Drop pounds without losing lean muscle with these proven fat-loss plans.

Phase one lasts two weeks and is the most strict, starting at 20 grams of carbohydrates or less.

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The diet then advances through phases two through four that allows you to incorporate more fruits, nuts, and veggies and slowly increase your healthy carb intake to around 50 grams a day. In reality, most of us don't lead very active lives and don't need as many carbs as we consume on a regular basis. Thus, low carb diets can be effective and manageable for a lot of people. It really depends on how this type of diet makes you feel, if you feel better on lower carb diets and find the lifestyle enjoyable, go for it!

And as long as you maintain your calorie intake consistently, adding in the occasional high carb food wont ruin your progress or wreck havoc on your diet. But if you really love carbs and how they make you feel, there is no need to restrict them to such low levels to lose weight. It is entirely possible to succeed on other eating plans you do enjoy. The carnivore diet is just as it sounds - the most intense of all low carb eating plans, with a diet composed entirely of animal products.

This includes meat, fish, eggs and certain dairy products. Since carbohydrates come from anything that grows out of the ground plants , a carnivore diet is almost entirely carb free. And advocates of this lifestyle say a carnivore meal plan can help cure depression, anxiety, diabetes, and arthritis, among other health conditions. Never mind that there is no research to back up these claims, but this diet was invented by a former American orthopedic doctor, Shawn Baker, whose medical license was revoked due to competency concerns This method is not recommend and there is no research to suggest that any potential benefits outweigh the negatives behind an all meat, zero carb lifestyle.

Not to mention, it is basically impossible to get all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs solely from animal products, and any program that relies on supplements to meet your basic health needs is probably not the best call. The keto diet sounds new, but it has been around since the 's as a dietary approach to treating epilepsy in children. This style of eating is unique in that is using a macronutrient ratio designed to switch your body from its primary source of energy - sugars aka carbs - to fatty acids through a state called ketosis.

Which, in turn, is though to support fat loss and more metabolic efficiency. Disclaimer: ketosis is not required for you to burn fat.

How Weight Loss Works

Just cutting calories can help you do this as well! The early studies on a ketogenic meal plan for fat loss are promising, but so far, have known shown that ketosis is more effective than counting calories. Thus, the most effective way to lose weight on this plan still requires you to track your daily food and beverage intake. This lifestyle is not the right fit for everyone, especially active individuals that rely on carbs for fuel ketones don't always cut it.

It can be challenging to stick to and if you don't have a decent understanding of nutrition, meal prepping your own keto meals can cause you to miss out on important nutrients. Want to crush your keto meal prep? Grab this free meal prep toolkit for keto. Complete with custom macros recommendations, food lists, and menu planning templates.

However, for those that can't seem to stomach traditional diets, upping the fat intake while maintaining calorie control can be an effective way to kick start weight loss.

The Best (And Worst) Diets of 2020, According to a Registered Dietitian

This is because the best diet for you, is one you can stick to! Whether or not its the right path long term remains. Lastly, it doesn't seem that ketosis is necessary to reap the potential benefits of low carb eating. So if you are starting keto , focus on hitting your daily calorie goal getting good nutrition to get the most out of it. The South Beach Diet, named after its origin in Miami, is a less restrictive low carb plan that does not require carb counting.

Created by cardiologist Arthur Agatston, this method emphasizes higher protein and fat intake along with overall healthy eating. Instead of eliminating carbs, the focus is on including more quality whole grains and fiber-rich options over added sugars and more processed options.

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Additionally healthy, unsaturated fats and lean proteins are prioritized over saturated fat and animal fats. Similar to Atkins, a three phased approach is used.

8 Best Diets for Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight Long-Term

In reality, there is nothing ground breaking about the South beach Diet and its approach is not that different than a generally healthy eating plan, besides the fact it is bucketed into phases and uses food lists. Thus, this may be a fairly effective method for weight loss if you enjoy the foods and find it easy to stick to your daily calorie goals. It was developed by an American biochemist, Dr. Barry Sears, and is rooted in trying to reduce inflammation in the body to promote quick fat loss by putting your body into a so-called "zone".

However, there isn't any research to back up these claims around inflammation and whether this "zone" exists Portion sizes are determined using a hand, eye method basically eyeballing it and measuring servings against the size of your hand , or using zone blocks - which is really just a fancy was of counting set serving sizes for each macro food group. As for food choices. Again, as far as we know, there is nothing magical about this "zone", foods approved by this plan, or the macro balance that will cause you to lose more weight than if you followed any calorie reduced diet.

