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Arms and Shoulders Home Workout - Prepare to Bare

This style of training comes in multiple different forms but the gist is that you drastically cut the down time between sets by pairing different muscle groups together so that one rests while the other works, and vice versa. Workout Structure Start off with some warm up cardio to get your body ready to work. We move directly into the strength training portion, which is 5 groups of two exercises.

We do ten reps of each of the two exercises, followed by 1 minute of a bodyweight cardio exercise. Repeat that sequence before moving onto the next group. A quick cool down and stretch is included.

5 Rules for a Best Upper Body Workout

You can do this upper body toning workout times a week, giving yourself at roughly 48 hours of rest each time - or even more than that if you're still sore from the last round. Follow this programme, increasing weight and volume as you go, to see your desired results in just a few months.


Lie back on a bench set to a degree angle and lift the weights up to shoulder height, palms facing away from you. Breathe out as you press up with both arms.

30+ Women's Upper Body Workouts & Exercises ideas | fitness body, workout plan, workout routine

Lock out your arms and squeeze your chest before returning slowly to the start position. Grab the pull-up bar with your palms facing towards you and a grip that is narrower than shoulder width. Pull yourself up until your head is above the bar.

Slowly lower back to the start position. Lie on a flat bench holding two dumbbells over your chest with an overhand grip.

Push up until your arms are straight, then lower under control. Hold the EZ bar in front of your thighs with an underhand, shoulder-width grip.

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As you breathe in, curl the bar until your hands are at your shoulders. Squeeze your bicep, then lower under control.

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  7. 30 Strength Training Exercises for the Best Upper Body Workouts of All Time.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lie on an incline bench. Start with your arms extended directly above you and then slowly lower them out to the side, keeping a slight bend at the elbow. Reverse the action and bring your arms above you again, then repeat. Sit down on a bench set to a degree angle holding two dumbbells at your sides with an underhand grip.