The Problem with Fit Teas & Skinny Teas

Brand owners have mechan Image: Kim Kardashian. Related Articles.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Sign Up Login. I hate these stupid teas with a fiery passion. I drink reg black tea because I like it.

It also gives me a few antioxidants as a bonus. Your blog was good. I recommend you do one on Niagen. It really works. A large variety of women in terms of age, body type and size. If you look at the article post dates, Cassey posted this article on February , , while the author of the link you shared posted their respective article about Detox Tea on June 1, It makes me feel less bloated.

There is nothing wrong with that. I use Flat Tummy Tea.

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It kills the bloat and tastes good. I find them very credible. I tried the 14 day starter pack and ended up buying the full thing. I should also say that I am a fan of detoxes in general. I once did the Master Cleanse and I really enjoyed it, but obviously that one is way more intense and should only be done with someone else and very carefully.

It gives you a helping hand, but you need to combine diet and exercise for maximum results. We have some of this fit tea in my house. My mum used to drink when I was little, now we just keep it around for if one of us is constipated. One cup of tea before bed, next morning everything works smoothly again! Thank you!! I have been curious about the teas exactly like you said.

Contemplating whether its worth my money. This blog gives me life. Losing weight the right way by changing the lifestyle will always outlast quick fixes or solutions. You have renewed my inspiration and motivation. Thanks again. I agree with Emily, you lost all credibility with me the second you mentioned your own products or sponsored products. From what I see, the entire blog is your opinion, you read some crap online and gave your opinion, where are the actual facts?

Detox controversy

Looking at your sources and coming from the fitness and nutrition industry, I sure as hell am not taking my facts from places like Shape magazine, Cosmo or Teen Vogue. Come on! Get some REAL facts not some lame article written by some half-ass writer for a stupid magazine that rarely has no business writing it in the 1st place!

Good to know you are getting kick-backs for all your sponsor ads and lying to people every bit as much as every celebrity or pretty girl endorsing ALL these products including yours. Anyone who puts effort into writing a free review has an agenda and almost always is selling something else supposedly better but eating clean and eating 5 to 6 times a day and exercising is the cheapest and healthier option.

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You will loose weight fast. This certainly kept me from buying the tea. Hi everyone, I bought FitTea 14 day detox. I was taking it for 3 days, every morning. On day 1 I felt ok. On day 2 my stomach got bloated. On day 3 it got bloated even more. On day 4 I woke up with swollen eyes and face, my arms and legs were itchy and inflamed.

We're confused — why is near billionaire Kylie Jenner promoting detox tea on Instagram?

I had to run to the hospital emergency department and found out that I had a severe allergic reaction for those unusual tea ingredients. Result: 7 days of steroid treatment! Girls, be careful before starting with this tea. Read about each and every ingredient and do a full research. If you see some new ingredients which you have never eat or drink before, I would not suggest to experiment. Also, each ingredient separately can be good, but when you combine them together in one tea bag, this what might cause a problem. The only way to lose weight without any side effects is sport and healthy lifestyle!

Hate all these adds with the hot girl holding her skinny milkshake or tea. Glad to read something that tells us the truth behind these products. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. Drink water a half hour before meals. Choose weight loss-friendly foods. Eatsoluble fiber. Drink Diet Tea. Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods. Eat your food slowly. Diet Tips for Weight Loss Make sure to have sufficient amount of water throughout the day.

Ideally glasses. Aim to achieve and then maintain your ideal body weight.

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Avoid oily, fried and spicy food. I have noticed a major difference in my metabolism and I can already see changes in my belly size. No weird side effects. I truely support your message, those companies and their owners should go to jail. Thank you Cassey for informing people of facts and not quick fixes! I agree it is so irresponsible of celebrities and models to endorse products that do not work and could be dangerous.

1. Kylie allegedly follows Kim K’s advice and eats super clean

She is a Youtuber who promotes working out and living a healthy lifestyle. She has free working out videos online! In addition, she has an article that explains more about these fake Tea Products. Hi Cassey! Thanks so much for such an informative post.