How to lose chest fat

That's why it is important to combine strength training with cardio, too. Do push-ups. One of the most effective ways to sculpt your chest muscles is by doing push-ups and variations of them. Push-ups target your chest muscles and the smaller muscles around your chest area. In addition, they can help build back and abdominal muscles, which can help you slim down overall. Get into a plank pose. Keep your arms straight and your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.

Bend at your elbows and lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. Remember to keep your abs and leg muscles engaged. Try half-plank, or knee, push-ups if you are unable to do push-ups in a plank position. To do this, start on your hands and knees instead of the plank position, then adjust so that your head, torso, and knees are all in a straight line. Your hips should not bend. Consider adding push-up variations such as military push-ups, chest squeeze push-ups, and archer push-ups after three to four weeks to give your chest a new challenge.

Perform presses. Pressing any amount of weight up from your chest can also help to strengthen your chest muscles. From chest presses to bench presses, doing a variety of these exercises can help you define chest muscles. Hold the weight at your lower ribs, bend your elbows, and press up until your arms are straight. Stay at the top for one second and then slowly lower your arms back to your original position. Start with 5 lbs. This allows not just the muscles but also the connective tissues in your shoulders, elbows, and wrists to strengthen and support more weight.

Try different presses every three to four weeks to challenge your muscles. You can choose from a variety of options such as incline or decline presses, neck bench presses, dumbbell around the world, close grip bench presses, and squeeze presses.

How to lose BREAST FAT at HOME Fast - How to lose chest fat - Home workout to reduce CHEST FAT Fast

Complete flyes. Pulling your arms together, which is called a flye or fly , is another great way to sculpt your chest muscles. Use two 5 lb. Slowly open your arms wide, as though spreading your wings. Then slowly bring your arms back up. You can perform flyes using a resistance band, too.

lose breast fat!!!

Stand and anchor the band at about hip-height try wrapping it around a column or door handle , holding one end in each hand. Start with your arms open, then bring your hands together in front of your chest, then slowly open again. Vary your flye routine every three to four weeks to challenge your chest muscles. Try incline or decline flyes, cable flyes, and even single-arm variations. Part 2 of Change your sedentary lifestyle. Although weight training can build muscle mass — which consumes more calories and therefore increases your metabolism and improves your physique — this cannot be viewed as getting rid of excess tissue in a specific spot.

Simple changes like walking instead of driving or taking the stairs instead of the elevator can help you burn calories and fat. Consider wearing a pedometer to count how far you walk in a day. Do cardio most days. Combining weight training with cardiovascular exercise and a healthy diet can help you get rid of excess body fat, including in the chest area.

6 Exercises For Man Boobs That Will Tone You Up

Sensible weight loss is one to two pounds per week. Doing some type of exercise or activity five to six days a week can help you meet overall weight loss goals and get rid of excess breast tissue more quickly. Aim for at least 30 minutes of daily cardio to reduce breast tissue. For example, try two minute workouts. Choose activities that challenge your body and that you enjoy. It may take a little trial and error to find what works and what you like.

Consider activities such as walking, jogging or running, rowing, swimming, or biking. You can also use machines such as an elliptical, stair trainer, or rowing machine. Keep in mind that team sports, running outside with your kids, or even activities like jumping rope or on a trampoline count towards your weekly exercise. Take classes. Boot camps, spin, aerobics, and cardio burn classes that use free weights and other equipment are a great way to start building muscle and reducing fat in all areas of the body.

They can also motivate you if you have a hard time doing workouts alone. Sign up for a class that you do three to four times per week, with a day of rest in between. These classes often have the added benefit of teaching you proper form, which you can apply when you work out at home or on the go. Part 3 of See your doctor to rule out gynecomastia. Make sure to see your doctor before you start any weight lifting or weight loss program.

Workouts that help get rid of chest fat and build muscle

Your doctor will check to see if you have a condition known as gynecomastia, which causes male breast tissue to grow and is the result of a hormonal imbalance. Gynecomastia can also indicate a more serious disease such as male breast cancer. Let your doctor know why you scheduled the appointment. Depending on the examination and any tests you may have, your doctor could diagnose you with gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia, which happens as a result of fat deposits without an underlying hormonal imbalance.

In most cases, men with mild gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia can use diet and exercise to reduce fat deposits in their chests. Get sufficient rest. Just as getting exercise is important to ridding yourself of excess tissue on your chest, so is rest. In fact, getting insufficient rest can cause you to gain weight. Giving yourself a rest day or two every week and getting at least seven hours of sleep per night can help you lose weight and unwanted fat on your chest.

This promotes muscle building and recovery. A rest day doesn't mean you just sit on the couch, however. Try something gentle and restorative, like yoga or a leisurely walk, on these days. Aim for eight to nine hours of sleep every night and get no less than seven hours.

Did your doctor recommend you to lose weight?

Eat regular, nutrient-rich meals. Choosing whole, nutrient-rich foods can help you lose weight and gradually excess tissue on your chest. This is a good rule of thumb to follow when cutting calories and losing weight sensibly. Do not eat fewer than 1, calories a day because this can be harmful to your health and slow your metabolism, which will make you feel miserable and impede weight loss. Choose different, whole foods from the five food groups. As a part of your daily diet, get food from the five food groups of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy.

Vary your selections to get the widest range of nutrients. Healthy foods generally have a lot of fiber, which can keep food cravings at bay. Eat whole grains including whole wheat pasta or bread, brown rice, cereal, or oatmeal. Eat lean cuts of meat like chicken, fish, and pork as well as cooked beans, nut butters and eggs for protein. Eat low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, and drink cow and nut milks for your dairy.


Most people are not aware of how much they are really eating, and food tracking can be a real eye-opener. And, you might want to reduce your consumption of these 5 food groups if you want to lose weight. Bodyweight training is amazing because a lot of the exercises recruit multiple muscle groups, resulting in more calories burned. Yes, push-ups are an excellent example of a bodyweight exercise for the chest! But did you know that push-ups also work your arms, shoulders, back, core and require activation from the glutes and legs as well?

The wider your hand placement during a push-up, the more your chest is working. Play with the tempo of the push-up and try doing some really slowly as well. Feel the burn? You really want to focus on building muscle rather than doing endless cardio to burn fat. Plus, muscle is a very energy-demanding tissue, meaning the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn at rest. Chest exercises like chest press and cable chest flies are a great example of muscle-building exercises for the chest.

A total-body approach is key when it comes to training to lose the fat. Or do i have to do some other exercises too? Eat Healthier. Man boobs are almost always the result of years of eating junk food which contain more calories than whole foods. Get Stronger. Two, the more weight you lift, the more calories you burn in a workout.

Three, strength training promotes healthier food choices and makes you stick to your diet better.

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