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Tribune photographers, as they always do, stayed on the job. Risking their personal safety and relying upon unparalleled creativity to follow public health guidelines, they documented a year unlike any in a century.


They stepped into intensive care units where COVID patients were taking their last breaths, captured the calls for social justice sparked by police killings of unarmed Black men and conveyed the anxiety over a contested presidential election result. Their work showed how these extraordinary events influenced our lives.

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  • Bullied Teen Takes Control Of Her Eating & Drops 138 Lbs. To Fit Into Prom Dress..

We hope the work has been fair, a broad-yet-intimate reflection of the diversity of the Chicago area. We hope our annual Pictures of Year edition serves as a visual reminder of a rapidly changing year. When life moves so fast, we often forget, and these images reflect the range of emotions we just lived through.

Preparing for the Prom

Dec 11, Jashinsky makes success stories available on her website, and some of the college-aged clients volunteer to help younger clients and give them pointers. Jashinsky and the other coaches talk to girls about their daily schedules, their fitness goals, and manageable ways to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into their daily routines. Karen Jashinsky and client Evelina work out together. Personalization is one of the most important aspects of the plan, because it keeps girls' expectations realistic, Jashinsky said. Of course, no matter how good Jashinsky's intentions are, some would argue that the mere existence of a prom fitness plan is enough to make some girls feel insecure.

Prom pressure can be intense

Carol Langlois, a youth, culture and self esteem expert and author of the book "Girl Talk: Boys, Bullies and Body Image," had some concerns about the implications of a pre-prom workout. Girls are already obsessed with getting the perfect prom dress and many feel the need to get thin before the big day approaches.

It is a time where many girls begin to either take an extra interest in getting in shape or, in some cases, even take fitness and weight-loss to an extreme. The pressure for young women today is tremendous, especially with all the selfies and social media access they all have. What they wear to prom and how they look will live online forever.

Jashinsky feels such rhetoric — "don't crash diet, work out instead" — could cause anxiety for girls who aren't already thinking about pre-prom weight loss. The four-week limit, she said, could also "set girls up for failure," which is something "this age group already loves to do to themselves. Easing girls into a permanent, lifelong transition by setting small, manageable goals is much healthier than promoting a four-week program, she concluded.

A sample breakfast guide with three meal options. But according to Jashinsky, that's what PromFit is all about.


Jashinsky hopes that the four-week prom program will instill a love of exercise in clients. In fact, she said, girls will likely begin to enjoy the mental and emotional benefits of eating healthy and exercising before they even notice physical changes or weight loss. Jashinsky is also adamant that many teens are already Googling around for weight-loss tips — whether their parents know it or not. You can let them find their own way, or take a proactive approach and really use it as an opportunity to really educate them on all the different facets, rather than just losing weight for prom.

Dangers of Crash / Fad Diets Before Prom

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