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MCT Oil: Is It The Ultimate Way To Burn Fat? |

It's unrefined, so it has a low smoke point similar to flaxseed oil, wheat germ oil, and walnut oil, and does not respond well to heat. Basically, cooking is not one of the MCT oil uses. So how can you use MCT oil? Add the plain oil to coffee, smoothies, or salad dressings. It's easy to slip into a meal or drink without much work, as a serving size usually ranges between just half a tablespoon to up to 3 tablespoons.

Most percent MCT oils on the market recommend starting with half a tablespoon to see how your digestive system responds. Too much too fast could lead to digestive distress. And don't forget that MCT is still a liquid fat that's calorically dense-1 tablespoon comes in at calories. But Crandall notes that these oils are all "proprietary blends" that, like coconut oil, only contain some MCT and won't be the exact ratio of palm and coconut MCTs used in labs and research. So for now, you'll have to read ingredient labels and work with what you've got.

So how do you know if the MCT oil or supplement you find on the shelf is legit? Crandall calls this the "lab-rat stage. By By Jahla Seppanen April 02, Save FB Tweet ellipsis More. Image zoom. Photo: Shutterstock. By By Jahla Seppanen. Comments 8 Add Comment. January 24, Hi, my name is Kate and I would like to share my story. Up until about 2 years ago, I was 30 pounds overweight. Over the years I had followed many different diet plans, but failed every single time.

Burn fat fast with MCT oil and intermittent fasting!!

I was "blessed" with a pear shaped body and no matter what i did, I always retained lots of stubborn fat in my lower body. Everything changed when I found the right diet program. December 26, November 4, October 28, Dinner: Burger and Jicama Fries — Peel and slice one jicama; steam eight minutes.

Cool and pat dry. Toss with two tablespoons MCT oil and season with salt. Bake at degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes. Enjoy with a grass-fed burger. Rich in MCT oil, these guilt-free treats will help your body burn calories faster than it has in years!

Woman's World

We write about products we think our readers will like. If you buy them, we get a small share of the revenue from the supplier. Skip to content. MCTs can be converted into ketones , which are produced from the breakdown of fat when carb intake is low. One of the reasons why I love MCT and how it works with a ketogenic diet is because of the way your body handles medium-chain triglycerides differently. You absorb MCTs more effectively in your small intestine than long chain fatty acids such as vegetable oils because the enzymes lipases that digest triglycerides into medium-chain fatty acids and glycerol work on MCTs faster than longer-chain triglycerides.

Then you transport the medium-chain fatty acids directly through your bloodstream to your liver attached to your taxicab blood protein albumin. This allows you to bypass your lymphatic system and cholesterol carriers altogether. An MCT oil grown and processed conventionally which is about 80 percent of them could have traces of toxins, mold, or heavy metals due to chemical extraction or lack of safety testing.

Find out where your MCT oil is sourced, manufactured, and how it is processed. You want to look for pure, cold-pressed, and non-GMO coconut-based oil that is extracted and purified with enzymes, not harsh chemicals.

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High doses of MCTs can increase amounts of fats in the liver. One study in mice found that a diet where half of the fats were from MCT increased liver fat. Studies have shown positive effects at 30 grams of 30 grams of additional MCT oil per day. Start with low amounts, go slow, and note how you feel as you increase.

Make sure that the MCT oil is part of your total fat intake, no matter what types of fat, not additional. So include it on top of any coconut or palm oil you may be having. Some ways to include it in your diet:. Or bake it into a delicious fat-friendly cookie for a less intense, longer duration spike in ketone production, which is one of the benefits of MCT oil. I love the effect it has had to help keep my blood sugar levels even.

When Is the Best Time to Take MCT Oil?

Unlike regular MCT oil, which separates when mixed with water, creamy MCT oil is water soluble and mixes easily into both hot and cold liquids. Our organic MCT oil is made through a gentle enzymatic process that purifies and concentrates the valuable fats your brain and body crave. Your cart is empty.