Spot Reduction Myth

We were training for the same half marathon and our running schedules were totally different. She would get up at 5 and went straight out for a run. So I guess it really comes down to personal preferences. The caloric expenditure is bigger only during the actual workout with long distance running, but as soon as you stop working out, the caloric expenditure stops. This is not the case with higher intensity work. Long-term lifestyle intervention with optimized high-intensity interval training improves body composition, cardiometabolic risk, and exercise parameters in patients with abdominal obesity.

Am J Phys Med Rehabil. Macpherson, et al. Run sprint interval training improves aerobic performance but not maximal cardiac output. Med Sci Sports Exerc. The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women.

Reasons Jogging Doesn’t Always Burn Fat

Int J Obesity. I heard the same after burn effect before but have not been able to find any credible scientific source to back it up. My 2 cents is that it exists but is not large enough to overcome the difference between 15 min HIIT and a half marathon. Again I don't have proof so feel free to correct me if I am wrong. EPOC is a well known and established thing. But no, it is not magic , and it may not lead to higher caloric expenditure than steady state cardio.

Looks like the source is basically this. I agree. If time is not an issue, do whatever is sustainable for you. But for someone like me who does not enjoy running that much. HIIT all day. Because you have no idea what you're talking about your source doesn't at all compare what fierceB posted. But the difference is you can keep running longer and longer fairly easily but HIIT is pretty capped in terms of how long you can do it for because it's a lot more difficult. I didn't try to counter him. I largely agree with him, but I think my sources proves HIIT is effective, especially for someone who wants to maintain a good physique.

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Also, good job on dismissing my sources with the ones you provided. I'm dismissing your sources no because they're wrong but because they don't answer or refute the point he made. I believe sprinting would be better, sprint flat out for 30 seconds, jog for a minute to recover, then keep doing that.

I use an app for android to time my sprint intervals: Impetus Interval timer. I don't know if there's a version for iphones. It's amazing. Sprinting is the better option of the two when looking to maintain one's physique. It activates most of the body's muscles nothing too crazy but tell me you feel your abs the same way when doing a light jog and I'll laugh and when doing enough HIIT, your EPOC burns more calories from fat than from anywhere else, and this goes on for forgive me for not knowing exact numbers a while after you've finished.

Sweat harder to look harder. Definitely do a balance of both distance and sprint running. People answering with diet responses aren't wrong, but this isn't a nutritional question. Check out the tabata protocol.

How to Sprint Off Your Weight

It is an extreme form of hiit. Basically you sprint like your life depends on it for 20 seconds then rest for 10, repeat 8 times. It improves both aerobic and anaerobic capacity as well as casing a lot of after burn.

How I lost 8% Body Fat in 30 Days - HIGH INTENSITY WORKOUT

You could tack jogging on to the end to burn even more fat. If you're under 40 and still dream about being buff, Sprinting, HIIT are your best bets for cardiovascular and muscular development. If you're over 40, IMO stop dreaming about being buff and slim down, in terms of muscularity, with longer runs. You have to kill it in the kitchen.

Sprinting Vs. Long Distance Running for Weight Loss

You will never get a great physique even if you're looking for say a soccer player physique from just running if you want that you need to either lift or do some kind of more upper body muscle engaging exercise eg Rowing, Rock Climbing, Bodyweight exercise etc.. Not just diet. Exercising too. Do both, OP. Jog for a distace then sprint for the last minute or two.

Sorry I should of given a better title. I wasn't actually meaning me specifically for losing weight, I am doing fine and am on a decent diet with gym sessions for weights three times a week as well.

Check the wiki There is a lot of good info on fixing your diet and getting in shape. If you want to lose weight, you'll have to start keeping track of your calories. As I said on the other comment, I think I confused things. I monitor my calorie in take already and have been for a while. Thanks tho. I would say running is not what you want to do to keep muscle and toned. When I run I look at it as using fat and muscle. I lift for muh gainz. Unlike sprinting which requires at least one day of rest, you can run for two or three days consecutively without a problem.

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In fact, most runners only rest once a week. But realize that factors like quality of sleep, age, and hydration determine how fast you recover. So listen to your body and give it a rest when it needs it. Running will strengthen your bones, ligaments, and tendons. This will make it easier for you to perform more challenging exercises like hill sprints. VO2 is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can consume per kilogram of body weight per minute. If losing weight is your goal, running will definitely help you drop pounds.

But as I said, sprinting has a higher fat burning effect. Calories burned running: A pound person burns approx. That totals to calories in an hour. Note that a heavier person will burn more calories. Check out this running calorie calculator. Research shows that prolonged runs without rest marathons can cause damage due to prolonged muscle contractions.

Another study shows that marathon runners experience inflammation up to 7 days after the marathon. Long distance running may not work for a busy person. You need to spare at least an hour for every workout. You can burn up to calories in a marathon. And the only way you can make up for those calories is to eat high-carb foods.

Staying hydrated is a big challenge for long distance runners. In a hot day, a runner can lose more than four liters of water in a race, through sweating and exhalation.