1. Count your calories

At all. Whether or not you have those coveted abs has less to do with exercise and more with genetics and body fat percentage.

What does body fat percentage mean?

Genetics are completely out of our hands, and body fat is a little harder to control than you may think. Still determined to try for six pack abs, or want to learn why your exercise-filled attempts have never been successful? I spoke to Dr. John Morton , the head of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Yale Medicine, and together we'll tell you everything you need to know, including how to work towards your goal safely.

Read more: The best home gym equipment.

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  3. How Much Body Fat You Need to Lose to Uncover Your Abs.
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Body fat is partly determined by what you eat, but there's other factors going into the number that are out of your control. It may sound fairly self-explanatory, but your body fat percentage just measures how much of your body mass is fat.

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  5. 2. Balance carbs and protein!
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And don't look at fat like it's a bad word -- body fat percentage includes essential fat you need to survive. Body fat percentage is easy to get confused with body mass index , or BMI, but the two are quite different. BMI isn't the best measurement of health, since some people can have a "healthy" reading but actually be in danger for obesity-related illnesses because they have too little lean mass. There's a bunch of different ways you can measure your body fat percentage, and for the best readings you'll want to get it done at a doctor's or dietician's office.

Health and Wellness

They'll have machines like an underwater weighing station or the ability to do a DEXA scan , which are far more accurate than anything you can do at home. However, if you don't have the resources to make the trip to a healthcare provider, you can get a fairly good estimate at home.

The American Council of Exercise has a calculator where you can plug in some skinfold measurements for a rough idea of what your body fat percentage is. No matter how strong your ab muscles are, they're not going to show through unless you have a low enough body fat. You must lose overall fat throughout the entire body to trim your waistline. Keep reading to learn how. Lift Weights Lifting weights will help build muscle, prevent muscle loss and boost fat loss. Although spot reduction is not possible see above , performing resistance training exercises that work large and multiple muscle groups will burn the most calories.

Eat Right Training hard will give you muscular abs, but if you continue to eat junk, you will forever have a layer of belly fat on top of those muscles. Your first step is to stop eating processed food, and start eating whole foods like the ones below. Protein: Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, whey protein, etc. Veggies: Broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale, salad, etc. Fruits: Banana, apple, orange, strawberry, raspberry, etc. Healthy fats: Fish oil, nuts, flax seed, olive oil, etc. Carbs: Whole-grain pasta, brown rice, oats, etc.

Use these simple tips to improve your nutrition habits: Eat breakfast. Eat every three hours. Eat proteins, veggies and fruit with every meal. If you keep foods like cookies, cakes, and chips out of the house and office you will be less likely to cheat and blow your diet.

How to lose fat and get abs: Get a six pack and lose fat the healthy way

This is the most important meal of the day. This will give your metabolism a daily jump start and keep your fat loss efforts on track all day.

  • No More Gimmicks: 10 Steps to Losing Belly Fat for Good.
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  • 5 Big Fat Six-Pack Abs Lies And 14 Surefire Ways To Beat The Belly Fat | www.nurseryhills.com.
  • Keep foods like cookies, cakes, frozen pizzas, and more out of the house. You will be less likely to cheat this way.

    By planning your meals in advance, you will have prepared healthy food to eat throughout the day and be less likely to grab something unhealthy if you get a food craving. To make things easy, it is best to take one day of the week typically on the weekend and prepare all of your meals for the week.

    5 Big Fat Six-Pack Abs Lies And 14 Surefire Ways To Beat The Belly Fat

    Water helps prime the body for fat loss, as well as flush out harmful toxins. Not drinking enough can lead to a water imbalance in the body, which can increase your risk of disease. Most carbohydrates cause the pancreas to produce insulin, which acts as a signal to the brain to stop you from feeling hungry. When you eat high fructose corn syrup however, the brain never gets this signal so you are more likely to overeat and gain weight.

    Also, foods with high fructose corn syrup are typically very low in nutritional value and VERY high in calories.

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    Many of these foods have tons of calories and artificial ingredients. Use Stevia sweetener instead. Be extra careful to avoid white flour pasta, white bread, white sugar, and white rice. These types of foods have no nutritional value and do absolutely nothing good for your body. We usually don't get all of the vitamins and minerals we need from food so taking a multivitamin is a great way to ensure we get these essential nutrients.