Additionally, the relationship between food and inflammation is not well understood, and the science behind the zone claims is not really there. That being said, using portion control and macro balance as a key focus can be a great way to learn how to balance your overall calories on any diet. There is a certain sector of healthy eating emerging that mimics something close to a "healing diet" - or any pattern of eating designed to transform your health, allow your body to function better, and lead to weight loss.

The science surrounding many of these diets is shaky at best. Which is exactly why its no surprise they tend to contradict each other - in one diet legumes cause inflammation whereas in another they prevent disease. AIP stands for paleo autoimmune protocol. First, "leaky gut" is not a medical term. Not to mention, your intestines are designed to "leaky" - this is how you absorb and digest your food.

Regardless, the focus and research surrounding overall gut health continues to grow and we understand that a healthy diet likely plays a role in inflammation and gut health - how exactly is not yet understood 30 , 31 , AIP is technically designed as a elimination diet to treat possible food causes of gut irritation and not as a weight loss program.

Unless you are suffering from digestive issues and your doctor agrees an elimination diet may be a good starting place to figure out what is irritating you, eliminating so many things from your meals is not recommended. For weight loss, it is unlikely you will be able to stick to such a strict plan for more than a few weeks to see results. Additionally, there is no scientific reasoning to do so in order to drop pounds.

The alkaline diet stems from the theory that you can alter the PH of your body through food - increasing or decreasing your susceptibility to disease.

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This includes eating less acid-forming foods like meat, poultry, fish, grains, eggs, and alcohol, a nd consuming more alkaline foods such as fruits, nuts, legumes, and vegetables. Advocates for this method suggest you test your body's PH levels using urine test strips. Since your body excretes metabolic waste through urine to help tightly regulate your blood PH levels 30 , Food choices may alter PH levels in your urine, but it doesn't exactly translate into your blood PH or negatively impact your health. If the PH of your blood were to change outside of its normal range 7.

Additionally , research suggests that cancer and other diseases are not restricted to acidic only environments. So even if you could regulate your body's PH in this way, it doesn't mean you reduce your risk of all disease 34 , It is not really possible to change your body's PH levels through foods and beverages that we know of. However, this diet does encourage more nutritious, whole foods which can benefit your health in many different ways.

If looking to follow this plan to lose weight, it does not hold any advantage over tracking your calories. Inflammation is a natural process your body uses to heal itself from harm. It can be good, in terms of wound healing, or bad, in terms of chronic disease. Emerging research done mostly on mice not humans suggests that diet and lifestyle can potentially impact certain types inflammation and increase your risk for chronic disease 36 , Thus, the anti-inflammatory diet was born - promoting high intakes of proclaimed anti-inflammatory foods, like fruits and veggies, and decreased consumption of supposed pro-inflammatory foods like added sugar, fried foods and red meat.

The problem is, exactly how food impacts inflammation is not well understood. In fact, most people have no idea what inflammation is or how it works and scientists are just beginning to understand the connections between metabolism and the immune system. Regardless, eating a nutritious, balanced diet does still play a major role in improving and maintaining good health There also isn't any research to suggest that inflammation plays a part in your ability to lose weight.

Its more like weight loss itself through eating less can reduce inflammation markers, potentially more so than food choices 39 , Following any nutritious diet, including an AIP diet, is certainly going to have some potential health benefits. However, if you are looking to drop pounds, the amount of food you eat is still more important than the type. There is a certain strain of carbohydrates found in a variety of foods that have recently been linked to potential digestive issues in some people - specifically those with irritable bowel syndrome IBS 41 , A FODMAP diet uses elimination and reintroduction to determine which of these specific types of foods are causing the issue.

However, this doesn't apply to everyone and it likely wont help you debloat or "get a flat belly" if you don't have IBS.

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

It's also not an effective approach for weight management since it has little to do with portion control. If you are suffering from GI distress, speak with your doctor before trying any elimination diet on your own. These diets can be restrictive and hard to follow, causing you to miss out on beneficial nutrition.

Researchers designed the MIND eating plan with intention to support brain health and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's It emphasizes high amounts of nutrient dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and healthy fats like nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. Both the Mediterranean and DASH diets have been heavily supported by research as a way to promote good heart health and they may also support weight loss through a balanced meal plan 44 , Regardless, a MIND diet will only result in pounds lost with controlled portions.

Although not necessarily designed for weight management, eating a healthy balanced meal plan like the MIND diet can support your fitness goals by increasing your nutrition intake.