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Whether it's from a lack of exercise, poor nutrition or the inevitable effects of time, being a bit round around the middle plagues millions of Brits. Belly fat can even accumulate for those who exercise regularly and maintain a decent diet. Recent studies have found the persistent excess weight around the middle is not only responsible for an unsightly 'muffin top', but can also be very dangerous to your health.

From extreme diets to bizarre exercise contraptions, there are many methods on the market claiming to get rid of a ghastly gut. But if you want to be free of a beer belly without banning beer completely, don't despair. Health experts claim implementing simple habits during the day can actually help to banish your potbelly while you slumber. Personal Trainer and Bio-Synergy ambassador Kellie Barnett recommends implementing the lifestyle changes below along with a balanced diet and exercise regime to help burn belly fat in your sleep.

It sounds obvious, but the more sleep you get, the more fat you burn. The body produces two hormones linked to our weight: Leptin, which regulates energy levels and keeps the appetite low and Ghrelin, which stimulates the appetite. When we don't get enough sleep, our Leptin levels decrease and our Ghrelin increases. Therefore increasing our appetite during the hours where we are awake.

Can Affect Your Metabolism

The obvious answer is to not drink before bed. However, if you are going to have a couple glasses of wine with dinner, keep it to glasses. Your head hits the pillow and all of a sudden you dive into three different levels of anxiety. You try to quiet your head and fight the urge to think about all the problems you currently are facing.

The best thing you can do is stop yourself from going there and redirect your thoughts to something less stressful. Try to quiet your mind by doing a little meditation or calming breathing exercises. An active mind keeps you awake.

Skipping Dinner For Weight Loss? Sleeping On Empty Stomach Can Be Dangerous

If this type of late night anxiety is starting to seriously affect your everyday life, it is suggested to seek professional help or guidance. You are binge watching of the next season of Orange is the New Black on Netflix. You are checking work emails on your tablet or cell phone. All of these scenarios expose your eyes to light. Artificial or natural light tricks your brain into reducing melatonin and disrupts your natural circadian rhythm.

Turn off screens one hour before bedtime. This includes; cell phones, tv screens, electronic books, video games. You can even turn off your alarm clock if it emits too much light. If your room is too light because it's sunny out, hang up some blackout curtains to block out the natural sunlight. If you need some sort of relaxation before sleep, try listening to a book on tape or reading by a soft light.

Learn more about creating a comfortable sleep environment.

Snoring can take a heavy toll on a relationship. Studies have shown those who sleep next to a heavy snorer can lose an average of an hour of sleep per night.

Is It A Bad Thing To Go To Sleep Hungry?

Aside from sleeping in another bedroom, the best approach is to let your bed partner know about how their snoring is keeping you up at night. Hopefully, you can both come to a solution that works for everyone.

Some solutions to suggest for your partner are breathe right strips, decongestant nasal sprays, antihistamines, and an anti-snoring pillow. You could also get a white-noise machine for you! A trick my mother swore by is when my dad would start snoring like an ox to gently push him onto his side and his snoring would subside. So far it has seemed to work, they have been married for 35 years. Has your bed partner complained about your loud snoring? Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night to your own snoring or gasping for air?

Ask your bed partner to observe some of your sleeping habits during the night. If pauses occur while you snore and if choking or gasping follows the pauses, these are major signs that you have sleep apnea.