What does the word 'diet' mean?

What the diet advocate says: Not only is a Nordic diet comparable in terms of nutrition to the celebrated Mediterranean diet, but it also provides an easy plan for eco-friendly eating. However, the Nordic diet encourages you to eat low-fat dairy which Hope discourages. When dairy products are also low fat, they tend to be high in sugar also. The WH verdict : The Nordic diet seems to be both sustainable to the planet and to our bodies as it encourages eating local, whilst also cutting down processed and sugary snacks. However, be mindful of eating low-fat dairy products as this means a reduction in gaining your good fats and necessary nutrients for the brain.

Just be sure to watch your saturated fat intake, the NHS recommends no more than 20g of saturated fat a day for women. A diet that reduces the intake of salt, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or the DASH diet was made for those with high blood pressure and to reduce the risk of heart disease. It is also thought to decrease cancer and diabetes risk.

1) Fast fix diet plan

Typical meal: One whole-wheat bagel with two tablespoons of peanut butter. What the diet advocate says: DASH is a flexible and balanced eating plan that helps create a heart-healthy eating style for life.

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The DASH eating plan requires no special foods and instead provides daily and weekly nutritional goals. The WH verdict : A step forward in the right direction to reduce extra salt intake or sugary snacks. However, it's not necessary to only consume low-fat dairy unless your GP has stated otherwise. Created by Dr Mosley, the Very Fast Diet is for those who are trying to lose weight quickly and involves eating just calories every day.

Want to lose weight slowly? The Fast Diet 'the new ' involves eating a Mediterranean Diet for five days and cutting down to calories on two days. What the diet advocate says: For those looking to lose a lot of weight and re-set their metabolism fast What the expert says: 'I wouldn't recommend this diet as it promotes a poor relationship with food as you are counting your calories' says nutritionist Jenna Hope. The WH verdict : Whilst the diet encourages healthy Mediterranean diet meals, counting your intake and limiting yourself to calories could lead to an unhealthy relationship with food.

Created by nutrition researcher Barbara J. Rolls, the Volumetrics diet is for people who want to eat lots while losing weight. The diet revolves around low calorie foods that contain more water like fruit and vegetables. What the diet advocate says: People enjoy eating. Research has demonstrated that if you eat foods with high water content, like green salad or healthy soup recipes , then you will consume less calories but still be satisfied.

Just avoid high energy density foods like biscuits and crisps, which you can naturally turn off your desire for over time. What the expert says: Louise Symington, the Sustainable Dietitian , says, 'the diet promotes a wide range of foods and does not ban anything, which may help prevent people becoming trapped in a "food prison". If followed well, the principles can be used for weight loss.

The WH verdict : More eating and a lower calorie intake sounds ideal. But turning off all desire for sweets and nuggets? Seems a little unrealistic to us. Dating all the way back to the s, The Raw Food Diet began when doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner discovered he could cure his own jaundice by eating raw apples. Through the removal of processed foods and a focus on keeping things organic, the diet claims to give you more energy, clearer skin, better digestion and a lower risk of heart disease.

What the diet advocate says: Christine Bailey, author of The Raw Food Diet , says uncooked food is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. So, if you want to feel slimmer, fitter, leaner and healthier then the raw food diet is for you. Some nutrients in food are more bioavailable when cooked, others when raw. This is why humans generally eat both. The WH verdict : Lower levels of sodium and lower blood pressure is great news. Your craving for a piping hot bowl of soup will be intense.

Prepare to ramp up your meal prep techniques at home. Created by author of The PH miracle, Robert Young, the Alkaline Diet aims to replace acid-forming foods in your diet with alkaline foods that can help you improve your health. Benefits are said to include weight loss and better digestion. What the diet advocate says: Like fire, your metabolism uses chemicals to break down a solid mass.

When fire burns it leaves ash behind, similarly, the food you eat leaves behind metabolic waste. This waste is either acidic, neutral or alkaline. The more acidic your foods, the more acidic your blood, the more vulnerable you are to disease. Related Story One woman's alkaline diet endangered her health. Robert Young went to jail for five months in for practising medicine without a licence, yet this diet is still being promoted by other authors.

Do not touch this with a barge pole. It combines the Mediterranean diet with the DASH diet and focuses on foods that improve brain function like berries and fish. All you have to do is eat more of the foods encouraged by the doctors beans, wine, poultry, fish, wholegrains, berries, olive oil and nuts and limit the dangerous ones butter, cheese, red meat, fried food, pastries and sweets. What the diet advocate says: The foods encouraged on this diet contain nutrients that improve brain health.

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The WH verdict : Any diet that encourages you to drink wine gets a firm yes from us. The Mediterranean and DASH diet have been well-regarded by experts, so combining the two is a recipe for success. The Flexitarian Diet was devised by dietician Dawn Jackson Blatner to give people the option to enjoy meat products in moderation, rather than going cold turkey as it were.

So, if you want to cut down on your intake of animal products without going the whole hog this is for you. What the diet advocate says: Eating a flexitarian diet can reduce your risk of heart disease, encourage you to lose weight well and is good for the planet. There are no limitations to the number of calories, just less sugar, processed products and more vegetable and whole grains.

The WH verdict : This semi-vegetarian diet is so easy to fit into your existing lifestyle. You can even start with introducing meat free Mondays and see how you get on.

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  • Just watch out for nutritional deficiencies in iron, calcium and zinc. Make sure to swot up on the best vegetarian protein sources too, though. The plan is praised for teaching dieters portion control and how to choose foods that are low in calories but keep you feeling fuller longer. It's also a "different and effective approach that is uncomplicated and flexible — what most people need to stay with any eating plan," one pro said. Optavia Diet. Atkins Diet. Jenny Craig Diet. Keto Diet. WW Weight Watchers Diet. Biggest Loser Diet. Volumetrics Diet.

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    The Weight Loss Plans to Try and the Fad Diets to Skip if You Want to See Results

    Try using chopsticks rather than a fork, or use your utensils with your non-dominant hand. Stop eating before you are full. Permanent weight loss requires making healthy changes to your lifestyle and food choices. To stay motivated:. Find a cheering section. Social support means a lot. Programs like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers use group support to impact weight loss and lifelong healthy eating. Seek out support—whether in the form of family, friends, or a support group—to get the encouragement you need. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Losing weight too fast can take a toll on your mind and body, making you feel sluggish, drained, and sick. Set goals to keep you motivated. Use tools to track your progress. Smartphone apps, fitness trackers, or simply keeping a journal can help you keep track of the food you eat, the calories you burn, and the weight you lose. Seeing the results in black and white can help you stay motivated.

    Get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep stimulates your appetite so you want more food than normal; at the same time, it stops you feeling satisfied, making you want to keep eating. Sleep deprivation can also affect your motivation, so aim for eight hours of quality sleep a night. Replacing refined carbs with their whole-grain counterparts and eliminating candy and desserts is only part of the solution, though.

    Sugar is hidden in foods as diverse as canned soups and vegetables, pasta sauce, margarine, and many reduced fat foods. Since your body gets all it needs from sugar naturally occurring in food, all this added sugar amounts to nothing but a lot of empty calories and unhealthy spikes in your blood glucose.