
At lunch meetings, order the least processed and most natural food on the menu, such as salads without cheese or heavy dressings.

Lose thigh fat fast

Enjoy cheat days. No one is perfect and sometimes you may just want a burger and fries. Make wise choices at restaurants. Eating out is a great social activity, but it can also cause major setbacks for many diets because of processed, high fat and calorie dishes. Consciously choosing your meal can help you reinforce your good eating habits and continue to lose weight. Steer clear of buffets, which are often filled with unhealthy, calorie-laden, and processed food choices.

Buffets can encourage you to overeat, too. Consider having fruit or low-calorie sorbet for dessert. As with any fat loss, it does not happen quickly. Find a routine that works for you and stick with it. Not Helpful 4 Helpful 8. Burn calories through walking, jogging, or biking. Overall exercise will help your face and body. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 7. No, they won't give you big thighs. However, squats are an effective way to build muscle.

Not Helpful 1 Helpful 7. Not Helpful 4 Helpful You should do endurance running which is running at a good pace for longer time. If you have a bad metabolism, drink green tea. You cannot spot reduce, so it will take a lot of commitment. Cardio will help, so kick that up a notch, but you also need to lift weights and build up some muscle on those legs. Besides exercise, you need to change your diet. Eat more vegetables, fruit, protein, and dairy and less sugar, sweets, desserts, fried stuff, and fast food. Don't drink pop, but drink lots of water.

Not Helpful 6 Helpful You can lose weight within a month, but it may not all come from your legs. Not Helpful 5 Helpful Yes - just make sure to involve some leg movement. This form of exercise might take a little while longer. You should stop exercising for a few days and rest them, until they are not feeling sore anymore. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 8. Unless you're also reducing your calorie intake to lose weight, the muscles will increase from exercise while still covered in the same layer of fat, making the legs larger.

Continue your exercises while keeping your calories consumed below the amount of calories burned, and follow the methods in the article; you'll shed the leg fat, revealing toned leg muscles. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 3. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Be cautious when using exercise equipment. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Stay positive. Starting a diet and exercise regimen is challenging and may be frustrating. Related wikiHows. More References About this article.

Co-authored by:. Co-authors: Updated: May 11, Article Summary X To lose leg fat, get cardiovascular exercise and do strength training regularly. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. The things they're suggesting to do are easy things I can do around my house! Rated this article:. Becky Mason Aug 18, Right to the point, no gimmicks.

The 12 Fastest, Easiest Ways To Lose Thigh Fat

Thanks, it helped a lot. Anonymous Oct 11, I am feeling much more confident about showing off my legs.

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Tony Anton Aug 5, Drink green tea for a great source of antioxidants and negligible calories. Best of all, tea contains calories per liter, which means that a simple cup of tea unsweetened is about as guilt-free as it gets! Drink a cup of tea or a glass of water 30 minutes before you eat a meal. This will trick your body into believing it's more full than it actually is, meaning that your cravings will be lower and you'll be inclined to eat less during a meal.

If you drink water or other liquid right before you eat, this could lead to indigestion, so wait a while after drinking before eating. Eat healthy.


You do not need to go on a diet in order to eat healthy. Simply watching what you eat will help you to slim down and get fit. When eating healthy you should consider what sort of items from each food group you should be eating. Try to eat balanced meals every time you sit down to eat. These include oats, whole-wheat products, and unprocessed grains such as brown rice. Protein: Choose lean meat when getting your protein intake.

Lean meats include fish and poultry. Other forms of good protein include beans, soy products, and nuts. Fruits and vegetables: While it may be hard to believe, there are actually better fruits and veggies than others though they are all pretty darn good for you. Look for superfoods like kale, blueberries, and swiss chard.

Good fats vs. These include most processed food, candy, cakes, etc. Dairy: Try to stick to low-fat dairy products. Yogurt is especially great, as it contains bacteria that help you digest and process food efficiently. Dairy products are also a good source of protein and calcium. Consider a low-carbohydrate Atkins diet. The theory is that overweight people eat too many carbohydrates.

A diet rich in carbs causes the body to release insulin. The insulin moves the sugar out of your blood, and some of it may be converted into fat. The low-carb diet structures your meals around proteins, soy-products, vegetables, fruits, and nuts to avoid this.

While you want to limit the number of carbs you eat, you don't want to completely cut them out of your diet. Your body does need glucose in order to function, and carbs are a good source for that. Foods that are allowed [9] X Research source as part of the low-carb diet: Unprocessed, high-protein meats, such as beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and turkey. Unprocessed, high-protein fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and trout. Low-carbohydrate vegetables and leafy greens. Full-fat, unprocessed cow, goat, or sheep's milk cheeses.

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Know what foods are not allowed in a low-carb diet. Foods that are not allowed as part of the low-carb diet include: Grains. No pasta, bread, cakes, or pastries. Fruits and fruit juices. Processed foods.

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These usually have added sugar in them. Starchy vegetables. No potatoes, beets, or corn. Sugar or margarine. Consider a low-calorie diet.