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When you weigh yourself prior to going to bed and then first thing in the morning when you wake up there is frequently some weight loss.

17 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight In Your Sleep

This weight loss is primarily attributed to loss of water. We lose water many different ways. We sweat while we sleep, we lose water from the simple act of breathing and of course we lose water through our bladder. Weigh yourself once per week at the same time.

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Pay attention to this weigh in over several weeks and you will be able to see a trend. This will be more indicative of what is going on with your body fat. Important: This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs.

How Sleep and Weight Loss are Connected

Why do I lose weight when I sleep? Even when you're sleeping, your body uses calories to keep your systems going. This is known as your resting metabolism. Your resting metabolism refers to the calories burned by the brain, heart, kidneys, and all organs and cells in the body. About two-thirds to three-quarters of the calories we burn every day are accounted for by resting metabolism.

Lose Weight While You Are Sleeping

Discovery Health. More Videos Sleep and health Put the iPhone down.

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Trouble sleeping? Put the iPhone down Sleep tips for more zzzzzs! In fact, people who don't sleep enough at night risk gaining extra pounds, not losing them, according to John M. Hormones that regulate growth and appetite are part of the equation, according to Jakicic, but equally culpable is sleep sabotage.

He believes that the more you're awake, the greater the chance you'll have an extra snack or two or three or four.

Try your sleep switch

A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences supports that theory. It found that people who don't get enough sleep are more likely to be hungry because the body needs more energy to stay awake. Unfortunately, sleepy eaters tend to consume more than enough to compensate, which leads to weight gain. If your body is worn, you're not going to be bounding up the stairs to your office, and you might be less motivated to make it to the gym.

Why do I lose weight when I sleep? | Weight Loss - Sharecare

Less physical activity means fewer calories burned which, over time, can lead to weight gain. If you're not sleeping well at night, you may be causing hormonal imbalances that could be making you feel hungry when you don't really need to eat.

Your growth hormones are also to blame, according to Teitelbaum. The less sleep you get, the less time your body has for these critical processes. And since the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, not sleeping enough could be affecting how effectively your body burns through calories.