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This happens because breasts are primarily made of fat adipose tissues and just like you lose fat from the rest of your body, you lose some size there too. But this is no reason to stay away from getting the perfect workout body. We bring to you ways you can ensure a leaner body without compromising on your bust size. For the uninitiated, the idea is to build up pectoral muscles, which lie right underneath the bust. Pectoral muscles or also referred to as pecs are the muscles that connect our chest with upper arms and shoulders.

As breasts are located on top of the pectoral muscles, strengthening these muscles help in getting toned and firmer breasts.

How to lose weight but not breasts | Women's Best Blog

Performing chest exercises makes your pectoral muscles stronger. Do exercises such as incline bench presses, push-ups, decline presses and flyes that target your upper, middle, lower and inner chest. When you lose weight, you tend to lose fat from your breast area. If you are doing cardio regularly, you will lose both muscles and fat from your breasts.

It is important that you must focus on strength training which in turn builds chest muscles. This will help in maintaining perfect breast size. Performing strength training using light weights, may not give you the desired results. So, avoid using 2 or 3 kgs dumbbells when you do weight training. If you want to maintain your breast size while losing weight, lift heavier weights. But perform these exercises under expert supervision.

For optimum results, pectoral exercises should be done in proper form. For push-ups, lie on your stomach with your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart and feet together. Push yourself up until your arms are fully extended and lift your hips to form a straight line from your shoulders to heels. Lower yourself slowly by bending your elbows. Come back to the original position.

  1. the best plan to lose weight fast?
  2. what is the quickest way to lose weight without exercise?
  3. Why do breasts sag after weight loss and what can I do? | Cadogan Clinic.
  4. Saggy Boobs: Causes & Prevention | SugarCandy*.

Push yourself back up steadily and repeat the sets. Just like push-ups, you have to use a wall instead of the floor. Place both your feet away from the wall and lay your palms on the wall. Bend your arms and push yourself against the wall. This exercise helps in strengthening the pectoral muscles, thus maintaining breast size. This is the best exercise to strengthen your chest muscles as well as your triceps.

  1. effective fat loss exercises?
  2. how to tighten flab after weight loss?
  3. Causes and Prevention of Sagging Breasts.

Use a bench or the edge of a chair to do this exercise. You can also squat down on the floor with your knees pointed up and your palms on the floor, behind you.

HOW TO LIFT YOUR BUST IN ONE WEEK *no surgery breast lift*

Lower yourself down by bending your elbows and push yourself up again before you touch the ground. This is another exercise that helps in creating stronger pec muscles and breast tissues. Use dumbbells you can comfortably lift and initially go for three sets 8 - 12 reps. As you get stronger, increase the number of reps per set.

So...losing weight makes your boobs smaller, right?

Lie on your back on an incline bench and hold the weights at your sides. Lift the weights over your chest, straightening your arms, so that the two ends of the weights touch each other. Slowly lower the weights down and repeat the sets. Isometric chest contractions are good for boosting the size of chest muscles. For this exercise, all you need is a hand towel. You can perform this exercise at least three times a week for best results. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the hand towel in front of your chest with both arms stretched out.

Pull both sides of the towel at the same time, contracting your chest muscles. Continue pulling towel for three minutes. You may go for 8 to 10 sets initially. Please Click Here to subscribe other newsletters that may interest you, and you'll always find stories you want to read in your inbox. Back to Top. Select a City Close.

How Weight Loss Affects Breast Shape

This will help to reduce your risk of premature sagging. During pregnancy, a woman will experience a sudden increase in breast volume, size, weight and shape. This is due to hormones levels in the body and the breasts preparing for milk production. Changes will occur in the breast structure during pregnancy. With the sudden increase and change in size, a woman will often be left with excess skin saggy breasts. Age is also a factor and older women will find that their skin tissue is less likely to return back to normal after pregnancy as their skin has less elasticity.

Larger women tend to not only carry excess weight around their thighs, bum and stomach areas, but they also carry excess weight in their breasts. This excess weight adds strain on the breast tissue and ligaments causing the breasts to sag.

Here’s how you can lose weight without losing breast size

Women who lose excess amounts of weight over a short period of time are likely to be left with excess skin on their bodies, including their breasts. It is always recommended to lose weight slowly, giving the skin time to take hold. Eating a healthy diet filled with a variety of fresh food, combined with exercise, will help to minimise the effects of large amounts of loose skin left on the body. Women participating in sport should always wear a supportive sports bra.


A good sports bra is designed for high impact exercise and should keep your breasts firmly in place to avoid any bounce. Bounce and movement will put strain on the ligaments holding up the breasts. Over extended periods of time this type of trauma will result in sagging of the breasts, not to mention pain and discomfort while exercising.

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  • Please remember that bounce occurs at all hours of the day: running to catch the bus, throwing your child in the air, doing a happy dance or scrubbing a pot or pan…. Smoking is an unhealthy habit that not only affects your lungs, but also affects the largest living organ on your body, your skin. As a result, smokers are more likely to have saggy boobs. The sun is drying and breaks down collagen, resulting in weakened skin.

    Any type of breast surgery is going to affect the make up of the breast and the breast tissue. Women who choose to have cosmetic surgery to increase size or lift their breasts should understand that in time they would need to have surgery again. Saggy boobs are a part of the aging process. There is no natural way to avoid them. We can however, be more aware and adopt a few helpful tips into our lifestyle to help prevent saggy boobs. The key message is adopting a healthy lifestyle.