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But, if you don't like the burn of the chilli peppers, all non-hot varieties of the fruit may also do the trick, as they contain 'capsaicin,' which is responsible for burning fat. Low in calories and high in fibre, pumpkin is one of the best vegetables to include in your weight loss diet.

Whether you like to blanch it and eat it in salads or add pumpkin powder to your smoothies and vegetable drinks, pumpkin can help you reach your body goals quicker. Carrots are one of the best low-calorie vegetables to include in your weight loss diet. Carrots are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre and, hence, fit the bill perfectly when it comes to healthy weight loss. Blend it with other fruits or vegetables to make a healthy, nutrient-rich fat burn juice, or stir-fry it along with your meat dishes to make this veggie work its magic on you. Beans are one of the healthiest foods you can consume, but they are specifically great for belly fat loss as they are rich in soluble fibre, which fights inflammation that cause belly fat accumulation.

Some studies have linked the consumption of beans to a reduced risk of obesity. Asparagus isn't as popular a veggie as others on this list, but it's a wonder food when it comes to burning fat and slimming down. Asparagus contains the chemical asparagine, which is an alkaloid that acts directly on cells and breaks down fat. You can roast asparagus and directly consume it with dips or stir-fry them along with other mains. Cucumbers are good for detoxifying your system and due to the presence of water and fibre, they fill you up as well, eliminating the need for you to eat more often.

They are regularly used in making fat burning juices, as they are very low in calories and, hence, can be consumed as a healthy mid-meal snack too. Promoted Listen to the latest songs , only on JioSaavn. Other than eating a healthy and clean diet, exercise is also important for effecting belly fat loss and you just can't skip the hustle if you want to see results.

At the same time, only exercising and not taking care of your diet is also not going to bring about any change.

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY - how to lose belly fat

It's also important to try and reduce your stress levels, get adequate sleep and drink enough water, as well as get regular checkups for hormonal imbalances, in order to reduce belly fat and keep it off! Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.

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NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. Follow our special coverage of Coronavirus pandemic in India and get news updates from around the world. Highlights Losing belly fat can be very difficult A healthy diet is crucial for burning pesky belly fat Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, asparagus reduce belly fat. Veggies to burn belly fat: Spinach is low in calories.

  1. Eight Delicious Foods That Help Fight Belly Fat.
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Veggies to burn belly fat: Mushrooms are rich in protein. Veggies to burn belly fat: Carrots have almost no calories and are rich in fibre. Here's What You Should Know. Not only is cottage cheese low in calories, but it's also a solid source of protein—casein, specifically, which digests slower than whey to keep you satiated for longer.

Eight Delicious Foods That Help Fight Belly Fat - CBS News

Bump up the cheese's slimming powers by choosing a brand that sneaks in probiotics, such as Good Culture. This spicy pickled cabbage can jazz up your mundane salads as well as it can combat fat. Researchers at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea, found that the probiotics found in kimchi, namely Lactobacillus brevis, suppressed weight gain caused by a high-fat diet by a whopping 28 percent! Similarly, sauerkraut, pickles, and brined olives pack in these waist-whittling effects. You've likely seen these little fish pickled and floating inside a jar in the fridge section of your supermarket.

As odd of a dinner protein as it may seem, herring is a seriously slimming choice. Not only does it contain protein, which is essential for building lean muscle that burns fat, it also contains choline—the same supreme nutrient found in egg yolks—and omega-3s. If you constantly find yourself a victim of stress, don't expect to fry the flab off your waistline. Stress produces the hormone cortisol, which encourages the belly to store fat.

But there's an easy way to combat it: vitamin C-rich foods —enter: bell peppers—have the fat-fighting ability to reduce your stress levels and keep your bod in tip-top shape. A slow-digesting carb, this tater will keep you full for hours and way less susceptible to that second helping of potato chips. Sweet potatoes' carotenoids have been shown to correlate with improved weight and fat loss, according to a Nutrition and Diabetes journal study. The magic component in grapes, resveratrol, has been shown to increase the breakdown of fat and reduce the metabolic formation of fat in mature fat cells, according to a study in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Which leads us to our next food that burns belly fat…. Who knew that your dinner buddy was so good at frying fat cells? But not just any ol' wine will do the trick—you have to pop open the right vino.

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  • Malbec, Petite Sirah, St. Laurent, and Pinot Noir all have the highest content of slimming resveratrol. Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that for every additional 10 grams of soluble fiber eaten per day, participants' belly fat was reduced by 3. Black beans are one of the richest sources of soluble fiber, containing 4. Luckily, they're super easy to add to your diet in the form of chilis , omelet mix-ins , and soups!

    Most of the fat in macadamia nuts is monounsaturated; research from Reina Sofia University Hospital reveals that study participants who consumed a diet rich in monounsaturated fats over a day period gained less belly fat than their saturated fat-consuming counterparts. What's more, folks also improved their insulin sensitivity. It might be tempting to grab that white chocolate macadamia nut cookie now, but snacking on the filling nuts on their own will help you reach your flat-belly goals way faster.

    Another wonderful source of monounsaturated fats, hazelnuts contain about 52 grams of the stuff per cup, chopped. Make your own Nutella at home by combining hazelnuts with antioxidant-packed dark cocoa to double your chances of blasting belly fat. Just remember to skip the added sugar to reap full benefits. This list wouldn't be complete without grapefruit making an appearance. And that's not all; other studies show that grapefruit can "turn on" brown fat cells, which break down body fat. Opt for pre-gaming your daily breakfast with a half grapefruit.

    40 Best Belly-Shrinking Foods

    This tropical oil has been quite controversial in the health sphere due to its high saturated fat makeup. However, coconut oil's medium-chain triglycerides MCTs are burned as energy instead of being stored as fat. A study in the journal Lipids found that participants who supplemented their diet with two tablespoons of coconut oil daily saw smaller waistlines than those who supplemented with soybean oil, and although both groups experienced overall weight loss, only the coconut oil group saw smaller waistlines.

    Another study reveals that men lost over an inch from their waistlines in just four weeks by adding coconut oil to their diets. That's an essential element of weight and fat loss. You can chalk up this warm spice's slimming effects to cinnamaldehyde , the ingredient that gives cinnamon its flavor. Wondering how to incorporate the spice into your daily diet? Try sprinkling it onto oats, sneak it into homemade lattes and smoothies, and even add into meat rubs for a unique flavor boost.

    The affordable cans not only pack in about 13 grams of protein per 2. These heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats in tuna have been shown to help you shed weight, deeming this versatile fish one of our top foods that burn belly fat. Why's this starch so important to include in your ab diet? Don't let a potential T-shirt stain deter you from breaking open this juicy fruit. A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that supplementing rats' diets with pomegranate exhibited an especially significant decrease in abdominal fat.

    This resulted in reduced markers of both obesity and cardiovascular risk factors, two major bonuses. This spicy fermented condiment made from chili powder hails from Korea and has been shown to blast abdominal fat as well as it can spice up suppertime. A study in Nutrition and Metabolism found that supplementing participants' diets with the sauce for 12 weeks results in significant decreases in visceral fat—the type of fat that lurks around your midsection and can potentially result in metabolic disorders. Researchers suspect that these results can be chalked up to capsaicin, the bioactive compound found in spicy peppers.

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    Not a fan of the overpowering taste of Gochujang? Try sprinkling your meats and veggies with cayenne pepper.