Yes, You Can Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 2 Months (and Keep It Off) — Here's How

If you're looking to really lose weight — as in: lose fat , change your measurements , and go down a dress size — then you need to be strategic to get results. You can definitely lose weight and see results within two months as long as you follow these steps.

How to Lose Weight in 2 Months

And not just that, but keep it off for good. The time will pass whether you make a change or not. So you might as well take the necessary steps towards your goal and really see results! View On One Page. Photo 0 of 7. Previous Next Start Slideshow. Around The Web. You May Also Like. Dunkin' Donuts. Healthy Eating Tips. These 12 Simple Tweaks Can Help. Healthy Living. No account yet?

Create an account. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Part 1 of Be active every day to prime your body for toning. You'll need to get in basic shape before you can start really toning your muscles. If you move directly into intense exercise, you're much more likely to get overwhelmed and quit or even injure yourself. Start building your endurance by getting off the couch and being active in your everyday life.

Take the stairs when you have the choice. Stand instead of sit while you use the computer or study. Walk to places that are a mile or less from your location, instead of taking the car. Go for a relaxing walk or jog instead of watching TV. There are lots of ways to get active in your everyday life without even exercising. Start with basic exercises to build your endurance.

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Begin toning your muscles by doing some basic exercises. These will increase your endurance and help get you in better shape, so that you can move on to really sculpting your body with more targeted exercise.

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  • For exercises you can do on your own, try walking, riding a bike, or going swimming. Then, as you get stronger, you can gradually walk up to more intense exercises like jogging or running. These basic exercises should take up about three hours of your day, everyday, for the first week or two. Do "monkey arms". Do this exercise by putting a weight in each of your hands. Start by holding the weight at your armpit with your elbows out.

    Then, swing your arms out to straighten them, keeping them up and level with your shoulders. Swing the weight back to your armpits and repeat.

    I Have Two Months to Lose Weight & Tone Up for Vacation

    If you don't own weights, you can cheat and use cans of food or other lightly heavy objects. Pair this with a squat or lunge to make it a full body workout. Do planks. Planks are one of the more efficient exercises you can do, significantly increasing the strength of your core muscles and legs in much less time than other core exercises.

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    Now, lower your body so that instead of resting your weight on your hands, your whole forearm is resting on the ground instead. Just hold that position, with your back and legs as straight as possible, for as long as you can. You should try to hold this position for as long as you can, but you should know that holding it for a minute or more takes very strong core muscles. Start out holding the position for 10 seconds, resting for 30 seconds, and then repeating for about 10 minutes.

    Slowly work your way up to holding the position for 30 seconds to a minute. Do squats. Squats work your core muscles and your legs, and can even work your arms if you lift small weights while you do them.

    How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Months | POPSUGAR Fitness

    A squat is done by standing with your feet about a shoulder's width apart and then crouching down, as if you're sitting in an invisible chair. Keep your back straight in order to do this exercise correctly. If you're new to squats, using a chair or table to balance can make it much easier. Do a pike roll-out. After a few weeks of exercising frequently, you can start doing exercises which are a bit more strenuous. This exercise requires an exercise ball but it is a good full body workout. Start in a push-up position but instead of having your feet on the ground, let your shins rest on top of the ball instead.

    Pull your hips up, so that your butt goes up into the air, rolling the ball down your leg as you go until your toes are resting on the ball. Then, roll back down so that the ball moves slowly up your body to reach your hips. Your body should be kept in a straight line, legs up in the air, so that your create an upside-down "V" shape in profile.

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    Do burpees. Burpees look complex but they're actually easy once you get used to the motions and they're one of the best full body workouts that you can do. Start in a standing position, feet apart. Put your hands down on the ground in front of your feet, jump your legs back so that you go into a push-up position, and do a push-up. Now, jump your feet back, then lift your hands above your head and jump straight up as high as you can.

    Repeat for at least 10 minutes. You can skip either the push-up or the jump, but both really add to the effectiveness of the exercise, so it is not recommended.

    How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Months

    Expect that you can't spot reduce. In general, you can't exercise a certain body part to only lose weight there. There are exercises that can target specific muscles, but if you want to get toned quickly, it's best to focus on your whole body using the full body exercises that we've recommended above. Focusing too much on one area and using some exercises like lifting weights puts you at risk of adding a lot of bulk, instead of just defining the muscles that you have.