1. Acid Reflux Disease

Results of a needle biopsy of the mesenteric mass showed fibrous tissue and a mixed population of B cells and T cells consistent with sclerosing mesenteritis, a fibroinflammatory reactive process. His men began to fall ill with a disease that attacked their skin and teeth, leading to fatigue, weakness, and death. Western medicine would have to wait until James Lind in authoritatively identified citrus fruits as the cure, though the Dutch had used lemon juice years earlier. Mike Hamilton, writing from Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, noted that the event occurred in the location of the present day Quebec City.

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Like SHM, these respondents represent both academic and private practice across the United States and Canada who work in adult and pediatric hospital medicine. Sclerosing or retractile mesenteritis is an uncommon, idiopathic, nonneoplastic, tumor-like lesion that thickens and shortens the mesentery.

Cases in which the predominant findings are fatty degeneration and necrosis are known as the mesenteric lipodystrophy variant; those in which chronic inflammation predominates are known as the mesenteric panniculitis variant; and finally, the predominantly fibrotic form is known as the retractile mesenteritis or mesenteric fibrosis variant. The presence of some degree of fibrosis, chronic inflammation, and fat necrosis in all three lesions, as well as their common demographic and clinical characteristics, suggest that the three diagnostic groups represent a single clinical entity.

A study of 68 cases of mesenteric panniculitis undertaken by Durst, et al. The duration of symptoms varies from 24 hours to two years. Diagnosis usually depends on imaging studies most often CT scan and pathological review of biopsy specimens. To date, treatment options are guided by anecdotal experience and reports of open label clinical results.

Other treatments that have been reported to be of some benefit include combination of corticosteroids and colchicine or azathioprine, although these reports include very small numbers of patients. There was also a decrease in inflammatory markers, although no changes were noted on follow-up CT scans. The natural history of sclerosing mesenteritis is quite variable, with a few patients undergoing spontaneous remission, many experiencing an indolent course, and others progressing to bowel obstruction or other complications, including chylous ascites, mesenteric venous or arterial occlusion, and malnutrition often resulting in the need for parenteral nutrition.

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Similarly Emory, et al. In summary, sclerosing mesenteritis is a rare disease entity that thickens and shortens the mesentery due to a non-specific fibroinflammatory reaction in the mesentery. Diagnosis relies on CT scanning and tissue biopsy, which shows variable degrees of fibrosis, chronic inflammation, and fat necrosis. Things can get plugged up. Net carbs equals your total carb intake minus your fiber intake. Aim to eat 20 to 25 grams of fiber per day, Singh says. Fibrous foods can be hard to digest, which is great for helping you feel full and satisfied, but it can also cause tummy troubles when you add too much too fast.

And while soluble fiber attracts water, which slows digestion, insoluble fiber helps food pass more quickly through your system. So if you go heavy in either direction, you could run into problems ranging from gas and bloating to diarrhea, respectively.

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According to Singh, the biggest gas-producing soluble fiber sources include soluble vegetables such as Brussels sprouts and onions, fruits such as apples and bananas, and beans. Insoluble fiber sources include whole grains, wheat bran, and root veggies like carrots, beets and radishes. Ease the pain: Singh recommends adding fibrous foods to your diet slowly and paying attention to how your body reacts with each serving. You can also make vegetables easier to digest by cooking them before eating. Unfortunately, though, most sugar-free packaged foods get their sweetness from sugar alcohols, a low-calorie sugar substitute derived from fruits like berries.

Many candies actually sport a label warning that they may cause a laxative effect. Ease the pain: Pay attention to how your body reacts after eating sugar-free foods, and cut them from your diet if you experience symptoms. Hit the reset button—and burn fat like crazy with The Body Clock Diet! During long or intense workouts, sports drinks can be a great way to keep your energy and performance levels up.

Unlike other sugar molecules such as glucose and sucrose, fructose is very quickly absorbed into the digestive tract, Forsythe explains.

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Because fatty and fiber-filled foods take longer to digest, it's recommended that anyone with the disorder limits or avoids those foods altogether. But since this is a serious condition, it's best to speak with your doctor to see what the best treatment options are for you. If you've noticed your body is easily irritated by certain foods, there's a good chance you have a food intolerance. Different from a food allergy, which is an immune system response, food intolerance affects the digestive system, making it hard to digest and break down certain foods the most common being dairy , says the Cleveland Clinic.

Those with a food intolerance often experience gas, cramps, and bloating, making it feel like they're gaining weight.

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Depending on how severe the food intolerance is, they might also experience diarrhea. The fix: While you might feel super bloated and uncomfortable throughout the day because of your diet, you might not actually be gaining weight. The Cleveland Clinic recommends avoiding or reducing the foods you think are giving you issues, and if you do end up eating something that bothers your stomach, take an antacid. Although Crohn's disease can pop up anywhere between the mouth and the anus, UCLA Health says ulcerative colitis stays in the colon, resulting in a constantly inflamed digestive tract that can initially lead to weight loss.

Warning Signs and Symptoms

Like Crohn's, though, the treatment for the inflammatory bowel disease — steroids — could make your body gain weight. Even though you may notice a difference in your weight during treatment, everything should go back down to normal as soon as you're able to get off the steroids. The fix: After speaking to your doctor, find a treatment plan that's right for you and the severity of your ulcerative colitis — one that may or may not involve steroids.

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While more moderate to severe forms might be treated with steroids, 5-aminosalicylates and immunosuppressant drugs are also options. Whatever you end up using, know your wellbeing is top priority. If that involves gaining a few pounds to better your health, it's worth it. Follow Redbook on Facebook. Type keyword s to search. Getty Images. Acid Reflux Disease. Tharakorn Getty Images.

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