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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and a bowl of sugary cereal or a piece of dried toast won't cut it.

The Ultimate Guide to Meal Prep for Muscle Building and Weight Loss

Make your first meal nutritious and delicious with these protein-rich comfort-food options. View Recipe Here. When those midday cravings hit, it's easy to head out and hit up the drive-thru or pick a snack item from the vending machine. But mindless eating won't help you achieve your goal physique.

In need of inspiration? Try these 23 easy meal prep recipes for muscle-building and fat loss.

Prep and pack a clean, tasty lunch with these easy-to-make recipes that bring true meaning to the term "food for fuel. You should never go to bed hungry.

Volume Eating: The Secret To Fat Loss

Make your last meal of the day your best meal of the day with these savory dinner recipes. For those sweet cravings that can hit at any time, here's a list of healthy snacks to help you stay on track as you power through your day. If your diet doesn't include dessert, you're doing it wrong. Reward your hard work with these healthy treats.

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It's kind of like a cross between an omelet and a quiche. It comes out in the shape of a pie, and you can slice it like a pie, but there's no crust—just eggs, egg whites, veggies, and maybe a little cheese if your macros allow. It's one of the perfect cutting foods for a low-carb diet! While the name frittata is Italian, this version has a Mexican twist.

The 4 Week Cutting Diet

Most dieters avoid Mexican food altogether since so many restaurant dishes contain chips, tortillas, tons of oil, and lots and lots of cheese. But, with this recipe, you can enjoy your favorite Mexican flavors without screwing up your diet.

The 7-Day Fat Loss Meal Plan—Week 1 |

View Recipe Here. This easy recipe is perfect for a post-workout meal.

Chicken and rice is one of the most common bodybuilding diet meals, but most guys make it boring and bland as hell. Fortunately, just a few additions can make it into a meal that tastes almost like a delicious restaurant stir-fry, just without all the oil, cornstarch, and sugar.

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  • BodyBuilding Recipes.

This last recipe is a low-cal, filling treat for those of you with a sweet tooth. It's not really ice cream, but the taste and texture are certainly close enough! Plus, the addition of pumpkin adds lots of volume without too many extra calories—a perfect trick for the dieting, hungry bodybuilder. One difference between this "ice cream" and regular homemade ice cream is that you do not want to let it firm up in the freezer.