Here Are 5 Healthy Snacks You Can Have For Midnight Cravings

25 Best Healthy Late-Night Snacks For When You’re Trying To Stick To A Diet

Committing to a healthy number of snoozing hours per night hours helps the body to burn more fat. Exercise wakes our body up, making it difficult to achieve a good night's sleep. Schedule your exercises for the morning. It will wake your body up and keep you energized all day. But if for some reason you cannot exercise in the morning, do it no less than four hours before bed.

What You Should Eat Before Bed to Lose Weight

Another study conducted by Singapore based researchers found that long hours of television viewing caused higher levels of triglycerides associated with diabetes and lower levels of adiponectin a protein that regulates glucose levels and fatty acid breakdown in the body. Sleeping in the subtly cold enhances the effectiveness of our storage of BAT brown adipose tissues that helps burn the fat stored in the belly, thereby keeping us warm.

4 BEST Foods to Eat Before Bed

A study published in the medical journal, Diabetes, showed that people who slept in rooms with a temperature of around 66 degrees burned 75 more calories than those who slept in warmer rooms. Sleeping in complete darkness assists your body in producing the hormone melatonin, which not only induces good sleep, but it also aids in the production of calorie-burning mitochondria-packed brown fat, according to a study published in the Journal of Pineal Research.

Sip a cup of tea.

Though it might sound strange, sleeping naked has many benefits. By keeping your body cool it quickens the body's fat burning process. Having the body cold while sleeping increases the good fat in the body which helps in the burning of calories.

While the above-mentioned hacks will help you in losing weight, it is still recommended that you do not miss out on your daily dose of exercising. Tell us in the comments below what factors make you miss hitting the gym daily. Drink a protein shake before going to sleep.

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Avoid exercising before bedtime. They are not only low in calories but taste amazing! Cottage cheese is packed with natural protein and fills you up without a lot of calories. A high-protein diet consisting of dairy products, among other things has been shown to lead to weight loss.

Do you burn fat while you sleep?

This calms the nervous system and makes it easier to fall asleep. Tip: If you add a little avocado to your cottage cheese, you provide your body with high-quality fatty acids. These polyunsaturated fats are good for your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Baby carrots or carrot sticks with two tablespoons of hummus — this healthy snack is ideal for weight loss. Valuable fatty acids , high-quality protein and fiber leave you feeling full without weighing down your stomach.

The healthiest way is to make the dip yourself. Try out this creamy avocado hummus. If you get hungry before bedtime, cut an apple into slices and put one or two teaspoons of peanut butter on top. Simple but delicious!

Late-Night Cravings? 5 Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Just make sure to use natural peanut butter. Did you know that blueberries are a very nutrient-rich fruit? They contain plenty of antioxidants, which have a positive effect on your immune system. They are also low in calories. Together with Greek yogurt they make for a high-protein, low-calorie snack that keeps your body supplied with nutrients overnight. Are you vegan? Simply substitute soy yogurt for the Greek yogurt.