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Gluten intolerance can cause so much damage to your small intestine that the organ stops producing lactase, the enzyme that helps with milk digestion.

Yes! A Gluten-Free Diet Can Help With Weight Loss And Chronic Pain Management

You could temporarily lose other enzymes, too, like the one that helps your body process sugar. Still, gluten is at the root of the problem, so when you remove it, the secondary intolerances tend to disappear. As you cut out bread products, you'll reach for others to comfort yourself: Maybe they're healthier fruits and veggies that'll cause you to drop a few pounds. But you might also find yourself grabbing indulgent chocolate or processed gluten-free goodies. By the time you perfect your new diet, your weight should even out to what it was before you cut out gluten.

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Yes! A Gluten-Free Diet Can Help With Weight Loss And Chronic Pain Management

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You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Gluten has been blamed for weight management issues and a lot of people believe that eliminating this protein may aide weight loss. Is this belief true or another urban nutritional myth?

Can you lose weight on a gluten-free diet?

We're here to find out for you! Gluten-free diet is a diet free from gluten, a protein found in grains - primarily wheat and rye. Gluten-free diet is essential for people suffering from celiac diseases and gluten restriction may also be advised if a patient is sensitive to gluten. Gluten-free diets are essentially for celiac disease patients and no study has shown any other benefits of this restriction. A lot of people suffering from bloating and indigestion feel better when they remove gluten from their diets, but it does not point to gluten intolerance.

In fact this may be simply because our food today is laden with gluten and we do not eat other cereal grains, so the body is just reacting to an overload. Gluten-free diets do not assist with weight loss as for that you need to improve your entire lifestyle to include less sugary foods, fresh balanced meals along with exercise.

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One advantage of going gluten-free is that you begin to eat more whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and meats and avoid junk simply because of the wheat in it. There is research around the fact that wheat actually augments your appetite more than satiating it. Thus, Gluten-free diets may help you make healthier food choices, but this needs to be combined with exercise and overall healthier eating for the purpose of weight loss.

Who Should Go Gluten-Free? Those people who have celiac disease must consider going gluten-free.

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Desire to go gluten-free should not be indulged in just for the purpose of losing weight, since this means cutting out an entire group of foods and nutrients from your diet. Losing weight does not necessarily need to involve going gluten-free. Avoid going gluten-free if you are not gluten-sensitive, as you may miss out on important fibre. There are a few symptoms of gluten sensitivity and another few of gluten intolerance. Bloating is one of the most common symptoms of gluten intolerance.

This could be accompanied with abdominal pain, a feeling of tiredness , and skin problems. If you have other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid, you may be more susceptible to gluten intolerance as it is also a form of the disease. Advantages Of Going Gluten-Free There are a number of benefits associated with going gluten-free, which may include some of the following: Eliminates unhealthy and processed foods Reduces risk of heart disease Promotes eating healthy food that is gluten-free Helps ward off cholesterol and promotes health Increases energy levels Promotes digestive health and overall well-being Risks Of Going Gluten-Free People who go gluten-free may be at risk of certain conditions, including overall detriment to health: May result in nutritional deficiencies Lack of fiber which may cause problems in digestive systems Experts recommend not going gluten-free unless you have a celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

The benefits of having gluten far outweigh the risks of not having it. Thus, it is recommended not to go on a gluten-free diet unless said by your doctor specifically so. The Indian diet is suited to incorporating of wheat in the diet for ages, and lack of wheat needs to be substituted with equally satiating grains in the diet. Gluten-free ingredients and dishes are hard to come by, and are often more expensive than their gluten-containing conterparts.

The best practice to go gluten-free is to go local, and source locally produced ingredients that can be easily incorporated in the diet. Preparation of gluten-free foods is much higher than the foods just being replaced.

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Thus, it is a good idea to replace foods from the very basic breakup of the diet rather than prepare them separately. So, eat a variety of grains. This will rest your system and bring a lot of nutrients to your daily food.