Shift work and weight loss Security guards, policemen, ER doctors and nurses — all of them risk their health for their jobs. They're among the 16 percent of Australians who work alternative and rotating shifts, including the night shift, which falls between 11 p.

A Practical Weight Loss Guide for Shift Workers — Office Worker Health

Those who work this schedule log an average of 42 fewer minutes of shuteye per night than daytime workers, according to a study at Eastern Virginia Medical School. For years, researchers have been linking long-term insufficient sleep to a host of chronic ills, such as cardiovascular disease, digestive problems, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and sleep apnea, not to mention the poor concentration, absenteeism, accidents, errors, injuries and fatalities that lack of sleep can cause in the workplace.

More recently, studies have associated less sleep with obesity. It's next to impossible to reset this rhythm," he explains.

A Practical Weight Loss Guide for Shift Workers

This rhythm regulates our temperature, lowering it at night when it's time to sleep, and raising it during the day to keep us alert. So, even if you are tired from a night on the job and go to bed at 8 am, your body fights to keep you awake. A victim of "shift-lag," the average night shift worker will wake often up around 1 pm, after only 5 hours of sleep, much less than the 7 to 9 hours of zzzs recommended by experts, says Belenky. A good day's sleep The first step in making a night-owl schedule a healthy one is to fit in adequate sleep.

If you do happen to awake before reaching a solid 8 hours of sleep, fit in some naps throughout the day. The body takes a mini temperature dip around 4 pm — the perfect time for a siesta. Midnight feasts Shift workers often eat due to boredom or tiredness. These habits can wreak havoc with their weight-loss plan because there is less access to nutritious meals at night.

How to Lose Weight Working the Night Shift

And, again, nature is working against you: "When you're sleep deprived, you're more likely to crave food higher in fat and kilojoules," says Belenky. Stimulants Ms Starkey says stimulants like caffeine and energy drinks should be avoided. Related Posts. Avoiding diabetic ketoacidosis in perioperative and procedure settings. December 15th, 0 Comments. December 14th, 0 Comments. Capping off the year with a drink — and updated national alcohol consumption recommendations.

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Report reveals healthcare trends across clinical specialty areas. November 27th, 0 Comments. Losing weight is hard enough but tackling this feat can be even more challenging for those who regularly toil from dusk till dawn. Our cities and towns operate around the clock. Doing so defies human biology — we are internally wired to be active during the day and asleep at night. Your health unravels as your sleep takes a hit. All these signs can leave you feeling zonked out and in poor health.

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On top of this is the mounting evidence of a sleep-weight connection. Losing shut-eye may mess with your sense of appetite, causing you to eat more. Losing and maintaining weight on the night shift takes some extra dedication. Follow these 10 tips to get yourself on the right track:.

Invest in thick blinds and window covers to minimize pesky light from creeping in. Keep electronics off your bed and set your phone on silent.

Use earplugs to block out extra noise. Have a good snack strategy ready to squash late-night cravings. The selection at hour eateries think: gas station stops, fast food joints, and vending machines are rarely healthy. Save some money and empty calories by bringing your own snacks.

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Choose nutrient-dense snacks such as trail mix, hard-boiled eggs, string cheese, sliced fruit, and yogurt. Be sure to store any perishable food in the refrigerator at work or pack in a cooler with ice packs to keep it cold and safe to eat. If the choice is between sleep and exercise, go with sleep.