy the next day, not getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night can affect weight loss, explains Dr Luke. We all have two hormones that affect our appetite: ghrelin and leptin. Try going to bed a little earlier than usual to avoid this imbalance and remember to remove any distractions that might prevent you from nodding off," he continues.

Listene up here. Tru HIIT training high intensity interval training - he says it's "a great way to burn fat and get your heart rate up", with squats, burpees and treadmill sprints all being examples of moves to try. She also points out that compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, overhead press and pull-ups are all effective at activating and working your core. Her final two cents on it? He also explains that while whole fruits and vegetables are undoubtedly good for you, they can also sometimes cause weight gain if you eat too much, as they have high levels of natural sugars in them.

Plus, cutting back on the amount of simple carbohydrates you eat, like pasta and bread, and substituting for healthier alternatives, like courgetti, could help with weight loss. However, Emily has a slightly different take on this one. She explains that, while Dr Luke isn't wrong in saying that, nutritionally speaking, the above foods aren't as nutritionally-dense, they won't ultimately affect weight loss if you're still maintaining a calorie deficit.

Protein is great for fat loss, according to Dr Luke. Remember, though: do opt for the lean sources of protein where possible, as some can be deceptively high in saturated fat, he advises. Need some inspiration for low carb, high protein meals? Look no further.

8 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life

Feeling stressed can wreak havoc on your body, according to Dr Luke. When our cortisol levels are high for a long amount of time, it can increase the amount of fat you hold in your belly," explains Dr Luke. So, what does Clarissa think? She agrees, adding that by calming your stress levels , you are much less likely to crave energy dense foods.

If your answer is the latter, try a non-food related habit, instead. Why not go for a walk, call a friend or make a cup of tea? Stick with it for at least eight weeks and you should notice a change.

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  • While your overall macro diet can play a key role in fat loss, protein is the most important. Figure out how many grams of protein you need each day and make it a priority to get this amount. And if you want to take it a step further, find your ideal macro diet based on your calorie goals and fitness level using an online calculator or using the following chart:.

    Heavily processed foods are typically full of added trans fats, sodium, and sugar - none of which is going to help you lose fat or slim down. One study showed your body may even burn twice as many calories digesting less processed foods. And growing research continues to suggest that eating a diet consisting of mostly whole foods is associated with more weight loss 7 , 8 , 9. In addition, in one study those who ate more vegetables, less processed foods, and less high sugar drinks over a year-long period, lost the most weight regardless of genetic make-up Cutting out high-calorie beverages, especially sugary drinks like soda and juice, is an easy and effective way to control calorie intake and get your macro balance looking better.

    This also includes excessive protein drinks. Unless you are using protein shakes as a full meal replacement, or you need them for training and recovery, they may just be adding excess calories to your day. Opt for more water to keep you hydrated and running like a well-oiled machine. And be sure to track all your beverages with your food to find the right balance that works for you.

    First of all, what is belly fat?

    Alcohol is not only calorie dense, providing a whopping 7 calories per gram, but it can also cause increased appetite and lead to more fat storage. When you are consuming alcohol in high amounts, your body prioritizes metabolizing the toxins from your drinks before anything else - this means any excess calories from carbs, fat, or protein you eat is more likely to get stored as fat.

    And even if you're not eating while drinking, your body is not effectively breaking down fat as a source of reserved fuel. It might be time to think about quitting alcohol for a bit.

    Reminder Successfully Set!

    Or if you're not willing to give it up, you might want to seriously consider the amount you are drinking and make sure you are also tracking the calories from your drinks. It is possible to enjoy a few adult beverages every now and then and still be successful with your fitness goals, but it all comes down to how much you are drinking.

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    • You will also want to opt for more low calorie drinks and avoid too many options with excess sugar and added calories. Stress creates a fight-or-flight response by the body, which causes adrenaline to spike. Adrenaline increases your heart-rate and breathing, and also helps release stores of glucose and fats to be delivered to throughout your body for immediate energy. Once adrenaline subsides, your body releases cortisol, a catabolic hormone that increases appetite and promotes the breakdown of muscle for more immediate energy.

      Sometimes a little stress can be a good thing because it allows you to react quickly, harnessing energy where it's needed most, and performing at a higher level. When stress is channeled in a negative way, like when daily or chronic stress from life events does not result in the need for immediate output, excess nutrients released from your stress response may get stored as abdominal fat 11 , 12 , So it's no wonder, excess stress could be preventing you from slimming down.

      Losing Belly Fat | Rush System

      Studies have even linked abdominal fat to poor mood 15 , 16 , Sometimes the hardest part about weight loss is your mindset. Here are some of the best ways to control stress and help you think more positively about your diet. Try yoga! Or learn to meditate. Research suggests yoga is associated with decreased stress, increased fat loss, and improved mood 18 , 19 , The practice of yoga is centered around controlling your breath and being more conscious of how you react to the word around you.

      By practicing yoga or learning to quiet your mind with regular meditation, you will be able to control your breathing and mental response when stress occurs. You might even find that it improves your mood and overalls sense of well-being While stress can cause you to lose sleep, not sleeping enough may exacerbate your fat storage problem even further And playing catch-up on the weekends is not going to counteract the lack of sleep you got all week long.

      Make your rest a priority and dedicate time each night to getting some rest. Remove distractions, like your TV, phone, or pets, and find a dark, quiet place to lay down.

      What Causes Belly Fat? The Main Culprits

      Use ear plugs or sleep masks if needed. Your body and your mind will thank you. Contrary to popular belief, you have complete control over your mood and your reaction to the things around you.