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I feel great about myself. On strong being the new sexy : Everyone works out to be skinny. Everyone should work out to be strong. I wanted to have no rolls when I sat down. But ever since I became a mom and saw all these strong, fit moms at the gym, it was inspirational.

Lunge Jump With Lateral Raise

I like to splurge a little bit. I try to be motivated and not cheat all the time. The family gets together, with all the yummy food like barbecue and stuff.

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How has wellness changed for me : I definitely had a crazy ride with my weight. In high school, I hardly ate.

Snooki Flaunts Her Postpartum Weight Loss on Instagram: See Photo

I was 89 pounds and unhealthy. Once I turned 21, I started drinking and not caring. I gained that 15 pounds all college kids do. My whole life on Jersey Shore was being overweight. I used to go to the gym all the time in high school and loved it. It was discouraging. I hated it. I wanted to be a good example, and show [my kids] that eating healthy and working out is fun. I started going to the gym every single day.

Snooki Gets Skinny

The pounds started shedding and then I was like, I love this. I was always skinny but had no muscle. Now, she's in the gym at least four days a week, despite her hectic schedule. Want to give Nicole's high-intensity routine a try? They don't recommend a certain number of reps, but rather have Nicole and their other clients complete as many reps as possible for each exercise.

How do you determine how much that is? According to trainers, you'll know to stop when: your muscles start burning and you can't continue, your breathing turns into panting, or your heart rate skyrockets. Do each of the following six moves back-to-back, and complete the entire circuit three times.

For real results, Michael and Bogosian recommend cranking out this workout three to four days a week. How to: Start in a plank position, hands under shoulders, legs together a. Then jump your feet forward toward your hands and explode up off the ground into squat position b. Reverse the movement back down to plank and repeat. How to: Holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides, palms facing in, step your left leg back into a lunge position a.

2. Drive Up

Then, jump up, switching legs while also raising your arms out to sides at shoulder-height, while keeping your palms facing down. Land in lunge with left leg forward b. How to: Start in a side plank position, with your left leg stacked on top of your right leg, right forearm resting on the floor, and left arm in the air a. Reach your left arm underneath your body toward your right hip, until your shoulders are parallel to the ground. In a fast-paced motion, snap back to side plank position and spread your legs and arms left leg extends toward the ceiling and left arm reaches up as high as you can.

Having found for many years that grains were hard to digest, Nicole now found out why. They make it difficult for your digestive system to absorb nutrients from other foods. Grains may even lead to a condition known as leaky gut where the grains break through the walls of the intestine. Grains, as Snooki had found out, will also make you fat.

They contain a whole lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates that will spike up your blood sugar and insulin levels. This is not a good thing. The insulin quickly clears the sugar from the bloodstream.

Nicole Polizzi Is a Weight Loss Machine — The Path She Went Down After Two Babies

This, in turn, leads to a blood sugar dip. This is known as hypoglycemia.

It is characterised by low energy, shakiness, weakness, mood swings and hunger. Nicole found that when her diet was built around wheat, she was constantly hungry? Nicole replaced grains with more vegetables, fruits and lean proteins.

Snooki Has Lost So Much Weight She's Nearly Unrecognizable

Rather than having a burger in a wheat bun, she would wrap it in lettuce. Instead of a sugar filled bowl of cereal, sh'ed have low fat yogurt with fruit. These simple changes made a huge difference to her sugar consumption. The combination of massively reduced alcohol consumption, the elimination of processed foods and the cutting out of wheat from her diet allowed Nicole to lose an average of two pounds of body fat each and every week.

A few weeks after giving birth to Lozenzo in August, , Nicole began working out with personal trainer Anthony Michael. She really threw herself into her training, with 5 weight training sessions each week. Before teaming up with Anthony, Snooki had steered clear of weight training, fearing that it would make her too bulky. Her trainer explained that, properly done, strength training with weights would actually help to create a shapely, toned, fat free body.

It would put her in charge to sculpt her figure the way that she desired. She came on board and hasn't looked back.

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Here's a sample of the exact routines that Nicole and Anthony used to achieve her dramatic transformation:. Squats — 4 sets starting with just the bar and going up to 40 pounds. Each set consists of 8 reps.