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I recommend striving for a more balanced plan that focuses on fruits and veggies, lean proteins and whole grain carbs.

Exercise Vs. Diet: The Truth About Weight Loss | HuffPost

And never cut calories too low this causes your metabolism to slow, and you can start losing muscle mass. For a healthy daily calorie count, allow 10 calories per pound of body weight -- so a pound woman should shoot for a 1,calorie target. That way, you should be able to lose weight no matter how much you exercise.

The Last Word: While diet and exercise are both important for long-term weight loss, remember this: "You can't out-exercise a bad diet," says Talbott. US Edition U. Coronavirus News U. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Terms Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. No thanks. Important conversations are happening now.

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10 reasons to start body-weight training

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Today is National Voter Registration Day! In fact, 90 percent of people who lose significant weight and keep it off exercise at least one hour a day, on average. There are a few reasons that exercise for weight loss gets a bad rap. First, the public is looking, in large part, for a quick fix — and the diet and weight loss industry exploits this consumer desire for an immediate solution. Moreover, many people consider one hour a day for exercise to be unreasonable or undoable, and find themselves looking elsewhere for an easier fix.

If you give a man a bucket…

Second, the unknown. Doctors and nutritionists have done a poor job of explaining the link between exercise and dietary habits, perhaps because they often exist as separate camps. Exercise directly changes our dietary habits, which means we actually have an easier time making healthier choices when engaged in exercise over time. Without exercise, abrupt changes in dietary habits, especially if they result in calorie restrictions, are very difficult for dieters to sustain.

In addition, the longer we make those healthy choices, the more likely they will become habit.

Why Exercise Is Key to Weight Loss

For example, when a year-old female who is 5 foot 4 inches and pounds decides to lose weight on her own, she is likely to struggle with abruptly switching her food choices to vegetables and broiled fish, mostly because she will feel overwhelming hunger pangs but also for other reasons, like new onset fatigue, soreness, depression and irritibality, among other things.

However, if we take that same person and increase his or her exercise capacity to a critical point, those choices become much easier to endure. Third, limited capacity. Exercise originally got demoted following a series of studies that enrolled overweight or obese folks looking to lose weight who had limited ability to exercise. Asking someone with limited ability to exercise to lose weight using exercise is like telling someone to empty a pool full of water with a plastic cup.

It cannot be accomplished in any reasonable amount of time. As a result , the shaky conclusion that exercise was less important for weight loss emerged and was quickly sensationalized. What is missing from this logic, though, is that people can change exercise capacity.

Exercise Vs. Diet: The Truth About Weight Loss

As exercise capacity goes up for an otherwise sedentary individual and approaches that of a lean person, the ability to lose weight with exercise dramatically changes. The ability to jog for 30 minutes uninterrupted, or ride a bicycle for 60 minutes, is what separates so many would-be dieters from their lean counterparts and accounts for most tried and failed weight loss attempts.

Moreover, once a person achieves a critical point of exercise capacity, the experience of exercise itself becomes more pleasant, and the experience can even be fun.

Why you need to STOP EXERCISING to lose WEIGHT

So, can you exercise your way to weight loss?