Cutting diet plan

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Bodybuilding Meal Plans For Every Guy

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Create A Bulking Or Cutting Bodybuilding Diet Plan In 10 Easy Steps

Follow us Facebook Twitter Youtube Pinterest. Try these store-bought options. Then, bring a protein shake or bar with you to work for a midday meal.

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Just keep the rest of your meals pretty strict, without added sugars and fats. Enjoying a sweet treat like My Cookie Dealer just might have some physique benefits. Indulging in some 'My Cookie Dealer' is actually beneficial to your waistline. Eat at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, daily. A high-protein intake will help you preserve lean mass during your dieting phase. Choose lean, high-quality proteins like egg whites, poultry, lean red meat, and protein supplements. The diet provided here contains about g of protein daily, fine for a male weighing lbs. Juge suggests an additional protein shake for an easy quick fix.

Keep your carbohydrates low to moderate when trying to lose weight. Good, clean, fiber-rich carbs include oats, potatoes, rice, and whole-grain bread. Drink at least a gallon of water per day. Water should be your primary beverage during dieting. Though many rely on diet sodas, Crystal Light, and other low-calorie sweetened drinks, plain old water is really your best bet. Thank you for signing up. Your information has been successfully processed!

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I want content for Muscle and Fitness Promotions. Muscle and Fitness Hers Promotions. Follow us Facebook Twitter Youtube Pinterest. Note that the plan here is for a guy who trains in the afternoon. If your sessions are in the morning, simply rearrange it so you're eating the starchy meals before and right after your workout and then avoid starchy carbs later in the day.

The Beginner Meal Plan

To accelerate your weight loss, limit starchy carbs to the period directly after weight training. This plan places a heavy emphasis on leafy greens and veggies for the remainder of the day—a practical way to cut both calories and carbs. You'll be eating more fat, as well, to switch your body from using carbs to fats as its main source of energy an insider trick for torching fat but not muscle.

View all articles by this author. Meal 1. Greek Yogurt. Eggs Omega-3 Eggs. Meal 2: Double Chocolate Cherry Smoothie. Protein Powder Chocolate. Coconut Milk.

Cocoa Powder. Meal 3: Bibb Lettuce Burger.

Red Onion. Mayonnaise Canola mayonnaise. Green Beans. Meal 4: Post-Workout Nutrition. Protein Bar Recovery shake. Brown Rice. Feta Cheese. Bell Pepper Red. Olive Oil Extra virgin. Meal 1: Cheesy Scrambled Eggs with Scallions. Eggs Omega-3 eggs.