More tips on how to reduce belly fat...

Push yourself up to a plank and then jump your feet outside of your hands into a squat. Stand back up. On the surface, the obliques, hamstrings, quads, biceps, and shoulders are the primary movers of this exercise. Doing side-to-side ball slams versus overhead slams incorporates more oblique ab work. How to do lateral medicine ball slams: Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart with the medicine ball on one side.

Pick up the ball and simply rotate your body as you slam the ball a few inches away from your pinky toe. Make sure to pivot your feet and bend the back knee as you come into a split squat position to catch the ball on one bounce. Alternate sides. Make sure you tighten your core as you bring the ball overhead and to the side.

5-Minute Exercises to Make Your Belly Fat Melt Like Snow

Overhead medicine ball slams strengthen your core as it works against gravity. This exercise also tests your endurance, getting your heart rate up each time you pick the ball up and bring it overhead. To get the most out of this exercise, be sure to use a heavy weighted ball. How to do overhead medicine ball slams: Standing tall with your feet hip-width apart, hold a medicine ball with both hands. Reach both arms overhead, fully extending your body.

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Slam the ball forward and down toward the ground. Squat to pick the ball up and then stand back up. The Russian twist is a core exercise that improves oblique strength and definition, explains DiVecchio.

The move, typically performed with a medicine ball or plate, involves rotating your torso from side to side while holding a sit-up position with your feet off the ground. How to do Russian twists: Sit up tall on the floor with your knees bent and feet off the ground. Hold a medicine ball with your hands at chest height. Lean backward with a long, tall spine, holding your torso at a degree angle and keeping your arms a few inches away from your chest.

From here, turn your torso to the right, pause and squeeze your right oblique muscles, then turn your torso to the left and pause to squeeze your left oblique muscles. The movement should come from your ribs and not your arms.

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  4. The 5 Best Exercises For Burning Belly Fat!
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You know that your cardio sessions are crucial when it comes to burning the layer of fat sitting on top of your abdominal muscles. But it's still important to work those abs even as you're trying to shed fat, says New York City-based personal trainer Adam Sanford, founder of Adam Sanford Fitness.

His favorite move to do that? Holding plank on a BOSU ball.

Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat with Twist Crunches

It's more challenging than a normal plank where your hands are on the floor, because the BOSU tests your balance, says Sanford. Strengthening these core muscles also helps increase your metabolism , ultimately helping you to burn more calories and fat. Hold the plank for 30 to 45 seconds, increasing the time as you get stronger. Running at an incline rather than on a flat surface has been shown to increase total calorie burn by as much as 50 percent, says Jill Penfold , a Los Angeles-based personal trainer. Whether you're outside on a hill or at the gym on an inclined treadmill, start out walking for five to 10 minutes, suggests Penfold.

Try this treadmill workout: Walk or jog on an incline for five to 10 minutes. Maintain a jog for another five to 10 minutes, then pick your pace up again and start running. Spend five minutes running, then drop your pace back down to a jog. Continue alternating with five to 10 minutes of jogging and five to 10 minutes of running for 30 to 45 minutes. Just because you may not have access to open water, it doesn't mean you can't weave this fat-blasting cardio workout into your gym routine.

Not only does using a rowing machine get your heart rate way up, which helps you blast calories and burn fat, but it also works muscles in your legs, core, arms, shoulders, and back , says Penfold. Try this 4-minute rowing circuit: Begin with 20 seconds of rowing followed by 10 seconds of rest. Look at how many meters you traveled in that time.

Don't get off the rowing machine or even let go of the handle when you rest, says Penfold. Repeat this eight times, trying to beat your distance each time. When you're finished with this four-minute circuit, row a fast meters and note how long it takes you. While the old thinking was that steady-state cardio sessions were best for burning fat, we now know that short and intense bursts of fast-paced cardio is much more effective.

Exercises That WON'T Burn Belly Fat

Hope Pedraza, an ACSM personal trainer and the creator of inBalance , a San Antonio-based fitness and wellness studio, suggests doing intervals that alternate between exercises that work different muscle groups. Try this HIIT workout: After a minute warm-up, spend 30 seconds doing as many reps as possible of squats , push-ups , kettlebell swings, or single-arm rows. Then, rest for 30 seconds and do a different exercise for another 30 seconds. Continue for 10 rounds. Choose any of your favorite exercises—just make sure you alternate between exercises that work different muscle groups, which will help certain muscles recover while you work others.

If you've been lifting moderately heavy weights but are still looking to drop belly fat, it's time to pick up the intensity by using heavier weights and cutting down on rest time between reps, says Tyler Spraul , CSCS, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and the head trainer at Exercise. Your body continues to burn calories even after you leave the gym," Spraul says. Just be sure that your technique doesn't suffer as you increase your weight, which can lead to injury.

If you're new to strength training, this minute total-body workout is a great place to start. Yes, you read that right. Simply walking can go a long way toward helping you shed belly fat, says Sahmura Gonzalez , a personal trainer based in New York City. If your walking workout helps you unwind after a stressful day or work through emotions that might otherwise stress you out, there's a chance it'll help you lower cortisol levels, which in turn can keep belly fat in check, says Gonzalez.

And brisk walking is an effective way to drop pounds—including the belly fat that's hiding your abdominal muscles. Some of the highest calorie-blasting yoga poses include plank, chair, Chaturanga, and wheel. New to yoga and aren't sure where to start? Learn more about the different types of yoga to help you find the best practice that fits your workout goals.

Target and tone your belly with small, gentle movements that can bring huge results. This low-impact form of exercise helps boost your strength, balance and mobility.

10 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat | Fatherly

Weight Loss. But that's not to say that the exercises below — a combination of full-body movements that demand a bucket load of effort — won't almost immediately start to bring your body fat down and, in time, shave flab from around your stomach. What's more, when they do finally make an appearance, they'll look strong and chiselled.

Start with the following 5 fat burning exercises to hammer the dozens of muscles between your shoulders and hips and get better metabolism at the same time. If you want to lose your gut , you need to work as many muscles as possible. The burpee does just that. The explosive exercise — which entails going from a push-up position to a jump and back to a push-up position — hits every muscle from head to toe.

In fact, a study from the American College of Sports Medicine found that 10 fast-paced reps are just as effective at revving your metabolism as a second all-out sprint, so you can burn your belly fat faster than ever before. That's 1 rep. Think of the mountain climber as a moving plank.

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  • You perform a mini crunch when you explosively draw one knee into your chest. What makes this move so difficult, however, is that your core has to work overtime to keep your body stable and straight every time you lift a foot off of the floor, according to Gaddour.

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    • For example, do as many reps as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10 and repeat for 4 minutes. This is the starting position. Tap the floor with your right foot and then return to the starting position. Alternate legs with each repetition. The kettlebell swing might be one of the best calorie-torching exercises of all time. In order to propel the heavy ball of iron, you need to engage big fat-burning muscle groups like your glutes , hips, and quads. The explosive nature of this movement skyrockets your heart rate right away, but it also hammers your core.

      Reverse the move between your legs and repeat. A 3-kilo medicine ball will work just fine if you go hard and push yourself. Add a dumbbell overhead during a lunge , and you suddenly have a core chiseler.