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You've come to the right place, but you've already made a grave mistake — you can't spot-reduce target individual areas of fat. That includes your belly. No amount of crunches, sit-ups or toes-to-bar will eradicate your spare tyre.

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Instead, it's lifestyle habits and dietary choices — such as those listed below — that are the culprits of your unwanted midriff. Handily, there are plenty of actionable routes you can take to start eviscerating this build-up of visceral fat. As it surrounds your liver, stomach and intestines it can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Sure, bigger arms and a wider chest are more appealing — but if long-term, holistic health is your goal, then you need to reassess your training priorities.

The war on your 'belly fat' will be a balanced one — comprised of exercise, diet choices, sleep improvements and, crucially, a better understanding of the roles calories play. Even the UK government has declared war on obesity. In , the majority of adults in England were classified as overweight or obese.

Is a UK-wide obesity plan the way to change that?

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The jury's still out. But what we do know is healthier lives begin with knowledge, which is why we've put together this guide to different types of fat, the causes and how you can go about losing it. Not all fat is created equal. Belly fat a. It excels at pumping out various inflammatory substances, interfering with hormones that regulate appetite, weight, mood and brain function and sending your cortisol levels — responsible for stress — through the roof. So far, so tragic. There is, however, some good news. We all know that eating too much and moving too little is the foundation upon which flab is built.

Certain stressors, for example, will see you scaling your belt notches with very little effort. If antioxidants are the good guys of gut health, trans fats are the super-villains. These sneaky fats actively contribute to your growing waist line — not just by adding new fat, but by moving fat from other areas of your body to your belly. During a six-year study at Wake Forest University , monkeys that were fed an 8 per cent trans-fat diet had 33 per cent more belly fat than monkeys that were fed an 8 per cent monounsaturated fat diet.

There are currently no legal requirements for food manufacturers to label trans fats, according to the British Dietetic Association, so you need to check ingredients lists for hydrogenated fats and hydrogenated vegetable oils. The biggest culprits?

Belly Fat in Men

When your cortisol levels are through the roof , it triggers the release of insulin, and this is where things go awry. Since your blood sugar levels are now super low thanks insulin and your reward centres are blinkered thanks cortisol you wind up face-planting the biscuit tin rather than the fruit bowl. To make matters worse, cortisol helps to release myostatin, a protein that breaks down muscle. Can one too many pints really earn you a beer belly? Well, yes. It becomes your primary energy source, and the proteins , carbs and fats swirling around your digestive system are converted to fat by default.

Try curbing carbs instead of fats.

Most of the bacteria that dwell in your gut are pretty useful. They produce hormones, regulate your immune system, digest food, extract nutrients, control your mood, manage your appetite, and much more besides. Now, two groups of beneficial bacteria are dominant in the human gut, the bacteroidetes and the firmicutes. However, the number of bacteroidetes is decreased in obese people when compared with lean people, according to research.

8 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life

In another study, scientists took stool samples from twins and found that the less diverse your gut bacteria, the more likely you are to have belly fat. Grow your gut community to shed serious timber. Your ultimate goal is to hike up your metabolism , and the intensity of your workout , the fundamentals of your diet, how much muscle you have, how well you manage stress , and your quality of sleep all play a part in this. Prioritise lean protein like beef, turkey, eggs , fish, chicken, and tofu. University of Missouri researchers compared the benefits of consuming a normal-protein breakfast to a high-protein breakfast and found the high-protein breakfast, which contained 35 grams of protein, prevented weight gain, reduced daily food intake and feelings of hunger and stabilised glucose levels among overweight teens who would normally skip breakfast.

You need our ultimate guide to tracking your macros. Set a goal of 0. For a lb man, this is grams of protein.

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The key is to start all of your meals by focusing on eating the protein on the plate first. This will help you avoid overeating and make it easier to hit that high protein goal. Now, let me clarify, there are a lot of foods with protein in them but high fat cuts of meat like bacon or hotdogs, peanut butter, and cheese should not be your primary source of protein. These are going to drive your caloric intake through the roof. Focus on lean meats and protein shakes.

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Read my article on protein for more food ideas. Strength training will teach your body to use calories to build muscle and avoid storing excessive fat. It will build muscle—which you need to maintain your metabolic rate while you get leaner. Proper strength training will increase strength and more importantly drive your metabolism up. Your body will need to use calories to recover from exercise and repair muscles from damage. Along with this, strength training provides a way to maintain a good body fat percentage by providing a metabolic cushion when you do overeat.

I recommend at least three hours of hard strength training per week. This means huffing and puffing after a set, pairing exercises back-to-back, and progressively overloading. Strength training should start now for you, and should never stop. With the right guidance and coaching strength training is sustainable and worthwhile. Studies even show that you can be overweight and still avoid high disease risk by staying active. Even if you are strength training three hours per week you are sedentary if you do nothing else outside of it.

There are hours in a week, you mean to tell me that moving your body for three hours of that is being active? You need to be moving more than that. Stop taking metabolic shortcuts by taking the elevator, driving everywhere, and sitting so much.

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  • This stuff adds up. Maintain a healthy metabolic rate by being active. Take regular breaks from your desk or couch to get up and take a lap. Take the stairs whenever possible. Walk around the neighborhood after dinner. These mini activities can be short—even 5 minutes is better than not moving. This works. The cities with lower obesity rates allow for more transportation on foot.

    Lose Weight - Exercises To Lose Belly Fat - Exercises To Lose Weight

    This means that taking an extra 2, steps a day by walking around the office, walking after dinner, and parking far away can add up to extra calories burned per week for a lb man.