How Your Body Loses Fat

The best foods to eat when you’re looking to shift fat

Eat the fruit raw to maximise its benefits. The yummy and refreshing water melon is a wonder fruit when it comes to weight loss. It is low in calories and high in water content, which makes up 90 per cent of its weight. A gm serving of watermelon contains as low as 30 calories!

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They keep you hydrated and satiated for longer periods of time, preventing the need to reach for food more often. Strawberries are also one of the most yummy and nutritious fruits out there. These lovely-looking and flavourful fruits are super rich in anti-oxidants and Vitamin C and are also responsible for raising the levels of HDL or good fat in the body.

Blend them in with your fruit smoothies, or add some frozen strawberries to your yogurt or oatmeal porridge in the morning to derive maximum benefits from these fat cutting super fruits.

35 Best Fat Burning Foods to Eat - Food to Help Lose Weight and Belly Fat

Guavas help maintain blood sugar levels and are great for diabetics. They are extremely high in fiber, and hence, increase the time period of satiety, preventing you from snacking on often unhealthy foods. Guavas also aid digestion and maintain bowel movements.

Limes, which are the most common garnishing fruits, are rich in flavonoids, limonoids and antioxidants and are also important for aiding digestive processes. They are great sources of Vitamin C and fiber as well, and hence keep you full for longer. If you're looking to eat healthier carbs, go for steel-cut oats, which are known for being a metabolism-booster.

Starting your day with a banana could be great news for your metabolism , thanks to all the potassium they contain. Ready to turn up the heat? Adding a little spice into your life could fire up your metabolism in a big way.

So What Are Superfoods, Exactly?

Sure, olive oil is great. But coconut oil is beneficial for your metabolism too — especially when you mix it with palm oil. Lagano , a New York City-based integrative clinical nutritionist. Many fermented foods — like miso, tempeh, and unsweetened plain Greek yogurt — contain probiotics that can help regulate gut function and banish bloat.

35 Supercharged Kitchen Staples That'll Help You Lose Belly Fat

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Getty Images. Jerusalem Artichokes. Olive Oil. Hemp Seeds. Green Tea. Brown Rice. Steel-Cut Oats. A diet for losing weight is all about eating the right things.

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How about adding fruits to your diet then. Here is a list of the best fruits for weight loss. With our health and wellness sites now joining forces, get ready to receive even more inspirational and motivating, high-quality content.

If you aspire to live an authentic life but need a bit …. Some food can boost metabolism, prevent the fat storage and help you lose or maintain weight.

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