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Just one measly drink, I felt, could sabotage seven days of hard work. Although all types of yoga are effective when it comes to burning calories, improving flexibility and muscle tone, calming the mind, and providing a feeling of inner peace, if your goal is to lose weight, certain practices are more effective than others. These are both fast-paced flows that provide the perfect mixture of cardio and strength-training. The dual combination is a potent cocktail geared toward effective fat burning and increased lean muscle mass.

These two types of yoga enable the body to burn anywhere from to calories per hour. This is equivalent to the number of calories burned during a typical hour in the gym! Yoga transformed me from the inside out—and in that order. The practice led me down the rabbit hole of truth, consciousness, and connectedness, and I became more self-aware. I was able to disconnect from the ego, also known as that incessant little voice in your mind that constantly dwells on problems.

Since the ego clings to unhealthy attachments, it is responsible for fueling bad decision-making. When my mind was tamed through a consistent yoga practice, I became liberated from identifying with the same old sad stories that the ego had been using for far too long. When I stopped living obsessively in my head, positive change followed. Through my yoga practice, the things that used to please me just no longer cut it. I came to understand that destructive habits no longer served my ultimate goal.

Yoga for Weight Loss - 10 Simple Yoga Poses For Weight Loss - Decathlon

This awakening directly affects weight loss, because it encourages the elimination of unhealthy habits. I quickly came to realize that detrimental behaviors did not please my soul. For example, eating until I was so full that I could barely move and had to unbutton my pants, or drinking to the point where I could barely stand up no longer felt good. In fact, it felt pretty bad! When I got to this point of detachment in my practice, I realized that instead of identifying with the ego and allowing it to dominate my life, I begin to realize that I was the observer of the racing mind that encouraged me to overeat, get drunk, and gravitate toward unhealthy food.

If you want to follow my example, think about coupling your practice with a whole foods diet for optimal results. So roll out the mat. Connect with your breath. Detach from that destructive inner voice. Tune in to your spiritual nature that connects every cell of your body to the universe. Liberate the soul. And get ready to bask in the glory of all the positive changes that are coming.

Most people think of Yoga as something that helps calm the mind, but there is more to it than you think. If done with dedication and discipline, yoga can help you lose weight and stay in shape. While it is true that in comparison to high intensity workouts, yoga burns lesser calories but some of the yoga flows, when done at a moderate to high speed, can make you sweat like no other workout. Yoga poses are also made of helpful breathing exercises which work to correct your metabolism, regulate blood flow and rejuvenate functioning.

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Along with weight loss, yoga also helps to relieve stress, which is one of the main causes of weight gain. When practiced regularly, it leaves you feeling relaxed, fresh and focused. Yoga brings your mind, body and breath in harmony, thereby eliminating stress from your life. Here are 10 easy yoga asanas that you can do anywhere anytime and lose weight: These yoga poses can be excellent for anyone looking to get back in shape.

From fat loss, building endurance, making you more flexible, regular yoga sessions will do your body a whole lot of good. To perform this pose, stand straight with your feet wide apart and hands straight parallel to the ground. Now bend on your left side and try to touch your left foot with your left hand.

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  • What You Need To Know About Doing Yoga To Lose Weight.

Stay in this position for seconds and repeat with the other side. The twisting motion of the asana helps to improve the digestion and reduces the fat deposit from the belly. The pose engages the muscles of your legs and arms and helps you build more muscles. Virabhadrasana, also known as a variation of the Warrior pose is a yoga asana which can not just help you lose weight but also flatten abs since it concentrates on the core body muscles.

Doing all three variations of the Warrior pose can help you lose weight, burn belly fat and tone muscles in an effective manner. This is also a great way to keep your muscles engaged for a long time. Virabhadrasana II is slightly different from the first pose. This variation is extremely helpful for strengthening core muscles in your abdominal and stomach area, helping you achieve a more defined and shapely look. It is also great for boosting body balance and vitality, since it gives a nice stretch to the legs, shoulders as well as ankles. Start by doing Virabhadrasana I.

From here, slowly extend your leg so that it looks more straightened. Ensuring that the knee does not bend, place the heel of the behind leg on the ground. Balancing your body, staying in this position, try and twist the upper half so that you face sideways. Hands should be raised on either side. Stay in this position for at least 5 breaths and then repeat on the other side. With every deep breath, your focus starts to improve and blood flow in the respiratory tract increases. Make sure that the bodyweight is distributed evenly on all sides.

Your palms should also be facing downward, and not upward. To perform this pose, lie flat on your stomach with hands extended forward and palms facing down. Now keep your hands right below your shoulders, lift your upper body and look up. Your lower abdomen and thighs should be flat on the floor.

Stand straight with your feet joined together and hands by your side. Now raise your arms above your head such that your palms face each other and now bend slowly from your knees, exactly like you'd do in a squat position. Your thighs should be parallel to the ground. Stay in the position for seconds. As the name suggests, your body looks like a boat when in this position. To perform the asana, lie flat on the ground with your hands by your side.

Yes, You Can Lose Weight With Yoga

Now slowly lift your upper body and legs, such that your body forms a V shape. Keep your hands straight, parallel to the ground. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your hands by the side. Now raise your hands above your head and join them together. Bend from your torso towards your left with your hands joined together. A relaxing yoga practice can help you deal with stress in a healthier way and even avoid it, and the related weight gain, altogether.

If you're looking for pure calorie burn, our experts agreed that fast-paced Vinyasa yoga is the practice to choose.

Imagine a classic flow from plank to triceps push-up to Upward Facing Dog — you're getting a core burn, working your triceps, then using your arms to hold up your bodyweight as you stretch. The more muscle you build, the more calories you'll burn even after you're done exercising.

Your heart will pump even harder than in a Vinyasa class, which is good news for losing weight; Liza recommended aiming for a heart rate that's 55 to 85 percent of your maximum to get the most calories burned out of a class. Use this guide to calculate your max heart rate and find your target zones. And what about hot yoga?

15 Minute Yoga Routine to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

A more gentle yoga class, such as Hatha, won't burn as many calories. But it can benefit your mental health and decrease stress levels while helping you be more mindful, all of which have weight-loss benefits as well. For the best weight-loss results, Liza recommended doing yoga three times a week.

It changed the way I eat.

Continue to stay active and get your heart rate up on the other three to four days as well, whether through cardio , weightlifting , or HIIT workouts of 45 minutes to an hour. And keep your nutrition in mind, too. If you eat healthy and burn calories, though, the results will come, and yoga has a place in the process. Start with this minute power flow to relax, rejuvenate, and work up a sweat.