Causes of Belly Fat:

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  3. Try curbing carbs instead of fats..
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  6. What is belly fat?.

There have been some studies done on the subject of the fat burning capabilities of spinach and the very healthy veggie has come out a winner in this category. Add a little cooked or blanched spinach to your breakfast or lunch to set your body on track for some major fat burn. Mushrooms are delicious and loved by vegetarians and non-vegetarians, alike. They have even started making appearance as an ingredient in coffees to increase their nutritional value.

Mushrooms have been known to promote weight loss and fat burn by regulating the levels of glucose in the blood. Added bonus?


They're rich in protein and can help you increase your metabolism, resulting in fat loss. Apart from high-quality fibre and a host of health-boosting minerals and vitamins, broccoli contains phytochemicals that help enhance fat loss in the body. The same goes for cauliflower. Apart from being filling, cauliflower helps fight bloating and contains phytonutrient sulforaphane, as well as good amounts of folate and vitamin C.

Broccoli contains phytochemicals that help enhance fat loss in the body. A lot of health freaks swear by chilli peppers for burning fat. Recent studies have demonstrated that the heat generated by consumption of chillies helps utilise more calories and essentially oxidises layers of fat in the body. But, if you don't like the burn of the chilli peppers, all non-hot varieties of the fruit may also do the trick, as they contain 'capsaicin,' which is responsible for burning fat.

Low in calories and high in fibre, pumpkin is one of the best vegetables to include in your weight loss diet. Whether you like to blanch it and eat it in salads or add pumpkin powder to your smoothies and vegetable drinks, pumpkin can help you reach your body goals quicker. Carrots are one of the best low-calorie vegetables to include in your weight loss diet.

Carrots are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre and, hence, fit the bill perfectly when it comes to healthy weight loss. Just remember, fruit is not a substitute for vegetables. The popular "flat belly diets"embrace much of the wisdom found in eating a Mediterranean diet, which helps everything from brain health to hearth health. The basic premise for both diets is eat foods rich in monosaturated fatty acids MUFA that may help reduce your belly fat storage.

Weight Loss: Top 9 Vegetables To Include In Your Diet To Burn Belly Fat

MUFA-rich foods include olive oil, nuts and seeds, avocodos, and fish. Eating yogurt regularly has also been found to be helpful in reducing belly fat.

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  • Another diet trend that promises results when it comes to belly fat: the apple cider vinegar diet. While animal studies have been promising, current research in humans has yet to show impressive results. The data supporting the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, however, are real and cause for making some dietary changes. And remember that vegetables should always comprise at least half of your plate and be a mix of starchy like potatoes and nonstarchy ones your leafy greens, broccoli, etc. Eating the vegetables first will leave less room for other foods that aren't as healthy, because vegetable fiber is filling.

    The single most important thing people can do to prevent the buildup of belly fat and get rid of existing belly fat is commit to physical activity, and better yet, a physical lifestyle. In a way, moderate-intensity physical activity is that "magic pill" a lot of people are looking for, because the health benefits go beyond keeping your waistline trim: Not only can it reduce your risk of cancer , stroke , diabetes and heart attacks , but studies have shown that physical activity can significantly improve the moods of patients with major depressive disorders.

    Overtraining, though, can be problematic when it comes to fighting belly fat because it can lead to coristol overproduction.

    7 Foods that Burn Belly Fat

    Excess amounts of this stress hormone has been found to be associated with belly fat. Simply walking briskly an hour each day can have an impact by boosting your metabolism, as can adding an incline to your treadmill routine. Here's something else most people probably don't know: Fidgeting is good for you. It's considered a nonexercise physical activity, and it's an important way to burn energy.

    7 Days Diet Plan to Reduce Belly Fat

    You get more health benefits if, in addition to exercising, you are a more fidgety, more active person the rest of the day. This means gesturing while you're talking, tapping your foot, just moving around. Studies have shown that people who sit eight to nine hours a day, even if they exercise the recommended minutes per week, do not get the same benefits of exercising as people who are more active throughout the day. Having an active hobby — and if you don't already have one, developing one — is important. Get engaged in some kind of sport, whether it's a group activity or something you can do alone.

    Essentially, if an activity is pleasant to you, you'll continue to do it.

    If your leisure time involves sitting around on the sofa or in a chair, you might actually be offsetting the positive health effects of exercising even if you're working out regularly. Unfortunately, the general understanding of rest is relaxing in front of TV or dining out — what we call "passive rest.

    First of all, what is belly fat?

    Statistics suggest that out of months in his life, the average man in the U. Think of the other things you could do with those months of your life. You could find activities that are better for your health and will help keep the belly fat away. Each and every article published in the Truweight Blog is medically reviewed and cross-checked by our certified nutritionists.

    Likewise, Truweight has zero-tolerance towards plagiarism. Below are the standard policies we adhere to. Study papers, referenced and internal links sited in the articles must be from reputed and relevant academic associations or journals.