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If they see even the slightest change around their abdomen, they consider it as a sureshot sign of added kilos. No wonder then a large majority of people are conscious of their mid section. However, sometimes swollen belly can be due to bloating and not fat accumulation.

Stomach bloating happens when your belly grows in size with fluid or gas. This can make you feel uncomfortable and super full all the time.

Here are 3 signs that can easily tell if you have really gained weight or are just bloated. Do you feel big particularly after having your meal or on fixed dates like when you are menstruating? If yes, then it might not be weight gain, you are just bloated. If you have really gained weight, your belly will stay enlarged all the time.

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Your belly can swell when you are bleeding or when you have not pooped or even after consuming too much salt. The first thing to determine if you have gained weight is to examine your belly visually. Can you see bulges in other parts of the body or is it only around the middle portion of the body? If it is widespread then you should start exercising to lose weight. But if it is localised then you are just gassy and you need to take appropriate measures for some relief. The next is the pressure test. Gently press your stomach specifically around the swollen area.

If your abdomen feels hard and tight, it means you are bloated. Generally, our stomach is soft and spongy and it remains the same even after gaining weight. If you can easily gasp an inch of your stomach, it can be due to excess of fat. Stay hydrated: Dehydration is one of the common reasons why you feel bloated all the time. Lack of sufficient amount of water in the body leads to constipation, which makes you feel uncomfortable. Consume less salt and carbs: Excess of salt intake causes water retention in the body. Even some carbs can make you feel stuffed.


Exercise regularly: You should not only eat correctly but exercise every day to stay healthy and fit. Staying physically active is important to lose weight and easy bowel movement. Please Click Here to subscribe other newsletters that may interest you, and you'll always find stories you want to read in your inbox. Back to Top. Select a City Close. Your current city: Mumbai Mumbai search close.

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Weight Loss: These signs prove that you are NOT fat but bloated

Celebrities who spoke up about their miscarriages. Biggest parenting mistakes, as per child psychologists. How to maintain a healthy scalp this winter. On average, we get about 16 grams per day, yet guidelines recommend between 25 and 38, according to the USDA. Because we run at such a deficit, this often means we're adding more high-fiber foods to our diet when we're trying to lose weight or following a weight-loss plan — and that can take some getting used to. Our bodies don't digest fiber until it reaches the large intestine, where the bacteria in our guts break it down for food via fermentation.

Fermenting means bubbles, which is why you may get gassy when eating fibrous foods.

"Do I Actually Weigh More When I'm Bloated?"

Start with an extra piece of fruit each day or an extra serving of vegetables. Add a half-cup of beans to your dinner and increase as tolerated. Your body should adjust over time. Track your daily nutrients by logging your meals on the MyPlate app. Download now to fine-tune your diet today! Many diet plans encourage drinking more water and less juice and other sweetened beverages. This is a good thing. But water can get boring for some people, and oftentimes we look for alternatives to help soothe our cravings, turning to diet soda and other low-calorie carbonated beverages.

Carbonated beverages contain bubbles, which means when you drink them, you're putting more air into your gut.

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Trapped air causes gas. If you're drinking your diet soda or sparkling water with a straw, you're likely swallowing even more air. You may need to eliminate altogether. If you're missing out on flavor, try drinking plain water with whole fruit infused instead. Raffinose is an oligosaccharide — a type of sugar found in some vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, as well as in whole grains and beans.

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  7. Raffinose isn't something you should avoid — it's common in plenty of good-for-you foods — but know it may upset your stomach, especially if you're eating it in large quantities. Like fiber, raffinose bypasses your small intestines — virtually untouched — and isn't broken down until it reaches your colon, where bacteria get to work. The digestion process here releases hydrogen, carbon dioxide and, for about 30 percent of people, methane gas, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. You can also try alpha-galactosidase, an over-the-counter medication — this is an enzyme that will help your body digest raffinose and other complex carbohydrates.

    Health Digestive Conditions Intestinal Gas.