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J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Water, Hydration, and Health. Nutr Rev. Goulet ED.

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By using MyDomaine, you accept our. Wellness Self-Care. Hallie Gould.

Hallie has worked in beauty editorial for eight years and has been a senior editor at Byrdie since Not only will choosing water over caloric and sugary beverages save you calories, but water is also essential for sharp brain function, keeping your organs working properly, and exercise recovery — to name a few important reasons. And if you're reaching for detox water , it can help boost your metabolism and flush out toxins. But just hearing that you need to drink "lots" of water can be confusing. For some people that could be the standard eight 8-ounce glasses, but others could need a lot more or perhaps less.

Although everyone has different needs, White says sticking to the oft-recommended amount of eight 8-ounce glasses 64 ounces total should suffice and can help boost weight loss for the average person or someone just looking to drop a few pounds. It doesn't sound like an overwhelming number, but the challenge for most people is drinking enough water in the first place. In general, you should let your thirst be your guide.


If you're still thirsty after chugging 64 ounces throughout the day, make sure you adjust your intake accordingly. But if you're feeling quenched, be sure not to overdo it; drinking too much water could lead to hyponatremia, also known as water intoxication, where the sodium levels in the body become overly diluted and can lead to swelling in the brain, seizures, and coma.

There's a reason this dangerous practice is one of the ways you're drinking water wrong. If you're a big-time gym rat or endurance athlete, you'll need more water than the standard 64 ounces.

Yes, drinking more water may help you lose weight | Hub

Drinking water can rapidly intensify the amount of calories you burn, most importantly the resting energy expenditure. Several shreds of evidence show that drinking ml of water may remarkably increase the amount of calories burned, reduce BMI waist, circumference, body fat and weight loss. Water is naturally free of calories and drinking water before a meal is associated with reduced intake of food and weight loss. Increasing your daily intake by 1 cup may lower weight gain by 0.

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Swapping 1 cup water with other sugar-loaded beverages may lower weight gain by 0. Drinking about two cups of water minutes before meals may reduce appetite in middle-aged and older individuals. It eventually decreases calorie intake leading to weight loss. According to a few medical experts, drinking cold water ups the metabolism and contributes towards weight loss. This is because the body works harder to warm up the water, thus burning more calories and excessive fat. However, if you suffer from frequent cold or lung-related issues avoid drinking cold water.

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