Is it loose skin or just stubborn fat?

Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated can certainly help keep skin healthy, he says. Not smoking, keeping skin protected from the sun, and using moisturizer are also important for improving skin health and elasticity—which may also improve appearance and help minimize things like wrinkles. But none of these techniques will get rid of extra skin folds due to weight loss, he says.

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Nor will specially marketed creams, supplements, or exercises targeted at certain body parts. Surgery for removing excess skin, also called skin excision or body contouring , should be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon.

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  • These procedures involve large incisions, so patients are generally put to sleep using general anesthesia. The extent of the procedure, and the recovery time needed, depends on the body parts involved.

    What causes loose skin after you lose weight?

    Common surgeries for skin excision focus on the abdominal area abdominoplasty , also called a tummy tuck , the upper arms brachioplasty, or arm lift , thighs, breasts for both women and men , and face and neck. Malin says, which tightens the skin around the thighs and buttocks with an incision that runs around the waist. Surgeries that involve larger incisions, especially those around the midsection, may require several days in the hospital.

    On the other hand, a patient undergoing an arm lift could be sent home that same day.

    Identify: Skin or fat?

    Most skin incisions take six to eight weeks to heal, and doctors and patients should follow up closely with each other during this time. However, carriers may approve some procedures if doctors and patients can make the case that excess skin folds were causing pain, rashes, or infections. In these cases, Dr. Malin says, liposuction a procedure that removes fatty tissue can also be performed along with skin excision. If patients are still overweight or obese even after losing significant weight, a plastic surgeon may refer them to a nutritionist or a personal trainer to help them lose more weight before they address their excess skin.

    Women who might still want to have children should not have any type of skin-removal procedure around their midsection. Those effects can include stretch marks, widening of the surgical incision, or fat being distributed in unusual places beneath the skin.

    How to prevent saggy, loose skin during and after weight loss

    Body contouring procedures can be performed either in hospitals or in ambulatory surgical centers. As with any type of surgery, there are risks—which should also be discussed with your doctor before you make the decision to proceed.

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    Are you going to let some jiggle stop you? Don't you dare.

    How to Get Rid of Excess Skin |

    Don't you dare hold your potential hostage because you're worried what someone might say or think. This idea resonated with Cristler's followers, who thanked her for being so honest and self-loving. And she's just one of many Instagram users who have showcased their loose skin—and their feelings about it—online.

    All of these women send the same message: Yes, if significant weight loss is a goal of yours, you might end up with loose skin. But that's no reason to hold yourself back.

    Why I Don't Have LOOSE SKIN After 100 Pound Weight Loss WITHOUT Surgery - TMI Skincare \u0026 Nutrition

    You can accomplish so, so much—and it's not worth it to worry about what others might think of your body. Scroll down to see 17 women unapologetically showcasing their loose skin, talking about this often undiscussed side of weight loss, and sharing their body-positive thoughts. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

    Can You Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss?

    Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Ana Khayos anakhayos. Clare becomingbodypositive. Inemesit Graham inemesitg. Anna Strode bubs2bikinis. Power to Prevail powertoprevail. Ashley prettyuglybeautiful. Jessie James Decker jessiejamesdecker.