Can I still exercise to manage my weight?

Here's how it works: The egg and sperm each contribute one chromosome. The egg always carries an X; the sperm, either an X or a Y. If the fertilizing sperm contains an X chromosome, you will have a girl. If it contains a Y, you're having a boy. The fertilized egg, also known as a zygote, is the size of an apple seed when you can confirm that you're pregnant—about two weeks after conception. By week five, it's known as an embryo, and the placenta and umbilical cord are functioning. At eight or nine weeks, it's officially a fetus and all its organs have been formed. By the end of the first trimester, it'll be almost 3 inches long and the face will look recognizably human.

No wonder you're tired! Even before you conceive, start taking a prenatal multivitamin with micrograms of folic acid daily take micrograms when you get pregnant. Spina bifida is perhaps the most well-known of these problems.

Avoid over-the-counter prenatal vitamins that contain herbals or "natural" products; they are not as strictly regulated. If the vitamins upset your stomach, iron is probably the culprit. Ask your doctor about taking folic acid alone until your morning sickness passes.

Weight Loss in the First Trimester

In the meantime, eat lots of folate- and iron-rich foods, such as beans, spinach and raisins. If you're at risk for having a baby with an inherited disorder, genetic counseling can help you and your partner decide whether to undergo tests. These tests can determine if either of you is a carrier and see if your fetus is affected. Age and personal and family medical histories are just a few factors to consider when deciding on testing.

You may be surprised—and concerned—if your doctor prescribes antibiotics to treat a condition such as a simple gum or bladder infection. But infection anywhere in the body may lead to preterm labor. If your obstetrician prescribes antibiotics, it's likely because the benefits outweigh the risks. If another physician prescribes them, get your OB's approval before taking them. Fifteen to 20 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, usually in the first trimester.

​Is It EVER Safe To Try To Lose Weight While You’re Pregnant? | Women's Health

Many women blame themselves when it happens, but there is no evidence that emotional stress, physical activity, or sex causes it. If you begin spotting, bleeding, or cramping, call your doctor right away. If you do miscarry and need help coping, ask your doctor to recommend a support group or find one online. Davis, Ph. Sussman, M. Taylor, There are a lot of reasons to get or stay physical in the first trimester. It also boosts energy, reduces stress, and helps you get in shape faster postpartum.

Anecdotal evidence also indicates that prenatal exercise makes for a shorter, easier labor. If you're feeling sick, at least walk, if only in minute spurts. Whatever you do, monitor the intensity. Jeffreys suggests using the Borg Scale, which allows you to rate your exertion level from 1 to Sitting would be a 1; an all-out sprint, a If you worked out before becoming pregnant, stay between 3 and 5. If you're new to exercise, aim for 3. Before the first trimester is over, visit your company's human resources department to find out how much maternity leave you'll have and whether it will be paid, unpaid, or a combination of both.

Try to avoid heavy lifting or standing for long stretches at a time. Stress-related risks —such as demanding deadlines, long commutes, and grueling hours—are less tangible but shouldn't be ignored. Enter your due date or child's birthday dd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 mm Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec yyyy Trying to conceive?

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Should You Lose Weight During Pregnancy?

See all in Community. See all in Getting Pregnant. See all in Pregnancy. See all in Preschooler. See all in Life as a Parent. Babies who have low body weight at birth and are pre-term may be susceptible to other health conditions or abnormalities because their bodies have not had the ability to develop fully. Your physician will monitor your weight closely and you will be weighed at each prenatal appointment in order to prevent complications that could impact your baby, such as:. Unless recommended by your physician, intentional weight loss is not recommended during pregnancy.


In some cases, minimal weight loss is advised for some women who have extreme obesity. However, this is somewhat controversial as research and experts are divided about the benefits and risks of this approach. Modest weight loss for women who have obesity has been shown to lower the risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, emergency c-section, and having an overly large baby. In cases where a woman is in the highest BMI classification, she may have enough stored fat to safely sustain her baby without gaining as much weight.

Your doctor will be the best person to evaluate whether or not weight loss or minimizing weight gain would be appropriate in your specific case. These optimal weight gain numbers are increased for those carrying twins or other sets of multiples. Eating small, frequent nutrient-dense meals can help you meet your caloric needs even when you feel nauseous and prevent weight loss.

When you are not feeling well, it can be difficult to meal prep and plan on your own.

Can You Lose Weight While Pregnant?

If that's an issue for you, ask a partner, friend, or family member to help prepare or provide your meals. If you continue to have difficulty and are unable to gain enough weight or you continue to lose weight, consider working with a dietitian.

A dietitian can provide individualized meal plans based on your nutrient and calorie needs and preferences. In addition, it can be helpful to treat any symptoms that are interfering with eating. Treatments might include taking anti-nausea, anti-depression, or anti-thyroid medications, depending on your particular case. Han also suggests skipping at-home weigh-ins, which can be inaccurate and stressful.

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Most women need to increase their calorie intake by about to calories per day in the second and third trimesters for adequate weight gain and nutrition. Also, drink plenty of water, which can be especially helpful for reducing nausea. Understanding portions and nutritional needs can be complex and many women, particularly those with other medical needs, may benefit from seeing a dietitian who can assist them in this process.

Han says, "Nutritional recommendations should always be individualized and take into consideration, physical activity, age, weight, and health conditions. Weight loss during early pregnancy can be common, but in general, is not recommended. Aside from minor weight loss due to regular morning sickness, unintentional weight loss and inability to gain weight require a medical evaluation.

If your weight loss is being caused by an underlying condition, your physician can treat it to prevent future weight loss and protect your health and that of your baby. Evaluation by a dietitian can help with nutritional guidance and individualized meal planning. Get diet and wellness tips to help your kids stay healthy and happy. Lee NM, Saha S. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.

Gastroenterol Clin North Am. Associations of gestational weight loss with birth-related outcome: A retrospective cohort study. Buschur E, Kim C. Guidelines and interventions for obesity during pregnancy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. June