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Surrounding yourself with the right kind of people is not only important in this situation, but in life! Make sure to be around people that support you, cheer you up, and work with you and not against you. What kept me going was how I felt physically and mentally. Making healthy choices for a long period of time not only made my physical body feel better but also my mind. I felt lighter, faster, happier, saner, and all that good stuff.

I knew that in order to be successful in this journey, I had to be strong and focused. For that, I needed I healthy mind. Our minds play many tricks on us, and I always felt like a victim of mine. I have always let myself be manipulated by my own emotions, my thoughts, and would create stories in my mind that would serve as reasons to make the choices I was making. For this reason, creating a routine of meditation and affirmations was incredibly helpful. In the future, I will make a more in-depth post about meditation and affirmations, but the truth is that both of these things empowered me.

Through meditating I came out of my constant state of anxiety, allowing me to feel calmer, more in tune with myself, and more aware of my thought patterns. Affirmations helped condition my own mind in the opposite direction than it was before. All these beliefs made me exactly that. So, my daily affirmations helped me tear down those beliefs and create new ones.

Reminder Successfully Set!

Along this journey, I also realised that what I was hoping for was not a specific body type or anything that was only centred on my physical body. Everything started to interconnect in my mind creating a bigger picture.

How I lost 30 Kg (66 pounds) in 6 months - Ana Martins

I decided that I was going to become a better version of myself as that is the most important thing I can also do for others, for the world. If each one of us works on ourselves, on our physical health, our minds, our behaviours, our attitudes, if each one of us become the best version of ourselves, we will be on the path of improving the world, humanity, everything.

This is getting deep, but for me thinking this way really worked. To better the world we all just need to better ourselves, right? So, for me, this journey was not just about a weight loss journey. It was a journey of becoming healthier, happier and loving myself and others. I have also stopped eating meat, at first thinking only of health reasons, but then also because I respect animals and the environment the meat industry is one of the most pollutive industries there is , so what I was doing for me, I was also doing for something bigger.

And you can also find your own way to do this! If the external motivation of simply looking better in certain clothes is enough for you to achieve your goals, that is amazing! But if you struggle with that like I did, then look inside you and ask yourself: Do I love myself? Get ready to be fab.

TRANSFORMATION (-30 kg in 4 months) challenge done !

Read on. Kushal is an ordinary guy from Delhi.

Inspiring story of a foodie who loses 30 KG weight...

A foodie to the core and was lazy even more. From the time I remember, I have always been chubby, during my school, under graduation and post graduation. Sports have never been my cup of tea, at least till I was Professionally, I am into startups. For last 1 year, living in the beautiful city of Bangalore. Because I manage to lose 30 kgs of weight in last 5 months without crash dieting.

I thought of sharing a few tips on especially if you are a foodie. Yup, this is a few glimpse of my story of how I went. Losing weight was never the primary objective. Yup, you read correctly. It triggered off with cycling when I came across the cycling culture of Bangalore. Influenced by my friends, I got a basic decathlon mybike on Sep I set clear short term and long term goals in mind.

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I started off with cycling for 3 Km baby steps are good, always! Moreso, I went for a weekly cheat day provided I crossed my daily targets on all days of the week. Trust me, if you persist with right exercise and right food, you would feel your fat being torn and muscles coming up esp when you are sleeping. Mainly staying awake late nights — I was sleeping at 11 and getting up in the morning at 7. My ride time was morning only: 7 to Nothing else really! The palpable results not weight!

You yourself start feeling good.

My weight loss story – 15 things I did to lose 30 kgs

Cycling was eye grabber, always: I loved being associated with the cyclist group of the city. Imagine, you are standing on a traffic light along with all the bikes and cars, and the attention is the cyclist: Love the support people in Bangalore give to the cyclists! I used to bring really cool shorts and tees for 1 size smaller and use them as a reward! How I was surprising myself by overachieving my own goals: I never thought I could cycle for Km in a day yup! Did a cycling brevet , I never thought I could run What differences can you see between before and after losing weight?

More than the external changes, the approach is really different. Now, I am much more confident of pulling off the unthinkable even by me. Just need to be disciplined. On a fitness level, I am much more flexible and lean. Thanks to the 30Kg loss, Now my legs can carry me faster and on longer distance on cycle! This is just the beginning, will try to be more fit. People generally complain; one regains weight after sometime of losing weight. What do you think? And what should we do to maintain weight? I think the moot cause here is how you lost weight.

Weight loss has happened because of fat reduction and muscle formation, it is healthy weight loss. Because more muscles means better metabolism, which implies you will burn more calories even when you are not exercising. Again, as I suggested, try not to deprive yourself of food, but control the quantity.

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Keep it reward based. Do the math correctly, so that you have it when you have burnt enough calories. Following are a few things that you might need to keep an eye on! Yup, in fact I am planning to open a venture in healthy food segment, to make sure that every person who is worried about their diet can be rest assured that their diet is in sync with their fitness objective. Will keep you posted on the updates. Losing weight is also a mind game. Just decide, take tiny steps towards your fitness goals and watch what you eat.

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Get Rid Of Lower Belly Fat Wit...

Thanks for inspiring individuals like me. This is my 2nd day of cycling commute to work. I am fighting with my mind to keep my determination alive. Being a lazy person It is not easy for me to be consistent, but I have to do it.

Diet Plan To Lose 30kg In 1 Month

Your story gives me inspiration. Once again thanks for sharing. Thank you so much for sharing this experience. It is really inspiring. After reading it, It feels like nothing is impossible if you really want to do it..!! That was really inspiring..