Key Highlights

When it comes to losing belly fat , your mind may immediately think of doing dozens of crunches or spending hours on a cardio machine. And while these moves may help you burn calories, they're not the most effective method of burning body fat. In fact, you'll want to hit the weight room and grab some dumbbells or a barbell. We can't talk about belly fat without first debunking the myth of spot-targeting fat loss.

Weight Lifting Exercises to Lose Belly Fat | Full Guide

If you are looking to get rid of fat, specifically on your midsection, we have some news for you: you can't control where your body loses fat. When you lose weight, it's up to your genetics thanks, Mom and Dad! So to lose belly fat , you have to lose body fat overall. To do this, Eric has what he calls the five cornerstones to any successful fat-loss program: increasing nonexercise activity thermogenesis , or NEAT the activity you do outside of the gym , weightlifting three days a week, implementing HIIT one to two days a week, getting enough sleep seven to eight hours a night , and eating in a healthy calorie deficit.

If you're curious why hours of cardio aren't on the list, that's no accident.

The 4-week Plan: Burn Belly Fat With These Weight Loss Workouts

You may not think barbell squats or deadlifts will have any impact on your midsection, but you'd be wrong. Weightlifting helps increase your muscle mass, and more muscle mass is one of the only proven ways to boost your metabolism. This is because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does, so more muscle mass means a higher resting metabolic rate. A higher resting metabolic rate means burning more calories, and therefore more fat, at rest.

Jumping rope also helps improve coordination and cognitive function. It helps strengthen the upper and lower body and makes your body burn a lot of calories in a short time. According to Multazim Shaikh, a fitness trainer and nutritionist with FamFits, you can burn about 1, calories per hour with a jump rope. Cardio kickboxing is a high-energy workout that combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio.

It helps you burn fat, build lean muscle. This challenging workout can help you build stamina, improve coordination and flexibility. Muscle and Fitness Magazine reported that kickboxing can help you burn more than calories per hour, as you tone up your entire body and rev up your metabolism with this fun, high-power cardio workout.

Pushups are a great exercise to build upper body strength and increase muscle mass in your arms. It helps to stabilise the core and increase metabolism to burn more fat. It can also boost your heart health. Another great strength training exercise, lunges are a popular workout among those trying to sculpt and tone their bodies. It is an effective workout for strengthening legs and buttocks. Lunges target large muscle groups of your lower body, which improves your metabolism and boost weight loss.

However, starting and sticking with a fitness plan can be challenging especially for beginners, so look for ways to help you stay active and make better food choices every day. With that in mind, you're going to have more success — and burn more calories and build more muscle, which both contribute to your overall weight loss efforts — if you focus on compound movements that recruit multiple muscles at once, helping you raise the intensity of your workouts.

Just a few of the many strength-training exercises that fit that bill, using extra weights or even your own body weight for resistance, include:.

The Best Exercises to Burn Belly Fat | Shape

Read more: 5 Workouts for Strength Training at Home. Each of your muscle groups needs at least a full day of rest to recover after a strength-training workout. Therefore, you must either space your strength-training sessions out on alternating days or train alternating muscle groups on consecutive days.

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For example, you could train your upper body on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, then train your lower body on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and rest on Sundays before starting over again. Andra Picincu is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer with more than 10 years of experience.

How to BURN FAT with Weight Training for WEIGHT LOSS - How to lose fat with weights - Lifting

Her mission is to help people live healthier lives by making smarter food choices and staying active. In her daily life, Ms. Picincu provides digital marketing consulting and copywriting services as well as nutrition counseling.

She owns ShapeYourEnergy, a popular health and fitness website. In , she launched a local nutrition office and partnered up with local gyms to help their clients take the steps needed to better health. Picincu is a regular contributor to these platforms where she provides either health-related content or coaching to those who are interested in achieving a balanced lifestyle.

Connect on LinkedIn. Lisa Maloney, CPT. Lisa is a retired personal trainer with more than 4, hours of hands-on experience working with a variety of clients, from sports teams to weight loss and post-rehab populations. She's also a professional writer.

Strengthen Your Core

In the controversy over cardio vs weight training for belly fat loss, both types of exercise come out ahead. Tip Incorporating weight training into your workouts can help you slim down your belly faster — but the subject of whether only lifting weights is sufficient to lose belly fat is controversial. Two Types of Belly Fat. Tip Need some guidance on your diet? Cardio vs.